What speeds do adsl2 providers allow?

1 Answer

Answer :

These new DSL services that have been released through a few select providers have been known to release some serious speeds. The highest offered is by the company Charter cable which currently offers speeds up 40mbs.

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Last Answer : I think your download speed is probably more like 16.95 Mbps, although it conceivably could be 169.5. Either way, you have about 30 times more than enough download bandwidth. Your upload bandwidth is about 3 times more than the minimum: 3 * 512,000 = 1,536,000. So I’d say you’re good to go.

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Last Answer : With one gig download some internet provider have 880 mbps upload with fiber-optic connections. Others it is one gig and 330 mbps! My connection speed is usually 250 mbps download and 100 mbps up. AS is often said “your mileage may vary.”

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Last Answer : All the models of Symphony are good. But if you say which is the best , I am confused about it. Because everyone speaks one by one. Many of my classmates and I are using different models of Symphony. You can use any one.

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Last Answer : Anything, in the digestive system or in other systems, that speed up reactions are called enzymes.

Description : Internet Speeds?

Last Answer : form_title= internet Speeds form_header= Knowledge at your fingertips with fast internet. What do you primarily use the internet for?*= _ [150] Who is your current internet provider?*= _ [50] How many computers will need to access the internet?* {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, More than 10}

Description : Broadband Internet Service: Download and Upload Speeds?

Last Answer : In a fast paced high tech age, internet speed has become an important issue. These days, people want the fastest possible broadband internet service in their homes. When selecting an internet ... users rarely upload anything online so the download speed is the most important feature to consider.

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Last Answer : The speed of dish internet is much faster than dial up service. You can get various packages at various speeds, with the most expensive packages having a speed of 2.0 Mbps for downloading.

Description : Third Party DSL Modems Boost Speeds?

Last Answer : Any modem that the DSL company offers is going to be overpriced and offer underwhelming speeds - certainly nothing like the speeds they tout in their commercials. An easy (and cheap) way to boost ... , and customers note vastly increased speeds as soon as they get their new modems up and running.

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Last Answer : the spacing of isobars is the correct answer

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Last Answer : Answer :2

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Last Answer : Answer : C