What are the stages of successful aging?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:I was born, I lived, and then I will die. We all face this reality as each day passes and we slowly head toward our last days. Aging well? This has been a topic for my wife and I, since we turned 60. I think we are pretty much following the plan of life. Neither one of us wants to give up our youth, so daily, we fight the wrinkles with various lotions. We both have found our inner peace and have accepted the integrity that life has dealt us. It’s the formula of life and how each person perceives the stages of their older year, that holds the key.. I think you are correct, concerning Fluther. It’s not a computer that makes Fluther what it is….....it’s the people.

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Last Answer : answer:Haha…perfect timing. 9:19 on the west coast, and yes, this almost 54 yr. old woman needs 9 hours to feel optimum. People with active minds need more sleep too. It’s not always true that brighter people often need less sleep. I need more! Nitey nite! zzzz