What is the rank of India in milk production in the world

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Description : What is India's rank in the world in milk production? (1) Fourth (2) Third (3) Second (4) First

Last Answer : (4) First Explanation: India continues to be the largest milk producing nation in the world with close to 17% of global production in 2010-11. The country's estimated milk production for 2010-11 is 121 million tones.

Description : India rank — in milk production a. 3 b. 2 c. 4 d. 1 Q.1343 Gr

Last Answer : d. 1

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Last Answer : India is the largest producer of jute, but it is the second largest exporter of jute after Bangladesh. India is the second largest producer of Sugar in the world. India is the 4th largest producer of crude steel. India is the 12th largest producer of Chemicals in the world and ranks third in Asia.

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Last Answer : You can’t please everyone. Please yourself and your team leaders. Don’t comment to co-workers about religion or politics, yours or theirs. Have coffee breaks/meals with the group, if appropriate. Limit the time to allowed periods of time. No loud music at the work station, ear buds if allowed.

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Last Answer : George W. Bush is way too high on the “Since 1900” list.

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Last Answer : answer:It's not so much the rank as whether they are directly in your chain of command. In this case, it probably would be seen as fraternization and at least frowned upon, but it really depends ... the rules say and what actually gets you in trouble, and that is especially true in the military.

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Last Answer : I’ll take “I don’t give a fuck” for 2,000$, Alex.

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Last Answer : I though the president was always the highest commander no matter how much stars the generals or commanders have?

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Last Answer : No.

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Last Answer : no but make them watch postal

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Last Answer : Usually we’ll just buy the new rank from Military Clothing Sales (run by AAFES/NEX) and then haul it off to the base tailor shop. It’s not complicated at all. Some bases will get it done while you watch (about five minutes), others may take a few days.

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Last Answer : in my chain of command, in the air force, we have squads, and a squad leader (who is typically an NCO, non commissioned officer). If I was told to do something from another squad leader, I would say ... 'd just be sure to give my customs and courtesies to any person in a higher rank than myself too.

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Last Answer : Once upon a time, I think it would have been easy to make a list of priorities. Health care, education, energy and environmental have been neglected for so long and become more pressing every ... I think the interconnectedness of all the above have to be dealt with inside of the economic issue.

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Last Answer : I don’t remember when I’ve last visited http://yahoo.com, but then again, I very rarely visit http://google.com either – I do use the google search in Safari and that will load either google.ie or google.dk (depending on how I’ve messed up my settings).

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Last Answer : Impossible to give an answer based on anything but pure guesswork since there is nothing to use as a comparison.

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Last Answer : I think its because of the sheer number of athletes that the US sends to the Olympics. Because of the large number of athletes, people are more concerned with the large number of medals first ( ... this way, but I would imagine that other countries with large numbers of athletes would do the same.

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Last Answer : Hit Gong

Description : By whom the rank of the different Ministers in the Union Council of Ministers is determined? -Do You Know?

Last Answer : A smaller executive body called the Union Cabinet is the supreme decision-making body in India. Only the prime minister and ministers of the rank of cabinet minister are members of the Union Cabinet in accordance with Article 75.

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Last Answer : The objective of the search engines is to provide relevant results. Their aim is to show pages that provide authoritative content relative to what people are looking for. Search engines are not always ... content matters greatly, it goes well beyond this. There are major Google Core Update changes.