Shoulder arthroscopy?

1 Answer

Answer :

DefinitionShoulder arthroscopy is surgery that uses a tiny camera called an arthroscope to examine or repair the tissues inside or around your shoulder joint. The arthroscope is inserted through a small incision (cut) in your skin.Alternative NamesSLAP repair; Acromioplasty; Bankart; Shoulder repair; Shoulder surgeryDescriptionThe rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that cover your shoulder joint. These muscles and tendons hold your arm in your ball and socket shoulder joint, and they help you move your shoulder in different directions. The tendons in the rotator cuff can tear when they are overused or injured.Most people receive general anesthesia before this surgery. This means you will be unconscious and unable to feel pain. Or, you may have regional anesthesia. Your arm and

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Last Answer : In the present time, mostly people are suffering from the Joint Pain problems. The Joint Problems are common in Indian people. The Look for the Best Joint Replacement Doctor.According to Google ... looking for consult and Treatment then visit website at and follow them regular

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Last Answer : a) joint effusion. Joint effusion produces marked pain, and the physician may need to aspirate the joint to remove fluid and relieve the pressure.

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Last Answer : Perhaps it the end of part of your scapula (Acromion) sticking up slightly out of alignment. I have that bump on my right shoulder from lugging around a baritone sax for a year when I was in junior high. It happen slowly over time. I didn’t even notice it until years later.

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Last Answer : If I'm looking at the correct photo, I'm seeing a raglan sleeve. The sleeve extends fully to the collar as a point, creating back-and-front diagonal seams from underarm to collarbone. The lack of ... on my sweaters. There's no need to worry about whether the shoulder width is too narrow or broad.

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Last Answer : Instead of considering surgery, why not work out one side more than the other?

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Last Answer : answer:What you are asking for is a high quality messenger bag. Look for one here

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Last Answer : answer:A bed could definitely cause shoulder or back pain. I had constant back pain sleeping on a crappy cheap spring mattress in college. Are you working your shoulders especially hard in your new ... and Mineral Ice are both really good for temporary pain relief (Tiger Balm is much stronger).

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Last Answer : I surrender?

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Last Answer : No experience with it, but good luck with the surgery! I’ll be thinking of you.

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Last Answer : It is probably nerve compression (or something similar) of the brachial or axillary nerve (or one close to it) of the shoulder region. That doesn't sound fun. Be sure to let your doctor know about it ... symptoms persist. Oh, and I would avoid sleeping on it if you can. Hope you feel better soon!

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Last Answer : I just did it and that happened to me too. I think it might have something to do with the tendons like you said but also your hands might actually be cutting off circulation to your arms when you do that. Did that make sense? I’m running on not much sleep.

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Last Answer : i've seen those fancy pillows with the big u-shaped dip in them and people swear by them. i don't think down is the best necessarily cuz it will flatten throughout the night. i need a new pillow too now that you mention it! maybe we can get a two for one special : )

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Last Answer : Well, I have never performed a surgery, so my answer comes from looking on Google. I believe that you should have it done immediately. Actually, Google gives some pretty thorough details of things like this so ... steady hand, he or she could probably do it in your home and save you a lot of money.

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Last Answer : The cyclists took 6 hours to meet. The fly traveled 6*30=180 miles.



Description : What can I do now with my right shoulder ?

Last Answer : : I think you should seek the help of a good doctor. Tell your doctor the details of your problem.

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Last Answer : One: It has been narrated in the hadith that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to raise his hands in four places of prayer. Those places are: the time of tahreema in ... any reason. And that's worse than making the slightest mistake in lifting a hand. GOD is Omniscient.

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Last Answer : Shoulder to shoulder- means - everyone is in harmony.

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Last Answer : If you have more pain, you can apply " move" painkiller .

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Last Answer : There can be many causes. It can be caused by stress, impact, it can be inflammation and a lot of other things. Only the doctor can determine what is really going on

Description : Hello, please advise if shoulder calcifications can be treated. I am in danger of having surgeries that I want to avoid, I go for massages and exercises, but it is still not enough. Thank you Iveta

Last Answer : About a year ago, I had a similar problem. The operation was already on the decline. Thanks to a suitable physiotherapist, rehabilitation and home exercise, everything started to improve after a while. ... and adjacent muscles. Today, my momentum is perhaps even better than that of a healthy hand.

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Last Answer : Yes, as long as the necklace is complementing the color of your dress or outfit. It will help create a very chic look. Also, necklace is a grate way to elevate a vacation outfit with an off shoulder dress, you just have to layer over your dress.

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Last Answer : A pain in the shoulders is oftenly accompanied by a very sharp shooting pain in the upper part of the back.Some of its causes include, overusing of the muscles, signs of cancer like lung and ... your condition is serious then a surgery should be considered to repair the tendon in the shoulder areas.

Description : Shoulder joint present between `:-`

Last Answer : Shoulder joint present between `:-` A. Glenoid cavity of pectoral girdle & head of humerus B. ... of ulna D. Sigmoid notch and Trochlea of humerus

Description : Shoulder joint present between `:-`

Last Answer : Shoulder joint present between `:-` A. Glenoid cavity of pectoral girdle and head of humerus B. ... girdle and head of humerus C. Both D. None

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Last Answer : Paul Anka first sang the song - which he wrote - in 1958.

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : What do I do if I dislocated my shoulder?

Last Answer : Go to the emergency room and have them put it back intoplace.

Description : What is A part of your body attached to your shoulder?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : What do I do if I dislocated my shoulder?

Last Answer : Go to the emergency room and have them put it back intoplace.

Description : Which of theses is a shoulder fired grenade with a propulsion motor?

Last Answer : Rocket Propelled Grenade

Description : Shoulder pain?

Last Answer : DefinitionShoulder pain involves any pain in or around the shoulder joint. Alternative NamesPain - shoulderConsiderationsThe shoulder is the most mobile joint in the human body. The rotator cuff in the shoulder ... cuff tendinitis. This can occur from:General wear and tear as you get olderAn act

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Last Answer : DefinitionFrozen shoulder is when the shoulder is painful and cannot move normally because of inflammation.Alternative NamesAdhesive capsulitisCauses, incidence, and risk factorsThe joint capsule of the shoulder joint ... you from moving your arm. The lack of movement leads to stiffness and decrease

Description : Curing Shoulder Pain?

Last Answer : Shoulders are full of muscles, bones, arteries and nerves aswell as other structures. There are many things that can causeshoulder pain. There are even some conditions that are lifethreatening. Strains ... weakness. This can be caused from the nerves that supplythe muscles being weak. Numbness can