______ follow streptococcal diseases and appear to be consequences
of immune complex formation in the kidneys or heart.
a. Scarlet fever
b. Yellow fever
c. Rheumatic fever
d. Necrotizing fasciatis

1 Answer

Answer :

c. Rheumatic fever

Related questions

Description : Which one of the folowing is a complication of streptococcal pharyngitis? a. Rheumatic Fever b. Pseudomembrane Blockage c. Strawberry Tongue d. Chest, Back, And Leg Pain

Last Answer : a. Rheumatic Fever

Description : Bartonelia henselae is the causative agent of this skin disease. a. Leprosy b. Cat-scratch disease c. Necrotizing fasciitis d. Rat-bite fever

Last Answer : a. Leprosy

Description : What will our immune system do in response of scarlet fever?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Some strains of Streptococcus carry toxins that cause a pink red rash. This is called _____. a. Rhumatic Fever b. Q Fever c. Scarlet Fever d. Pharyngitis

Last Answer : c. Scarlet Fever

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Last Answer : All of these

Description : Immune complex formation and serum sickness are dangers of a. Artificially acquired passive immunity. b. Naturally acquired active immunity. c. Artificially acquired active immunity. d. Naturally acquired passive immunity.

Last Answer : a. Artificially acquired passive immunity.

Description : Cases of Rheumatic heart disease have decreased in recent years because of _________. a. Use of Antibiotics for Strep. Throat b. A New Vaccine for Strep. Throat. c. The Vaccine for Pertussis. d. Better Hygiene.

Last Answer : a. Use of Antibiotics for Strep. Throat

Description : : DiGeorge syndrome and X-linked (Bruton) agammaglobulinemia differ in the a. Type of antibody produced by the immune system. b. Lymphocytes that the body fails to produce. c. Systems affected by the respective diseases. d. Type of hypersensitivity that ensues

Last Answer : c. Systems affected by the respective diseases.

Description : The following statement(s) is/are true concerning necrotizing fascitis. a. Mortality rates as high as 40% can be expected b. The infection involves only the superficial fascia, sparing the deep ... e. Necrotizing fascitis is most likely to develop in the face of impaired fascial blood supply

Last Answer : Answer: a, c, d, e Necrotizing fascitis is an uncommon infection of the deep and superficial fascia that is associated with mortality as high as 40% in many series. ... fulminant and is frequently associated with cellulitis, myositis, fascitis, and bacteremia with attendant high mortality

Description : Which of the following organisms cause necrotizing fasciitis, or the flesh-eating disease? a. Group A streptococcus b. Group B streptococcus c. Staphylococcus aureus. d. strep viridins group

Last Answer : a. Group A streptococcus

Description : The transfusion reaction that arises from the mixing of incompatible blood types illustrates a/an a. Form of lupus erythematous. b. Type i hypersensitivity. c. Immune complex reaction. d. Cytotoxic hypersensitivity.

Last Answer : d. Cytotoxic hypersensitivity.

Description : Serum sickness is a common symptom of a. Contact dermatitis. b. Hemolytic disease of the newborn. c. Immune complex hypersensitivity d. Food allergies.

Last Answer : c. Immune complex hypersensitivity

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Last Answer : c. Cholera

Description : One of the most excessive diarrheas of the GI tract is associated with which of the following poisonings or diseases? a. Staphylococcal food poisoning b. Typhoid fever c. Cholera d. Campylobacteriosis

Last Answer : c. Cholera

Description : Humans can acquire which one of the following diseases from the droppings of infected birds? a. Q fever b. Legionellosis c. Tuberculosis d. Psittacosis

Last Answer : d. Psittacosis

Description : A catarrhal and paroxysma stage is typical of which one of the following bacterial diseases? a. Tuberculosis b. Pneumonia c. Pertussis d. Q Fever

Last Answer : c. Pertussis

Description : _____ which are free-living trophozoites appear to enter the body through the mucous membranes of the nose and then follow the olfactory tracts to the brain. a. NaegleriaLeishmania b. Giardia c. Babesia

Last Answer : a. NaegleriaLeishmania

Description : : A _____ is a cytokine that induces fever by stimulating the ______. a. pyrogen, hypothalamus b. pyogen, thalamus c. defensin, thyroid d. perforin, pituitary

Last Answer : a. pyrogen, hypothalamus

Description : The organisms of diphtheria and ______ are known for their production of _______. a. Typhoid Fever; Antitoxins b. Typhoid Fever; Exotoxins c. Tetanus; Antitoxins d. Tetanus; Exotoxins

Last Answer : d. Tetanus; Exotoxins

Description : The parasites of malaria invade the body's ______ and bring on intense _________. a. White Blood Cells; Diarrhea b. White Blood Cells; Chills And Fever c. Red Blood Cells; Chills And Fever d. Red Blood Cells; Diarrhea

Last Answer : c. Red Blood Cells; Chills And Fever

Description : The ______ causes a viral hemorrhagic fever that has been responsible for many outbreaks in Africa. a. norovirus b. Lassa fever virus c. Ebolavirus d. Rotavirus

Last Answer : b. Lassa fever virus

Description : The Rickettsias demonstrate a characteristic ______ and ______. a. Fever And Chills b. Fever And Rash c. Fever And Difficulty Breathing d. Chills And Low White Blood Cells.

Last Answer : b. Fever And Rash

Description : Is it common for childhood Scarlet Fever to kill a heavy smoker early in life?

Last Answer : Hard to say. My sister had Scarlet Fever as a child, and has had bad health her whole life because of it, as well as being mentally slow , when she wasn't before. She has never smoked in ... any favors, but even a doctor couldn't say for sure how much smoking contributed to your sister's death.

Description : What is rheumatic fever ?

Last Answer : Usually if there is sore throat (tonsil problem) then if it is not treated properly and completely then it causes rheumatism. Rheumatism is a contagious disease. The onset of rheumatoid arthritis is usually within 2 to 4 weeks of a bacterial infection.

Description : I think few people know this and I am curious about the symptoms of scarlet fever.

Last Answer : The incubation period of the disease is 2-8, with an average of 3 days. Symptoms start suddenly, chills, sore throat, difficulty swallowing, often vomiting, abdominal pain. High fever 39-40 oC. Scarlet fever inflamed throat is typical. 

Description : Scarlet fever?

Last Answer : DefinitionScarlet fever is a disease caused by infection with the group A Streptococcus bacteria (the same bacteria that causes strep throat).Alternative NamesScarlatinaCauses, incidence, and risk factorsScarlet fever ... begins with a fever and sore throat.The rash usually first appears on the neck

Description : Rheumatic fever?

Last Answer : DefinitionRheumatic fever is an inflammatory disease that may develop after an infection with Streptococcus bacteria (such as strep throat or scarlet fever). The disease can affect the heart, joints, skin, ... result in shortness of breath and chest painJoint pain, arthritis (mainly in the knees,

Description : What are the effects of the scarlet fever?

Last Answer : The time between becoming infected and having symptoms is short, generally 1 - 2 days. The illness typically begins with a fever and sore throat. The rash usually first appears on the neck ... discomfort (malaise), Headache, Muscle aches, Sore throat, Swollen red tongue (strawberry tongue), Vomiting

Description : Systemic corticosteroid therapy is not used routinely and is reserved only for severe cases of (a) Exfoliative dermatitis (b) Posterior uveitis (c) Acute rheumatic fever (d) Hodgkin’s disease

Last Answer : Ans: C

Description : Benzathine penicillin injected once every 4 weeks for 5 years or more is the drug of choice for (a) Agranulocytosis patients (b) Prophylaxis of bacterial endocarditis in patients with valvular defects (c) Prophylaxis of rheumatic fever (d) Treatment of anthrax

Last Answer : Ans: C

Description : The drug of choice for scarlet fever is (a) Tetracycline (b) Sulfonamides (c) Penicillin (d) Chloromycetin (e) Novobiocin

Last Answer : Ans: C

Description : A child presents to you with a sore throat, fever and joint swelling; the MOST probable diagnosis is: A. Rheumatic fever B. Rheumatic arthritis C. Osteoarthritis

Last Answer : A. Rheumatic fever

Description : Which of the following is staphylococcal infection: A. Scarlet fever (Streptococcus pyogenes)Bright red tongue with a "strawberry" appearance Forchheimer spots (fleeting small, red spots on ... inflammation, caused by viral infection, idiopathic, Mycobacterium t C. Pancreatitis no D. Carbuncle

Last Answer : D. Carbuncle

Description : A patient presents with rheumatic fever and suspected allergy to penicillin. The antibiotic of choice is: A. Chloromycetin B. Sulphonamide C. Buffered penicillin D. Erythromycin could be better if is clindamycin E. Achromycin

Last Answer : D. Erythromycin could be better if is clindamycin

Description : In which condition do you have to prescribe antibiotics prior to dental treatment: A. Rheumatic fever B. Sub-acute bacterial endocarditis C. By pass D. Valve replacement E. Uncontrolled diabetes F. All of the above

Last Answer : F. All of the above

Description : How do prepare a patient with rheumatic fever before extraction: A. 6000000 units of benzoyl penicillin B. 2g Amoxicillin pre-operatively

Last Answer : B. 2g Amoxicillin pre-operatively

Description : Von Willebrand disease is, A. Haemophilic disease B. Bacterial Endocarditis C. Congenital cardiac disease D. Rheumatic fever Decreased PTT, bleeding time prolonged, deficiency factor VIII

Last Answer : A. Haemophilic disease

Description : Chloroquine is indicated in the following disorders except: A. Rheumatic fever B. Discoid lupus erythematosus C. Photogenic skin reactions D. Lepra reaction

Last Answer : B. Discoid lupus erythematosus

Description : Benzathine penicillin injected once every 4 weeks for 5 years or more is the drug of choice for: A. Agranulocytosis patients B. Prophylaxis of bacterial endocarditis in patients with valvular defects C. Prophylaxis of rheumatic fever D. Treatment of anthrax

Last Answer : C. Prophylaxis of rheumatic fever

Description : Prophylactic use of antibiotics is not justified in the following condition: A. To prevent secondary infection in common cold B. Thoroughly cleaned contaminated wound C. Rheumatic fever in a child of 10 years D. Catheterization of urethra in an elderly male

Last Answer : A. To prevent secondary infection in common cold

Description : ystemic corticosteroid therapy is not used routinely and is reserved only for severe cases of: A. Exfoliative dermatitis B. Posterior uveitis C. Acute rheumatic fever D. Hodgkin’s disease

Last Answer : C. Acute rheumatic feve

Description : Choose the correct statement about aspirin: A. In an afebrile patient acute overdose of aspirin produces hypothermia B. Aspirin suppresses flushing attending large dose of nicotinic acid C. Aspirin ... acute rheumatic fever D. Long term aspirin therapy increases the risk of developing colon cancer

Last Answer : B. Aspirin suppresses flushing attending large dose of nicotinic acid

Description : _________ fever was the first human disease associated with a virus. Walter Reed identified _________ as the carrier. a. Lassa, rats b. Dengue, mosquitoes c. Ebola, bats d. Yellow, mosquitoes

Last Answer : d. Yellow, mosquitoes

Description : Infectious _____ is caused by the ________virus infecting the B lymphocytes. a. mononucleosis, Epstein Barr b. shingles, varicella c. Epstein Barr, yellow fever d. Meningitis, Lassa

Last Answer : d. Meningitis, Lassa

Description : Symptoms of headache, fever, and muscle pain Lasting 3 to 5 days, followed by a 2 to 24 hour abating of symptoms is characteristic of a. Yellow fever. b. Hepatitis C. c. Dengue fever. d. Ebola hemorrhagic fever.

Last Answer : a. Yellow fever.

Description : Which of the following factors is responsible for the formation of concentrated urine? (a) Hydrostatic pressure during glomerular filtration. (b) Low levels of antidiuretic hormone. (c) ... the medullary interstitium in the kidneys. (d) Secretion of erythropoietin by Juxtaglomerular complex.

Last Answer : (c) Maintaining hyperosmolarity towards the medullary interstitium in the kidneys.

Description : Which one of the following groups of diseases spreads through mosquito bites among humans? (a) Malaria, filariasis, poliomyelitis (b) Ancylostomiasis, ringworm, dengue fever (c) Dengue fever, viral encephalitis, yellow fever (d) Filariasis, malaria, ascariasis

Last Answer : Ans:(c)

Description : A group of diseases normally transmitted between vertebrate animals and man is - (a) yellow fever, plague, taeniasis (b) plague, rabies, smallpox (c) ancylostomiasis, ascariasis, plague (d) plague, rabies, taeniasis

Last Answer : Ans:(d)

Description : Babesiosis is carried by.___ and infects___________ a. Mosquitoes; Rbcs b. Fleas; The Kidneys c. Ticks; Rbcs d. Mosquitoes; The Liver

Last Answer : c. Ticks; Rbcs

Description : Kaposi sarcoma is a tumor of the a. Blood vessels. b. Liver. c. Lymph nodes. d. Kidneys.

Last Answer : a. Blood vessels.