Do guys fall for ugly girls?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yes they do (i think).

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Last Answer : Good god, no. How much time have we spent getting the message across that those are the women we hate. Yes, I said haaaaaaaaaate! Lol.

Description : Why do guys stare at girls?

Last Answer : Usually because we're wired to do that and to enjoy it. Attractive women attract our gaze automatically and we appreciate seeing them, and they can be hypnotizing and/or delicious to ... making people feel when they stare. Beyond appreciation, there are also more fundamental psychological draws.

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Last Answer : New Jersey and most of the “guys and girls” I know are gay friendly; especially the gay ones!

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Last Answer : Coincidentally enough I am INTJ and my fiance is ENTP. She kinda borders between introvert and extrovert though.

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Last Answer : I use it for both.

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Last Answer : Depends on the guy. Some do; most don’t.

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Last Answer : Don’t worry so much about the timbre of your voice as much as coming across as genuine in what you talk about.

Description : Which gender do you think has the most self-esteem issue, Guys or girls? Why?

Last Answer : Pretty much every girl I know, even the most ludicrously beautiful ones, have some type of body image issue. I don't like making generalizations, and I'm sure someone will come along soon to ... with men, though it's hard to tell because males are typically socialized to suppress their feelings.

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Last Answer : answer:Eh, who doesn’t get along better with guys than with women? Men are a whole lot simpler and less complicated. Put it this way: Would you find it easier to deal with the mechanics of an oxcart or a Ferrari? Oh, yeah, but which one would you rather drive?

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Last Answer : answer:Well, from my limited understanding of psychology, women are attracted to men who are older (but not like Rolling Stones old) because they are more likely to stick around and help take care of the ... That being said, I'm not interested in dating an older guy, but have no explanation for it.

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Last Answer : Best of luck to you!

Description : (To the guys, girls can answer too so I can get why you think they do this.) Why do guys act like jerks to girls around their friends?

Last Answer : I dont know… I dont do it. I would guess its some bullshit macho thing though….

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Last Answer : Not to me.

Description : Why does girls always stare at the guys they like and when they look back they look away?

Last Answer : She’s being shy. It’s normal.

Description : Do guys like shy girls?

Last Answer : Some guys do, some guys don’t.

Description : Can guys and girls be just friends?

Last Answer : Of course. Especially if both are gay.

Description : Do guys like slim girls or curvy girls?

Last Answer : Beauty comes is all shapes and sizes. For me.. It is all about geometry.

Description : Why do girls ask guys out before they get a chance too?

Last Answer : Welcome to the 21st century ;) Us guys actually love it. Try it. What’s the worst that could happen?

Description : Do girls get guys stuff for Valentines Day or is it just the other way around?

Last Answer : Steak and a blowjob day

Description : Do guys find it weird if girls have the same interests as them?

Last Answer : It's very common. Some guys like more of a girl like you as opposed to the stereotype ditzy blonde girly girl. If one guy doesn't like you because of who you are, then don't worry about it ... interested in different types of girls, and believe me, there are plenty of guys who like girls like you.

Description : Do guys like girls who come on to them?

Last Answer : Everyone is different, not all men like straight forward women. It’s a preference.

Description : Guys, what do you look for most in girls ,looks hair?

Last Answer : Wit and humor. Not hair. Hair can be styled, a sharp wit can not.

Description : I believe girls are hornier than guys, but they just have more control,is this true?

Last Answer : let’s get a bottle of jack and some of the gals on this site together with me and FIND OUT!

Description : Do guys like Tomgirls or girly girls more?why?

Last Answer : my ideal girl would be girly on the surface, but tomgirl at heart. you know, in a nice dress with hair all done up, but the sort that wouldn't have any problems with pulling out a baseball bat or gun. ... i'll be more inclined to marry a girly girl. OR a tomgirl who knows when to be a girly girl.

Description : Would you rather be photographed as is, au naturel - or get dolled up, made-up or at least straighten your hair and shave (guys and girls)?

Last Answer : I’d be pretty upset lol. I have no makeup on. I don’t like to take pictures without makeup on, even for my babe. And yes, I’m the type of girl who doesn’t leave the house unless I’m completely put together.

Description : What do girls think of emotional guys?

Last Answer : Too much emotion is a sign of weakness.. not something women find attractive. You don’t have to be an iron wall and never show emotion.. but over-doing it is definitely a no no.

Description : Do Guys not like quiet shy girls?

Last Answer : I go bonkers for shy girls. no idea why.

Description : Is this a girl's name or a guy's name?

Last Answer : Use the Quaker way, which is always safe; “Dear Anda Badiu.”

Description : Are there more Girls or Guys on earth?

Last Answer : answer:After some number crunching at the CIA factbook.. Male: 3,323,608,139 Female: 3,278,616,036

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Last Answer : Women have lower insurance rates and I’m sure they’ve done the research, so I vote for women!

Description : Do guys like tomboys or girly girls?

Last Answer : I think girls who are comfortable in their own skin are the most attractive to me; I find that a girl who feels equally comfortable in little/no makeup, then enjoys dressing up when the occasion calls for it is a most attractive quality.

Description : Guys: How do you rate among the girls?

Last Answer : answer:I think I'm a little higher than average. My looks aren't anything to write home about, but I'm either told I'm very cute or just moderately attractive. I know I'm very respective and honest, and ... to know me, you'd find that I'm actually a great listener). You should ask my girlfriend. :o

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Last Answer : Without details, we can’t really answer your question. What one person thinks is little could actually be a huge thing to someone else.

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Last Answer : I suspect it depends on the guy….

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Last Answer : I’m in college but when I was in high school that was my kind of type. But now it’s not because I grew out of it

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Last Answer : KFC'S 11 secret herbs and spices are garlic salt, white pepper, ginger, paprika, dried mustard, black pepper, celery salt, oregano, basil, thyme and salt.

Description : Guys, what hairstyles do you generally find most attractive on girls?

Last Answer : I couldn't care less. Whatever she's comfortable with, even if she's bald. Looks change overtime. Memories made together are more important. At least for me.

Description : I turn polar bears white And I will make you cry.I make guys have to pee And girls comb their hair.I make celebrities look stupid And normal people look like celebrities.I turn pancakes brown And make your champagne bubble?

Last Answer : (If you squeeze me, I’ll pop. If you look at me, you’ll pop.) once this gets enough answers I will answer the right answer. DONT CHEAT!! Enjoy this and share with family and friends!!

Description : Do only the thin ones come in?

Last Answer : It's different for everyone. There are girls who love tall, thin guys. And some people like fat or muscular big guys. Just as there are those who love spinach and some who do not. Everyone finds a match!

Description : I also like one girl, but she knocks me off in front of everyone

Last Answer : Don't do anything about it. Hold on, I'm sure everything will settle soon. There will be plenty of friends too. It can't be broken over the knee. Everything has its time. Try to be completely normal and your own.

Description : Guys do you think a girl is sexier when she puts on a thong?

Last Answer : That's clear, yes.

Description : You know, a girl wants a bastard guy, but she doesn't want a decent one. Why is it like this? It annoys me a lot.

Last Answer : I come across this information for the first time. How do you know that's the way it is? I think it's nonsense.

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Last Answer : At one time in my life I would have said no but when I met my husband he had a little pot belly and because I loved him so much I grew to love his belly too.. I don't think it's ... However there is no accounting for taste and there are plenty of women out there who would go for a chubby man.

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Last Answer : It is a fact that all girls are liked regardless of their physical structure and appearance as all men have different taste and interest. If the opposite was the case, more or all fat ladies will ... I have to disagree with the the question which suggest that men do not like skinny looking ladies.

Description : Do guys like freckles or do they think that girls look cuter without them?

Last Answer : Answers is the place to go to get the answers you need and to ask the questions you want

Description : Do Puerto Rican Girls Like Black Guys?

Last Answer : Who could possibly answer that? I am a "Puerto Rican Girl" and I could have a preference that doesn't mean ALL Puerto Rican girls are the same. smh

Description : Do Puerto Rican Girls Like Black Guys?

Last Answer : Who could possibly answer that? I am a "Puerto Rican Girl" and I could have a preference that doesn't mean ALL Puerto Rican girls are the same. smh

Description : Do guys like girls with tattoos?

Last Answer : Personally, I like a guy with a few tattoos, but I hate when his whole body is covered in ink. I believe that there is a limit.

Description : Why do some Asian girls like white guys?

Last Answer : why do girls like Asian boys? Simple , you just feel attracted to them , own personal tastes and what not

Description : When you fluther folks were teens, did you guys often fall in love?

Last Answer : You need to distinguish between infatuation and love. I have had a thousand infatuations, 5 or 6 serious relationships, two marriages, and have been in love once.