What mishaps during a birth can you sue for?

1 Answer

Answer :

Birth injuries are something that happens during birth. Birth defects are not included. Most birth injuries are caused by lack of oxygen,like Cerebral Palsy.

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Last Answer : answer:It might make it easier to diagnose Avian Flu. My sister already does this with wine. The idea of a chicken is ridiculous. No doctor is gonna want to have a hen house, or pick feathers.

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Last Answer : answer:You are very likely wasting your time. If you haven't been physically harmed in a way that can be directly attributed to a lack of care on the part of the landlord you have little cause. Kids being ... they didn't consider that there was a problem. (I would love to see this on Judge Judy.)

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Last Answer : I think those class action suits are BS. If the side effects are printed and the patient is made aware of them then they take the medication at their own risk and of their own free will. If someone forced the medication down their throat, sue that person.

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Last Answer : I suppose it’s possible, but the case would probably get thrown out almost immediately.

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Last Answer : Make your case. What would you sue them for?

Description : Can my friend sue me for accidently breaking his TV?

Last Answer : In the US, any one can sue anyone else for any reason. If you go to court, and can justify it was an accident it will most likely get dismissed.

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Last Answer : usually the parents of the driver get sued, rightfully.

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Last Answer : You should refer to the waivers you signed upon employment within your company. You may have signed away your employer's responsibility to your personal safety. Sounds like a losing case, IMHO. I'm sure ... If they footed the bill for every injury received on the job they wouldn't be in bussiness.