Does Trisha Zorn have siblings?

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Last Answer : Trisha Yearwood married to Christopher Latham from 1987 to 1991 Trisha Yearwood married to Robert "Bobby" Reynolds from 1994 to 1999 Trisha Yearwood married to Garth Brooks in 2005

Description : When did Trisha Yearwood get married?

Last Answer : Trisha Yearwood married to Christopher Latham from 1987 to 1991 Trisha Yearwood married to Robert "Bobby" Reynolds from 1994 to 1999 Trisha Yearwood married to Garth Brooks in 2005

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Last Answer : Trisha Yearwood is a country singer. She is also married to Garth Brooks. Trisha is approximately 5 foot 8 inches in height.

Description : Can someone confirm to me if "The Lion King" contains an example of half-siblings incest?

Last Answer : Literally any children cartoon (or any media in that regard), if someone overthinks enough, can be turned into something unintentionally dark. Just search Game Theory on Youtube. You will find a ... Lion King intentionally vague. This will remain a fan theory and not an example of anything.

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Last Answer : Memory is very fallible. Emotion affects memory a lot. Also, sometimes we rewrite a memory or someone suggests something to us and it alters a memory or even creates a memory. Sometimes we unwittingly ... with friends from school and everyone confirms we never did that. We did see movies about it.

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Last Answer : Absolutely none of my business as long as any consummation is consensual.

Description : Are your siblings people you would choose to know socially if you weren’t related to them?

Last Answer : I have 3 older brothers. My middle one died 3 years ago. He and my youngest brother would be people I would absolutely hang out with. Other than my youngest brother liking Trump (no one is ... love him, but prefer to just text as a way to communicate with him. Good thought provoking question!

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Last Answer : I really want to do an incest joke.

Description : What do you think are the consequences of siblings sharing a bedroom growing up?

Last Answer : Learning to appreciate things. I think this varies wildly by personality though. Some wouldn't do as well as others. That being said, I think it would be more relevant to kids who were ... to how the arrangement is viewed by the children. Fairness, and compromise are essential to shared quarters.

Description : So if one man sired two separate children, to twin sisters, would the children be more like siblings genetically?

Last Answer : answer:If the sisters are identical twins then the children are genetically full siblings. If twin men and twin women have children together as separate couples, the children are full siblings genetically.

Description : Did your parents offer you the same support as your siblings?

Last Answer : Yes, ALWAYS never felt differently treated. They actually went out of their way to ensure that the support and treatment generally was the same.

Description : How do you handle a wage gap between siblings?

Last Answer : The person who makes more needs to be understanding of the person who makes less and if the lesser salaried sibling has to bow out on certain pricier events it should not be an issue. The ... well off sibling if having them take part in whatever celebration, activity is really important to them.

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Last Answer : When I was four I bashed my little brother in the back of the head with a big chunk of cinder. We had a coal burning furnace, and there was lots of cinder scattered around. It didn't knock him out, but that ... a good gash. He bled freely for a while. When he let out that scream I knew I'd had it.

Description : Should siblings kiss on the lips?

Last Answer : In my family, everybody kissed everybody. On the forehead, on the cheek, on the nose, on the top of the head… and yes, on the lips. I see nothing wrong with siblings of the same or opposite gender kissing briefly on the lips to show love and affection as long as their hands don’t stray. ;-)

Description : What were some funny games you played with your siblings as a child?

Last Answer : We had head wars (we still do). It’s basically pushing each other usimg our head/forehead till one person can’t take the pain anymore haha. We used to act out The Lion King when we were really young, crawling around the house pretending to be lions…

Description : Jewish people: do you give gifts to your SO, siblings and parents on Chanukah?

Last Answer : We give gifts to our daughter. My wife and I don’t bother with each other. I buy my own toys, she buys hers.

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Last Answer : Better to move on, I would suspect. They’ll come around on their own, or they won’t. Letting it get to you will only clog your gears.

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Last Answer : answer:So are the children still being home schooled? I have nothing against homeschooling, in fact I am very positive about it, but I think the younger kids should be put in school for now. Your mom is ... she is not being productive, she just can't get herself out of it probably. It's difficult.

Description : Siblings: did you feel competitive with your sibling(s) growing up?

Last Answer : answer:I am the baby. I have three older siblings. And, there is an 8 year difference between the third sibling and I. I got away with murder. :) I never fought with them. I didn't compete, either. When ... time that I was in high school, they were all out of the house. Now, we are all very close.

Description : Finish this sentence: My siblings and I are ____.

Last Answer : Male.

Description : A two part question: On a scale of 1-10, how prone to violence are you, and how many siblings do you have?

Last Answer : I’m a 5, exactly as described actually. I hate confrontation & avoid it at all costs, unless defending myself or my family. I do like a good boxing match though, so long as there’s not too much blood flying about the place. I grew up with two brothers, me being in the middle age wise.

Description : What's it like growing up in a large family, raised mostly by siblings?

Last Answer : Like a pack of dogs. Knowing what it takes to handle just 2 boys I have asked my mom how in the h@ll she raised 5 kids and her reply was “I didn’t…you guys did. Apparently we did most of the heavy lifting all those years.

Description : Are the names Leah and Leila too similar to be used for siblings?

Last Answer : They don’t sound similar. Both pretty names (my sister’s name is Lisa, but, I call her Leah (Lee-uh)).

Description : Do you come from a family where your Mom and Dad (and/or siblings) are opposites in terms of having an "artistic bent" versus a "business or scientific" bent?

Last Answer : My mum is of the highly sensitive and religious type. My dad is the opposite, highly insensitive and not very religious at all. They often clash together because of this. As for me and my 4 siblings, there ... religious person, unlike my mum ). Overall, yes I do come from that type of a family :)

Description : For those without fathers do you think being raised either alone or by siblings and mom you came out as a better man than your father?

Last Answer : answer:My mother and father divorced when I was very young so I never really knew my father. I'm sure I would have benefited from whatever experience he might have been able to share with me, but to ... man than him? That's a real stretch. What criteria would I use to make such a determination?

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Last Answer : Because he looks up to you and loves you! Look at it this way – he could be like, OMG I HATE MY BIG BROTHER HE’S UGLY AND AWFUL AND SMELLS BAD.

Description : How do you feel about 'saviour siblings'?

Last Answer : People have children for many reasons; I don’t think this is necessarily a bad reason to have a baby. However, the parents need to make sure that the new child is not treated as an object or means to an end. The new child needs to be loved and cherished in its own right.

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Last Answer : If they just kind of show up without notice, I would totally tell the parents to pitch in. Just tell the parent that you didn't plan for the unexpected arrivals and that they have to pay if he/she ... just say that you've already paid and any extra kids have to be taken care of by the parents.

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Last Answer : Ask these reasonable questions of your neighbor. How old are you?

Description : Have you been bullied by your older siblings?

Last Answer : Yes, we don’t speak.

Description : What did you fight with your siblings about?

Last Answer : How awful. Rather than let that happen, I would opt out of the entire process. Nothing is worth that. I once had a rift with my sister that lasted more than a year in which she did not speak to me ... me and asked me to come to her wedding (same guy). I did and subject was never mentioned again.

Description : What is your relationship like with one of your siblings?

Last Answer : I haven’t spoken to my siblings in 20 years and never will again.

Description : Whats the worst thing your siblings have done to you ?

Last Answer : Ouch.. That's harsh For me the worst they've ever done is to ask me why I had to cause my mom to cry so much after an argument (which really angered me because there were so many factors at play ... be when she then added on that I had nothing to show by wearing that tighter t-shirt. Ooh it hurts

Description : Do or did you get along well with your siblings while you were a teenager?

Last Answer : I once accidentally punched my sister in the face and then ran away and locked myself in my room. Other than that though, we got along great. I think our relationship now as adults is much more strained than when we were younger.

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Last Answer : nope. Never heard of that before. maybe this thread will enlighten me!

Description : Do traits that occur in people with Down Syndrome sometimes occur in their siblings?

Last Answer : If similar traits occur in siblings, it would likely be a coincidence unrelated to Down Syndrome. The genetic basis for DS is well-known: a triple copy of chromosome 21. This is rarely ... pinkies, and one has separated big toes. But theirs are inherited characteristics unrelated to chromosome 21.

Description : Older siblings of reddit, what is a misconception that people have with us?

Last Answer : That we will be the most successful. Oh wait, it’s true!

Description : How many Siblings do you have ?

Last Answer : one sister. Four years older than me

Description : People who have cut contact with their siblings (or family in general) why did you do it? Did it bring you peace?

Last Answer : I come from a huge family and cut contact with most of them. Most of them just want money, are emotional vampires or are always trying to stir up drama. I wouldn't say it brought me peace but it makes my life better not having the problems some people bring but have nothing to offer.

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Last Answer : 13 people are in the family John+his 10 siblings+his mom and dad.

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Last Answer : Yes, he did and it is very sad! His poor parents!

Description : How many siblings does Bruce have?

Last Answer : a older brother named don and a older half brother named Michealrendine

Description : Does Bruce have any siblings?

Last Answer : Bruce Lee had four siblings, two sisters and two brothers:phoebe lee (b.1938), Agnes lee, older

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Last Answer : 1 older sister called Doniya, and 2 little sisters calledWaliyha and Safaa

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Last Answer : Yes, Zayn Malik has three sisters, Doniya, Waliyha, andSafaa.

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Last Answer : 1 name Richard

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Last Answer : 1named Richard Klein