What is true about racism in the United States today?

1 Answer

Answer :

It exists everywhere.

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Last Answer : Xenophobia is the distrust or hatred of people who come from different countries. Racism is the distrust or hatred of someone of another ethnicity

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Last Answer : I’m not referring to the blatantly racist people by the way, of course they would be critics.

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Last Answer : My mother was giving some things to her cleaner’s husband and the police came and questioned him because they thought he was stealing.

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Last Answer : They thought they might not get caught in China. That’s the only explanation I can see here for such a stupid act. It has nothing to do with racism I think.

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Last Answer : One is a subset of the other.

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Last Answer : Not at all. But having lived this long, and witnessed the strides in my lifetime, I truly believe the shelf life of this particular stupidity to be predictably limited.

Description : Is racism ever justifiable?

Last Answer : I don't think it would be justifiable (meaning right, or good, or correct) but it can be understandable. If a person grows up in a neighborhood where almost everyone he sees or knows is ... kind of crap happens in all kinds of communities in which the circumstances I just mentioned are similar.

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Last Answer : LOL. It’s hardly uniquely American. It is everywhere on globe, including the most liberal countries. It is universal.

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Last Answer : answer:The issue of Environmental racism doesn't arise from those who have replaced previous generations of residents. It has more to do with efforts to mitigate lead only in white and middle class ... switching water sources to save money. The previous water source did not have a lead problem.)

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Last Answer : answer:Pretty sure the most racist thing on that post is the commenter who referred to black people as “Darkies”. The rest of it is just typical stupid clickbait bullshit. I really, really, REALLY don’t care which men you’re attracted to. At all.

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Last Answer : Proof? Fuck, man. Watch the tapes. He incites these guys like Hitler did at his rallies. What more proof does one need?

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Last Answer : answer:”If so – would that be tokenism? Voting based on the color of the actor’s skin, and not on the quality of their work?” The charge against the academy is that that they ARE voting based on the colour of the actor’s skin, and not on the quality of the work, just in the reverse.

Description : How can I give a sound argument described here concerning racism?

Last Answer : answer:1. Differences in groups of people aren't just genetic. Other influences include, diet, circumstances, culture, and education. 2. You wrote The only reason different ethnic groups appear ... is wrong is automatically off-base and loses a point. Stick to objective facts and statistics.

Description : Anyone else heard enough about racism, gayness and Obama?

Last Answer : answer:Really? Racism and gay rights are at the core of day to day life for a large segment of our population, and what's been happening is important. Nothing small about it. I suppose you ... first graders, chat about the best cookie brands. Our an old folks home, compare pains and medications.

Description : Do you think this is the right way to deal with racism in the workplace?

Last Answer : answer:The man was being a total jerk, that is true. But he responded (instead of reacting emotionally) to him in a BUSINESSLIKE manner. In my husband's business he runs into this type all the ... irritation in anyway to this type of person only feeds the fire. Tell your friend good job from me!

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Last Answer : No, it is not. Just as it is not possible to honour the 3rd Reich without glorifying the Holocaust. You can not just ignore the 11 million people that were murdered in the ... the primary reason for the secession in the declaration of causes' by various southern states, including Missouri

Description : What do you think would be one of the best steps we could take toward ending poverty and racism around the world?

Last Answer : You left world peace and curing cancer off the list. I don't think there is any easy answer. Short of making every single human experience what it feels like to be on the wrong side of racism and ... teaches racism, which is going to be a stronger influence? Poverty is an even tougher nut to crack.

Description : So, is it racism if you bash your own race?

Last Answer : answer:Of course it is. I also think people take offense too easily. Anything said with hatred is bad, but making genuine jokes about a race (your own or otherwise) can result in comedy gold. Dave Chappelle is a great example. People should laugh more instead of being insulted by everything.

Description : Is there a word or a phrase for when a person sees racism where there is none?

Last Answer : Conditioned reflex?

Description : Is racism an educational failure?

Last Answer : In a way, it's a lack of education, but it's more passionate than that. If someone had never learned to read, and someone offered to teach them, they would be happy and grateful for ... person has to admit wrong in themselves and their parental figures, and be willing to change their own beliefs.

Description : Is anyone bothered by anti-white racism not being taken seriously?

Last Answer : answer:You can be a bigot toward a white person, but not racist. Bigotry is annoying and inconvenient, racism is insidious, systematic, and permeates all aspects of a society. This ... a humorous take on the issue: http://blackgirldangerous.org/new-blog/2012/11/27/9csnr2cmsrexpoxro1f16csj18zgcy

Description : Can racially tolerant whites help end racism?

Last Answer : answer:Funny, I had a similar situation to the linked video recently. Except the customer was wrongly taking offense. At a corner store, I (white guy) was behind two black teens in line. They ... to end racism. We can lessen it, but unfortunately people are easily led by emotion and tribalism.

Description : What do you think about this example of racism? Is it racism?

Last Answer : answer:I will answer the last question first. Is there really any difference? Yes and no. Yes, because the contexts are different: making fun of the way those black people speak' has a different ... from being equal. Otherwise, she, like many people in this society, is just a prejudiced dumbass.

Description : How do you define racism?

Last Answer : I have a low threshold, I consider all your examples racist. I would define racism as opinions or actions based on the assumption that certain “races” are superior to others, regardless of whether that race is your own.

Description : Racism- alive or dead in your area?

Last Answer : If you’re Hispanic, you’re targeted in my new town. In my last two homes, there were a lot of people friendly with the KKK or what they stood for.

Description : Do you think racism will ever go away?

Last Answer : It's interesting you are ranting against people who generalize about race but then you go on to say you think People in general are stupid. That may not be technically racist but it ... process gain respect and acceptance into the greater community. That goes for everyone regardless of their race.

Description : Ending racism - How will Kevin-Prince Boateng's walk-off change sports in Europe and elsewhere?

Last Answer : You're right, it's bloody huge. Okay this was only a friendly. but if this doesn't make fifa sit up & take notice then nothing will. I saw the footage & applauded Boateng for having the ... so called fans but it's a disturbing trend that left unchecked, could rapidly spiral out of control.

Description : Is racism a factor in the 2012 US Presidential election?

Last Answer : answer:There is a good 35% of the population that's been in a frustrated apoplexy sine January of 2009. It started with Rick Santelli and it flourished as the Tea Party. There has been a thin veneer ... the Tea Party for four years. And this year they just feel a lot more comfortable expressing it.

Description : People of Color, have you ever experienced racism?

Last Answer : answer:I'm a blonde, blue eyed woman and as a child I was subject to a lot of racial hatred. My father was an architect for the Bureau of indian affairs and built hospitals and schools across the ... it was a very painful experience to be a little blonde white girl in the middle of the reservation.

Description : Do African Americans who use the "n-word" perpetuate racism?

Last Answer : I don’t know the answer to this question, and I don’t feel comfortable even attempting to speculate. I know that I cringe when anyone uses that word, I don’t care about the context.

Description : Why aren't we over racism?

Last Answer : Word.^ We seem to be natural born essentialists, and our inherent tribalism is tough to get away from—for many. Damn evolution. I just think we’re all earthlings and it’s about time we play nice. Oh the generalizations the some may make…

Description : Is there a name for this trope? Kinda like racism, but a little bit different? (details)

Last Answer : It’s called being noble.

Description : Are you ever invited to participate in soft racism?

Last Answer : I’m not even sure that I understand the question, can you give an example?

Description : If 96% of white voters had voted for McCain in the 2008 election, would that be evidence of racism?

Last Answer : I would not have voted for McCain if he was the only one running. I can’t even imagine a scenario in which 96% of any group would vote for McCain.

Description : Can you share an incident of racism, antisemitism or any kind of bigotry that you have encountered?

Last Answer : answer:I have a friend who is wary around all black men because of an uncomfortable incident she had on a bus when she was in high school. When she told me this, I was speechless. Basically, she was riding ... , or riding on buses by herself, or wearing a skirt, but I didn't want to get into it.

Description : What's the deal with racism?

Last Answer : I’ve often wondered that myself and I don’t know the answer.

Description : If a "Tea Party" representative had said that the Congressional Progressive Caucus can go to hell, would that be regarded as racism?

Last Answer : I didn’t see it as racism, I saw it as someone fed up with the Tea Party, which is understandable.