Are Armadillo aggressive?

1 Answer

Answer :

No, they are not aggressive.

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Description : can i use a cleaned out shell of an armadillo for a planter

Last Answer : You have to check to see if it is legal to do that with your game commission. Try going on line for your state wildlife section.


Last Answer : I believe they dig for grubs.

Description : How much dose a armadillo weigh?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : What is a group of Armadillo called?

Last Answer : A pack of Armadillos. ARMADILLOS ROCK! A pack of Armadillos. ARMADILLOS ROCK! I have to agree with the "armadillos rock" but armadillos have no "group name" they're just called "a bunch" or a "pack" ARMADILLOS ARE THE BEST YOUR RIGHT I LOVE ARMADILLOS. And armadillos live in packs.

Description : What do baby Armadillo eat?

Last Answer : "Armadillos eat many bugs that are dangerous to garden plants. But they also dig for insects, so they can ruin your grassy yard. They like to live in forests, but can live anywhere that's warm ... not to force-feed the armadillo pup! They can easily over-eat, and this will cause severe gastric di

Description : How many chromosomes do Armadillo have?

Last Answer : 3

Description : How long do Armadillo sleep?

Last Answer : 18.5 hrs a day!

Description : Do Armadillo lay eggs?

Last Answer : No. Armadillos are placental mammals, so they give birth to live young. The only egg-laying mammals, or monotremes, are the platypus and the echidna.

Description : Do Armadillo have teeth?

Last Answer : Yes, they have peg-like teeth for grinding their food. They have no incisors or canine teeth.

Description : Can Armadillo run?

Last Answer : Yes, armadillos can run quite fast, faster than most humans.

Description : Can camels be aggressive towards other camels?

Last Answer : A: Camels can display aggression towards other camels, particularly during mating season or when establishing dominance within a herd. They may engage in behaviors like biting, kicking, or vocalizing to assert their position.

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Last Answer : A: Camels generally have a gentle disposition, but they can become aggressive if they feel threatened or provoked. It's important to approach and interact with camels cautiously and respectfully.

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Last Answer : When people call me “hun”.

Description : How to stop being passive aggressive?

Last Answer : By saying whatever in your mind literally and don’t use sarcasm.

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Last Answer : Dog questions now??

Description : How to pick up an aggressive rooster?

Last Answer : answer:It is so tempting to give a [NSFW] response, but I will resist. I know of one person who rounded up his roosters (or maybe it was turkeys - I don't remember) by holding a moderately heavy ... surrounding it, and grabbing the bugger. You can't squeeze to hard, and it will try to wriggle away.

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Last Answer : I avoid them… in fact I tend to avoid everyone in real life, except my mom.

Description : Do male cats become more aggressive with women when the woman is due to menstruate?

Last Answer : I’ve never noticed anything like this in a life time of cat ownership. Highly doubtful, especially if the cat is neutered too.

Description : What are some examples of passive/aggressive behavior?

Last Answer : Here

Description : Could you say that passive-aggressive and sarcasm are the same?

Last Answer : I think you're exactly right. They are both unattractive traits. Whole groups in society may communicate with sarcasm, each trying to one-do the other. They pass it of as humor. Passive-aggression ... not be at all aware that what they are doing is aggressive. They make excuses for their behavior.

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Last Answer : Aggressive behavior towards humans and other dogs is not regarded as normal behavior for Golden Retrievers. Something is wrong with the dog.

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Last Answer : Nah. F1 drivers drive very aggressively, but they are not aggressive people.

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Last Answer : answer:I have a very hard time dealing with passive aggressives, I think it is horrific. I guess it is a survival tactic in some families, but generally it means there is very poor communication in a ... to you have but to be passive aggressive yourself? I guess in that way it is a survival tactic.

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Last Answer : Yes, they can. Hormone fluctuations affect them just like they affect us.

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Last Answer : How well was your bulldog socialised as a youngster other than with your pugs? I would recommend taking him to training classes which will allow him to socialise with other dogs in a controlled manner.

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Last Answer : I never would have guessed it of you, @Mariah , I've never seen you be anything but intelligent and full of grace. That said, I think it is common, I think many people misunderstand just how ... your strength comes back your good nature and immunity to minor irritation will come back in full. :-)

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Last Answer : Add in a yoga class or two.

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Last Answer : Geraldo Rivera?

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Last Answer : answer:Have you considered counseling? Meditation and mindfulness practice might also help.

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Last Answer : Hey,so sorry this is happening to you…trust me I know. It’s sad how many parents don’t realise just how big an effect their unruly behaviour can have on their kids,,,sometimes they don’t even care. If you want, I could give you some advice as I have been in A VERY similiar situation. Just PM me : )

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Last Answer : Humans are pack animals and brutal behaviour/rape is a means to establish and maintain the pecking order/hierarchy and some weakminded individuals lack the capacity to suppress/control their primal urges.

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Last Answer : It is testosterone at work.

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Last Answer : No, that is not it at all. It is the would-be underwear bomber that we have to thank for the increased pat-downs and the full-body scanner.

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Last Answer : answer:Have you ever wondered why ex-convicts stay terminally unemployed? its the reason you have just described in your question above. no one wants to work with an ex-convict. they are not trusted ... lives and their families. i think this pretty well covers your question. Sorry, but thats life.

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Last Answer : Yes, cats sometimes make noises that sound like children being murdered. It can be very disturbing.

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Last Answer : The only recourse is to separate the two. Any cat can become pregnant, and all cats will engage in copulation when they are allowed contact.

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Last Answer : Well, sounds like you should take a bit of a break. Don't go seeing other people, but try backing things up for a week or so, maybe more, and then try again. The violence sounds a tad concerning, but ... or so. If there is still a lot of fighting and stress, maybe it's the end of the relationship.

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Last Answer : What’s making you so mad?

Description : What is it about alcohol that makes people aggressive?

Last Answer : answer:It’s considered likely that the “different kinds of alcohol” thing is a myth—studies don’t seem to back it up. Regardless, alcohol lowers inhibitions. That can mean an increase in aggression (which is why it only affects some people). I’m a quiet drunk. Except when I drink tequila.

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Last Answer : Passive aggressive behavior is a chicken’s way of rebelling. Her opinion of you on something has changed. She’s just to bitchy or cowardly to come out and say it.

Description : What are some examples of being passive-aggressive?

Last Answer : Ignoring emails on purpose. Ignoring instant messages on purpose.

Description : Do you have someone who is passive aggressive in your life?

Last Answer : I have many who are not close to me. This is not by my wishing. That sort of thing is annoying to me. I did have one who was my Lady. She is not anymore. Keysha is one of the least ... actually going to listen to me, I will point out passive aggressive behavior and that I am not falling for it.

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Last Answer : You must use your fear to your advantage. You must simply learn to act even when encumbered by it. It takes practice.

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Last Answer : I have used forced handling to tame very aggressive birds when all other attempts failed. You sound knowledgeable, and it sounds as if you have exhausted your options. Are you familiar with forced handling, or would you like a small briefing?

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Last Answer : Call the cops.

Description : How to tame an aggressive kitten?

Last Answer : When she’s in heat, it will be obvious. A lot of meowing and backing up with their rear stuck in the air. It’s fairly disgusting. Anyway, just squirt her or something when she acts up. It usually works in my experience.

Description : How should I handle guys yelling aggressive sexual comments at me when I walk or jog through town?

Last Answer : IGNORE. They want a reaction from you, so don't give it. If it's the same bunch every day, you have no choice but to either find another way of getting where you want to go or find someone to go ... is it coming home at night? I worry about you taking back roads. You need to be where the PEOPLE are.

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Last Answer : Is he “fixed”?