What are the statistics on bullying?

1 Answer

Answer :

What kind of statistics on bullying are you looking for?

Related questions

Description : Is bullying worse today that it used to be?

Last Answer : answer:Bullying isn't worse, we're just more aware of it and don't allow kids to resolve it themselves. And digital media spreads it faster. On top of that, parents have held schools and school ... all through high school. I also know guys that were picked on for being different or strange.

Description : If you were getting bullied at school because of something you wore or carried on your person, would you stop wearing or bring that item to school in hopes of stopping the bullying?

Last Answer : answer:The school took the easy way out, without regard for the principle of the situation or the lesson that it teaches. The school basically said bullying is OK . The parents ought to fight this ... the way to the Board of Education. The school's decision was poor, and teaches the wrong lesson.

Description : Do you think kids should be arrested for bullying?

Last Answer : answer:No. I think we need to come up with some kind of peer pressure type response like maybe making her an outcast for a week where no one acknowledges her existence but she still has to ... she has to run the gauntlet in granny panties and a ragged bra while being beaten with school supplies.

Description : If bullying takes place on the way to school, should the school take action?

Last Answer : answer:No, why would it? On the school bus? Yes. Walking home? No. That should be handled by the parents. If that was the school’s responsibility, they’d have to intervene if bullying occurred between students anywhere – even at the grocery store on a Saturday.

Description : What do you think the consequences of bullying in school should be?

Last Answer : Maybe make the bully spend an hour in with an ape.

Description : Bullying with proof hold less sway than alleged molestation with no proof?

Last Answer : answer:I feel like people are less quick to act on the matter of bullying because they don't see it as an immediate danger to anyone, while sexual harassment is seen as a more serious issue. I'm ... a side note, I live super close to there and I heard nothing about it until I read this question!

Description : What do you think can or should be done in schools to effectively combat bullying?

Last Answer : The only thing the school can do about bullies is throw them out. Since they won't throw out kids who cut class, skip homework and flunk tests (the real function of school) it is unlikely they will throw them ... it) and I did the same for my children. Lo and behold, none of us ever had a problem.

Description : What are some steps that schools and communities can take to minimize bullying in schools?

Last Answer : Provide a whole lot more supervision, and enough varied activities to keep the students busy.

Description : Teens are taking their own lives because of bullying (cyberbullying is terrible, right now). What should be done?

Last Answer : answer:There's nothing to be done here. I mean okay sometimes you can't avoid them but do you have to listen or read to what they say/do? Cyberbullying can be avoided rather easy. ... to them are really REALLY weak persons. One shouldn't resort to violence or self violence because it happened.

Description : Just what can be done to stop bullying?

Last Answer : We all have to give a shit. Parents need to notify the school and continue to follow up. The school and the teachers have to give a shit and truly enforce a zero tolerance policy for bullying, ... We all just need to care and demand that schools don't continue to tolerated this kind of behavior.

Description : Is bullying taught or it is naturally occuring in kids?

Last Answer : I have worked in the child care field, and I believe there are some children between 2 and 5 who are naturally aggressive and mean. If raised properly, they can lose these traits by the age of 6 or 7.Children can also be taught to be mean.

Description : Were you the subject of bullying in school? do you think kids are more or less vicious now then they were decades ago?

Last Answer : I was bullied because I moved around so much and had the “wrong“accent. But in the end I learned how to stick up for myself. Schools should be made more aware of it yes. But life is full of bullies better to start young, by learning karate.

Description : Do you think that bullying has increased in schools today?

Last Answer : Why do you need to know? Last minute homework?

Description : At what point does friction at school become bullying?

Last Answer : when its unwanted…

Description : Statistics question - is this a quantitative or qualitative variable?

Last Answer : answer:I think your professor is suggesting that quantitative variables are continuous variables. That means there is a continuous measurement and the intervals between each mark on the scale are the same. ... in some sort of opinionated way? So you need more information to decide, I think.

Description : What is your opinion of this discipline a man gave his daughter for bullying?

Last Answer : Yay for dad! It’s her second infraction of bullying. She needs to learn that it is not okay to bully other kids and there are consequences that go beyond taking away a cell phone for an hour. I am not a parent.

Description : Do you think, in most cases, the root cause of the personality of school shooters is caused by faulty upbringing and NOT bullying?

Last Answer : When was the last school shooting in Germany? I will answer that. 2009. They have the same movies and video games. You are looking for a answer that is anything but easy access to guns. Getting a fucking gun ... . And yes.. I bought a shotgun at a pawn shop in ten minutes. They really don't care.

Description : Is bullying still bullying when you're doing it on behalf of your country?

Last Answer : Still a bully. Look at Dutarte in the Philippines and Idi Amin for other examples. And how could I forget Putin?

Description : What should you do if you "call out" someone for being disingenuous, but then you get accused by that person of bullying?

Last Answer : answer:In my experience, shoot the messenger comes from the recipient of the message, not from the subject. If the person you are reporting against is causing trouble, that should also be reported to ... . By calling out do you mean you are reporting their behavior to an authorized third party?

Description : How to handle bullying at a new job?

Last Answer : I would take this issue to a more senior manager, such as a general manager. Does your company have a confidential hotline? If so I would use it to explain the situation in full.

Description : What can be done against bullying?

Last Answer : I don’t have school children any more but I believe it is addressed in most school curriculae at this point and also that there is zero tolerance for it in the schools. How much this affects behavior in the larger society, I’m not sure of.

Description : How would you deal, if you found yourself a victim to online bullying?

Last Answer : answer:Were they also someone I had to deal with in real life, I would remove myself from online contact with them, and then take steps to resolve the situation in person. If they were simply ... , I would either remove myself from the situation or troll their arses right back. Because fuck bullies.

Description : Would a young child having much older parents possibly be a victim of bullying at school?

Last Answer : I wasn't bullied. My parents were 40 when I was born. I also don't think bullying was as big of an issue that long ago. Thank you, social media. Is it selfish for older people to want children? ... t think age had anything to do with my being ignored by them. They just weren't suited to be parents.

Description : If the end result of bullying is that the bully gets seriously hurt or maimed could the victim be sued?

Last Answer : answer:It probably depends on local laws. I don't know much about the law, but I think in some places if you can reasonably walk away that is what you are supposed to do. Other laws talk about ... level I think the jury would not agree with the suit. Most people are pretty fed up with bullying.

Description : What is your stance on the actions taken against bullying videos being posted online?

Last Answer : answer:What do you mean by bullying videos? Like videos taken of someone bullying another? Since I'm not sure what exactly you're talking about I'll just answer how I feel about it in general. Honestly, I ... me even more. Like come on, it's someone online, who gives a shit what they say about you?

Description : Where is the line drawn between online bullying and brash opinionating?

Last Answer : answer:I don't really think there can be such a thing as online bullying. Opposed to real life where one might find it difficult to avoid a toxic person, bully. Online one is free to disengage, ... and get their feeeeelings hurt at the drop of a hat. One persons sharp debate is anothers bullying .

Description : Is my friend bullying me?

Last Answer : answer:She's jealous and trying out new things, new friends, new persona's, it's normal. If she's being nasty to you, don't give her any attention or any feedback at all. Just tell her to hang with ... don't do drugs, or at least wait until college when you're mind and body are more developed!! :)

Description : Do you think bullying has become more prevalent because of all the coverage on the issue?

Last Answer : answer:I have not seen any data on bullying, but my impression is that things are far less violent and brutal than they were when I was a kid. Although, it's likely just my experience. I grew up in ... be a kid beaten to shit after class for being ugly or fat, and the teachers wouldn't do anything.

Description : How should he have handled this bullying situation?

Last Answer : answer:I sense that this was done as part of a television show, right? So it's a dramatic scene, not part of anyone's real life. Because I generally agree with Louis C.K. s schtick, which seems to ... his throat would slow him down pretty well, and I can put that butter knife in his throat, I think.

Description : What's the line between bullying and legitimate criticism?

Last Answer : If you get to know someone, then you have a falling out of some sort and they start to make hurtful comments to get a rise out of you. They may whisper these comments and not use your name, but you know ... . I would put it on the mild side of cyber bullying, but it is what it is. It's bullying.

Description : Parenting: What is the best way for a young child to handle bullying?

Last Answer : answer:I think it was handled just fine. My daughter was being bullied in first grade regularly. As we taught her, she asked the boy to stop politely, two or three times. No joy. Then she told ... in the eye. Scared the shit out of him. Never happened again. Sometimes, polite words aren't enough.

Description : Is this an appropriate defense for cyber bullying/stalking?

Last Answer : What am I doing correct and what am I doing wrong?

Description : Do you teach your kid about bullying?

Last Answer : When my son was scolding his younger sister, I intervened. I told him to go look up the word ‘browbeating.’ He eagerly ran to do that. He got the message. He doesn’t bully.

Description : How can bullying be stopped?

Last Answer : By executing all the bullies.

Description : If the new and enlightened method of child rearing is so successful and superior to the older ways, why is bullying and intolerance apparently increasing?

Last Answer : I don’t think there actually is more bullying and vandalism going on today, it’s just that we are much more aware of it. There was plenty of it going on when I was in school, I know that.

Description : Which have been the worst bullying/harassment cases?

Last Answer : answer:Well, there was a case a few years back where a girl was Myspace-bullied to the point of suicide. To find any worse, you’d have to go looking for body counts. I think these people are screwed up. They probably need unscrewing. But in the meantime, we need to keep them from hurting others.

Description : Can someone explain to me the rabid hyena bullying phenomena?

Last Answer : Bullied kid feels powerless and helpless when bullied. When he grows up, he starts bullying other kids. This makes him feel powerful and not at all helpless. He wants to feel powerful and not powerless. It’s sad, but true.

Description : Is "a sincerely held religious belief or moral conviction” justification for bullying gays at school?

Last Answer : What the fuck.

Description : Bullying: What's the deal?

Last Answer : When someone is noticeably abnormal or different, which isn't a bad thing, is around, they tend to get picked on. They're easy targets for terrible people. As far as their reasoning, I don't ... reason. They're just rotten people, all the way through. Never needed more of an explanation than that.

Description : What do you think is the solution for bullying in the workplace/school/online?

Last Answer : I have always been bullied and therefore I have always quit. I have lost some excellent jobs like that working with some brilliant lovely people because I couldn't find a diplomatic enough way to be me tactfully. ... be on the top of the world in my career right now and I am on the bottom rung.

Description : What kind of laws protect against bullying?

Last Answer : What age group are we talking about here?

Description : Which is the worst case of bullying you are aware of?

Last Answer : There are many cases where bullying ended in the victim’s death. Those are the worst cases.

Description : How common is workplace bullying or a hostile workplace environment in the industry?

Last Answer : You will find a jerk in every industry. Just like you would find a jerk in every part of the world.

Description : Were you a victim of Bullying?

Last Answer : Yes, I was teased every year of my school career.

Description : How is bullying any different today than it was 10, 20, 30 years ago?

Last Answer : answer:I think some of the issue is that children don't seem to stand up for themselves like we use to. I was bullied in high school. I stood up to her, we got in a fight (she hit me first), ... it use to, but I relly believe the lack of children standing up for themselves plays a major roll in it.

Description : Death by bullying?

Last Answer : I’m pretty certain that they can press charges. This is (unfortunately) becoming an all too common story.

Description : Were you ever the result of bullying as a child/teen, and if so, have you resolved it as an adult, either by speaking with those who harassed you or by some other way?

Last Answer : answer:I was bullied as an adolescent, because I’m gay. I moved as far away from my hometown as I could, and I don’t go back. Luckily, I haven’t run across any of the bullies in later life. I’ve spent years in therapy getting over it. I don’t know really how successful I’ve been.

Description : Where is the line between teasing and bullying?

Last Answer : It can go both ways. I’ve had people try to bully me but since I laughed it off I considered it teasing. I’m not bullied easily. It was bullying to them but not to me.

Description : How To Stop Cyber Harassment & Cyber Bullying?

Last Answer : I recently committed internet suicide. Had to - my screen name (that I used literally for ten years) was so original that anything that popped up on Google when you searched my name, was me. Because of ... phone number. Yes, those people still know where I live, but that's where my dogs come in.

Description : Why has one of my cats (both sisters) started bullying the other?

Last Answer : Are they both healthy? If not, perhaps one has picked up on the other's illness and has started to bully. That sometimes happens with felines. Or, if the dynamics in your home has changed in any ... be acting out her stress on the more passive one. I would rule out health issues first for either.