State the function of following components of a nuclear power station: i) Moderator ii) Shielding iii) Control rod iv) Coolant 

1 Answer

Answer :

i) Function of Moderator :- Moderator is to moderate or reduce the speed of fast neutron to help the fission process. 

ii) Function of sheilding : Shielding is to protect environment, humans and animals from the harmful radioactive radiation (pollution).before they are emitted to atmosphere from reactor. /


The function of shielding is to absorbs nuclear radiation (αβγ) before they are emitted from reactor to atmosphere In this way it protect the operator from harmful effect due to nuclear radiation and also avoid radioactive air pollution.

iii) Function of Control Rod: Function of control rod is to be regulate fission process by absorbing the neutron. The control rod is inserted into the reactor core from top of the reactor vessel. 


 The function of control rod is to control the chain reaction in reactor core by adjusting its height 

iv) Function of Coolant: The function of coolant is to absorbs heat from reactor core and transfer it in heat exchanger for producing steam at high pressure and temperature. 

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Last Answer : SR. No.  Points Nuclear Power plant  Hydro Power station  1 Site/ Location Where there is ample supply of water is available, away from thickly populated areas to avoid radioactive ... Field Application As base load  Used as base load during as well as peak load 

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Last Answer : Explanation of 'Nuclear shielding' in Nuclear Power Plant:  Shielding is provided to absorb alpha, beta particles and gama rays which are produced during nuclear chain reaction (fission process) The ... of Water or concerate wall are provided all around the reactor vessel for stopping neutrons.  

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Last Answer : Function of control rods in nuclear power plant: The function of control rod is to control the chain reaction in reactor core by adjusting its height.

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Last Answer : 1. Condenser:   Function of condenser is to convert exhaust steam again into water by reducing its temperature with the help of cold water. Also it reduces back pressure of steam turbine 2 ... tower : The function of cooling tower is to reduce the temperature of water coming from condenser.

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Last Answer : The term nuclear fuel:- Nuclear fuel is a substance that is used in nuclear power stations to produce heat to power turbines. Heat is created when nuclear fuel undergoes nuclear ... fuels contain heavy fissile elements 3. Nuclear fuels are complex, multi-component materials containing actinides

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Last Answer : Ans. Following are maintenance schedule of the pumping installation: Switch gear in every quarter and the motor & pump section every half yearly. Starters are DOL starter, star delta starter, Auto T/F starter.

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Last Answer : Following the procedure adopted for the disposal of Nuclear Waste:  Nuclear waste disposal in nuclear power station: The waste produced in nuclear power plant is in the form of solid, liquid & ... . If it is safe then released to atmosphere at high level through large height chimney. 

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Last Answer : Nuclear Fission:- The process in which heat energy is released without using oxygen for combustion in process is known as nuclear Fission.  

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Last Answer : Nuclear reactor is controlled using control rods: Control rods are made up of very high neutron absorbing material like boron, cadmium. By adjusting height of control rods on reactor core ... of nuclear reaction will increase. Whereas by pushing control rod towards the core it will reduce.

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Last Answer : Too fu*king many.