Can Migraine cause diarrhea?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yes. It is listed with other gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting and nausea on many websites. Google "migraine" + "diarrhea" to read more about it.

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Last Answer : May be due to pillow, low humidity, mattress, etc. Start experimenting. You change the pillow, if it doesn't help, you humidify the room, you change the mattress. If none of this helps, then see a doctor.

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Last Answer : B. Potential to cause visceral fibrosis

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Last Answer : Gastroenteritis.

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Last Answer : Dairy and expired food….

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Last Answer : Eating a high-fat diet with low fiber may lead to tummy problems. If you are following a keto diet, the excitement of the eating plans may get tempered. It may also lead to side effects like diarrhea or constipation.

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Last Answer : Diarrhea in dogs can definitely be traced, at times, to their diet. Sometimes it is because the dog ate indigestible substances such as garbage, grass, dead animals or even paper. Food intolerances can ... chicken, wheat, beef, fish, salts and spices, and even some varieties of commercial dog food.

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Last Answer : The main cause of diarrhea is food poisoning. Other culprits can also be medicine and stress, although they are rare. Some chronic conditions that trigger diarrhea are Irritable Bowel syndrome, ... and Chronic Pacreatitis.

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Last Answer : Yes, indirectly through dehydration. Dehydration causes nearly 90% of all headaches.

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Last Answer : Megadoses of Vitamin C causes diarrhea. Magnesium can cause diarrhea.

Description : can coronavirus cause diarrhea?

Last Answer : Diarrhea is not a symptom of the current novel coronavirus, COVID-19. The main symptoms of COVID-19 include: fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. Rarer symptoms include: dizziness, nausea, runny nose, and vomiting.

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Last Answer : d. Rotaviruses

Description : Clostridium difficile is a. the cause of pseudomembranous colitis. b. traveler‘s diarrhea. c. meningoencephalitis. d. undulant fever.

Last Answer : a. the cause of pseudomembranous colitis.

Description : Escherichia coli is a common gram that can be a cause of a. positive rod; hemorrhagic colitis b. negative rod; traveler‘s diarrhea c. positive coccus; typhoid fever d. negative rod; cholera

Last Answer : b. negative rod; traveler‘s diarrhea

Description : Clostridium difficile is a. the cause of pseudomembranous colitis. b. traveler‘s diarrhea. c. meningoencephalitis. d. undulant fever.

Last Answer : a. the cause of pseudomembranous colitis.

Description : Escherichia coli is a common gram that can be a cause of a. positive rod; hemorrhagic colitis b. negative rod; traveler‘s diarrhea c. positive coccus; typhoid fever d. negative rod; cholera

Last Answer : b. negative rod; traveler‘s diarrhea

Description : Want to share some migraine stories?

Last Answer : answer:Ugh, I sympathize. Sorry you're going through this! I had them in my teens and twenties, probably at least once a month. Way back then, about the only thing I could do about it was to lie down ... her now. I'll send your question to her, and maybe she'll be able to give you more specifics.

Description : Why does a migraine result in my eyes hurting?

Last Answer : answer: “The underlying mechanisms of migraines are unknown. The most supported theory is that migraine is related to hyperexcitability of the cerebral cortex and/or abnormal control of pain neurons in the trigeminal nucleus of the brainstem.”

Description : What are your suggestions to help me get rid of this migraine?

Last Answer : answer:Cold compress. If it’s coming from physical tension, do some neck and shoulder stretches. Honestly, I’ve never had much luck getting rid of migraines without medication (OTC or Rx). I can dull the pain a bit, but not get rid of the migraine.

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Last Answer : I know exactly how you feel, I get migraines periodically too. The only thing that really helps me is taking an Excedrin Migraine as soon as I see the aura. Those usually help, no other painkiller ... though. I try to lay down and get some sleep, in total darkness whenever they strike, though.

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Last Answer : Peppermint oil helps. So sorry you’re hurting!

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Last Answer : Go the to doctor.

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Description : Can you tell me how you help ease the pain of a Migraine or Cluster Migraine?

Last Answer : i work with load animals everyday and always have them. i eat a hersey bar and drink a doctor pepper and take an asprin. works for me

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Last Answer : What are “migraine glasses”??

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Last Answer : The triptan class of drugs work well, but are expensive. One inexpensive alternative to try is caffeine in the form of coffee, tea, soda, or certain over the counter migraine medicines. The ... than weather. That way you can prevent the migraines from happening rather than trying to treat them.

Description : What can I take to relieve the pain of a migraine?

Last Answer : first off, don't take loads of meds! if one or two of something don't work, don't try for more. the best thing to do is to talk to you doctor and see if he/she can find out the primary ... not afford to go to a doctor look for a homeopathic way to treat the symptoms until you can afford a doctor.

Description : What is the treatment for migraine ?

Last Answer : Symbolic image Migraine is a type of recurrent headache. This headache, which is accompanied by a throbbing or throbbing sensation, usually appears on one side of the head. Migraines can strike both ... among those who took homeopathic medicines for three months and placebo for three months.

Description : Why light is not tolerated in migraine pain ?

Last Answer : In 75 % of cases , people with migraine headaches cannot tolerate light. We call this photophobia The exact idea of this was unknown to the researchers for a long time But a recent ... returning to normal This reveals the mystery of why this light sensitivity occurs in migraine pain. Thanks -

Description : What are the causes , symptoms , do 's and don'ts of migraine ?

Last Answer : Answer : Symptoms of migraine pain: Headache with neck , blurred vision , uncomfortable feeling , nausea , noise and bright light , depression , irregular sleep etc. are some of the symptoms of migraine. There are several factors that contribute to ...

Description : What causes migraine pain ?

Last Answer : Causes of migraine pain: The exact cause of migraine headaches has not been found so far, however , it is said that the blood vessels inside the brain constrict for some reason. If this is the ... disrupt normal work or study . Migraine is the biggest reason for taking leave from work in America.

Description : Can a person with migraine wake up at night and do freelancing ?

Last Answer : : In fact, migraine is a very serious problem. It never gets better. So working at night can cause brain problems. It can cause severe dizziness and pain. The main thing is that you must sleep for eight hours.

Last Answer : Migraine (Migraine) Migraine (Migraine) Migraine ( Migraine) (Migraine) (Migraine) (Migraine) (Migraine) (Migraine) (Migraine) Migraine ( Migraine ) ( Migraine ) (Migraine) (Migraine) (Migraine) (Migraine ... cold air, use a mask or handkerchief - etc. Treatment: - If your migraine attacks lightly,

Description : Good evening I often have a headache and pills do not bother me I feel that it could be an everyday migraine because the doctors did not find anything for me ..... Does anyone know how to avoid migraines or how to prevent it .... Thank you for the answer

Last Answer : You can't avoid it well. Maybe just adjust the daily routine, get enough sleep, no stress. Nimesil helped me

Description : Is coffee a good choice for migraine?

Last Answer : Caffeine can trigger migraine in some people. Coffee is known to contain high caffeine ant is usually not recommended for headaches. So is it safe for migraine sufferers? A strong cup of coffee ... in charge of holding back certain receptors that are known to be capable of causing migraine pains.

Description : What is the name of actor playing EMT Han on Excedrin migraine commercial?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Migraine - resources?

Last Answer : Alternative NamesResources - migraineInformationThe following organizations are good resources for information on migraines:American Council for Headache Education - www.achenet.orgNational Headache Foundation - www ... Disorders and Stroke --

Description : Migraine?

Last Answer : DefinitionA migraine is a common type of headache that may occur with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, or sensitivity to light. In many people, a throbbing pain is felt only on one side of the head. ... out of 100. The headaches tend to first appear between the ages of 10 and 46. Occasionally, mig

Description : What is the best type of medication for migraine pain management?

Last Answer : Migraine headaches can have several sources. Depending on the source of your headache your treatment may vary.

Description : Does a migraine led to some nubmness tingeling on 1 side of the body and if so why?

Last Answer : I have had migraines since 9 years old am now 68 and yes I have experenced the numbness also and it isn't any fun along with the PAIN docs still cannot help we can put a man on the moon but WHAT about migraines???? Texas

Description : What foods commonly trigger migraine headaches?

Last Answer : There are many foods that are thought to trigger headaches and migraines. Dietary habits can also play a role -- fasting, dehydration, or skipping meals may also cause headaches. By tracking your ... through a headache diary, you may be able to identify specific foods that trigger your headaches.

Description : Is there a diet that will stop migraine headache pain from forming?

Last Answer : Everyone is different. The best way to stop a migraine with diet is to keep a food journal in which you can identify a trigger food that causes your migraine and therefore eliminate it from your diet. To be effective, you must have low variably in diet to avoid confounding effects.

Description : What are some natural at home remedies for migraine relief?

Last Answer : One easy home remedy to try is putting a heating pad on low setting under or over your head, the heat will relax tense muscles. Another is to take a nap to relax your muscles and reduce stress.

Description : Where can I find doctors who specialize in migraine treatment?

Last Answer : Yes- I would speak with a neurosurgeon and your local hospital to see if he can help you. Many doctors specialize in head traumas.

Description : What natural treatments are available for migraine headaches?

Last Answer : Yoga is a wonderful natural treatment for migraines. Different yoga poses allow blood to rush to the brain, which then allows the pressure to be removed from the spot of pain.

Description : How do you get migraine relief?

Last Answer : Besides using acetaminophen or ibuprofen which are pills used to relieve pain, try using a towel with ice in it and placing it in the sides of your head.

Description : Tricks to Migraine Relief?

Last Answer : Migraines are a severe type of headache characterized by pulsating pain, sensitivity to light, nausea, and blurry vision. Different things can trigger a migraine, such as certain smells, stress, a ... , and activity for each day, and then use this information to determine your migraine triggers.

Description : How can I quickly and easily cure my migraine?

Last Answer : Close your eyes and go to a quiet place, and try to take a nap. I do not like taking medication if I don't absolutely have to, so this is my first try at getting rid of them when I get them.

Description : Where can I find information on migraine symptoms?

Last Answer : The best place to find information on migraines is in your doctor's office. However, if you want immediate information, WebMD has a wealth of knowledge. The symptoms of a migraine are a severe ache in ... than any headache, sensitivity to light and sound, and the ability to last for hours on end.

Description : Can stress lead to migraine headaches?

Last Answer : Migraine is a medical condition. Most people who suffer from migraines get headaches that can be quite severe. A migraine headache is usually an intense, throbbing pain on one, or sometimes, both sides ... sound. Some people also may see spots or flashing lights or have a temporary loss of vision.