Are there risk factors that up your chances for hodgkins lymphoma?

1 Answer

Answer :

Those between the ages of 15 and 40 are most likely to get this disease. It is slightly more common in males and in those with a compromised immune system from HIV or AIDS.

Related questions

Description : What is the lifestyle like of someone with non Hodgkins lymphoma?

Last Answer : There is life after non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

Description : Do you mind telling me everything you know about Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma? If you or anyone you know has had it, please share your stories.

Last Answer : A niece was treated for it when she was in her 20s. Don’t know much about it but she is now in her 40s. She had a treatment that could possibly have rendered her infertile but went on to have three healthy children.

Description : Has any one have/had a friend with hodgkin's lymphoma stage 3? If so how did you deal with it?

Last Answer : answer:I want to show him he's still heathy just in other ways. Anyone have ideas of certain activities that are safe for Cancer patients? Careful. Your friend probably won't appreciate being dragged ... type of cancer, but through my own experiences with illness in general, I suspect I am right.

Description : Hodgkin's Lymphoma Symptoms?

Last Answer : Hodgkin's lymphoma is a cancer in the cells of the immune system. As the disease progresses, it attacks both the lymph vessels and the lymph fluid in the body. This leads to a host of symptoms ... are not often alarming, patients who have a family history of this disease should stay on the lookout.

Description : Signs Of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma?

Last Answer : To understand cancer better, one must first understand the origin if it is identifiable. Cancers of the lymphatic system are best understood by knowing about that particular system and its function ... With proper, prompt treatment, this disease is manageable, and the prognosis is often favorable.

Description : What are the symptoms and treatments for hodgkins lymphoma?

Last Answer : Symptoms of hodgkins lymphoma are fever and chills, constant itching, loss of appetite, night sweats, painless swelling of the lymph nodes (neck,armpits, and groin), and major weightloss. To ... the severity of the symptoms. The most wideley used methods of treatment are chemotherapy and radiation.

Description : Which of the following monoclonal antibodies is prescribed for patients with non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma? (A) Infliximab (B) Abciximab (C) Gemtuzumab (D) Rituximab

Last Answer : (D) Rituximab

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Last Answer : (B) Risk of explosion

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Last Answer : D. Both ‘B‘ and ‘C

Description : Could my mom's Hodgkin's Disease have been caused by steroid use?

Last Answer : answer:Please read up on your mother's condition at the Mayo Clinic site. Among other things, it says Males are slightly more likely to develop Hodgkin's lymphoma. SLIGHTLY. That means that women can ... on the disease and tell your cousin that she is wrong. Suggest she read up on the disease.

Description : I need to find a excellent, compassionate oncologist. Someone who will help with short term anxiety. I have had hodgkins disease and cervical cancer in the past and i am freaking out re: having to go thru this all over again..the cat-scan wait is horrid. ?

Last Answer : HI, I feel for you. I too have had cancer, breast and lung. I am now facing a rare stem cell type of cancer. I go to Martha Jefferson Hospital and use Robert Prittchard, an oncologist there. I wouldn' ... . Univ. Of Wisc treated her like her an animal. They knew two years prior, B/4 her cancer that

Description : Systemic corticosteroid therapy is not used routinely and is reserved only for severe cases of (a) Exfoliative dermatitis (b) Posterior uveitis (c) Acute rheumatic fever (d) Hodgkin’s disease

Last Answer : Ans: C

Description : ystemic corticosteroid therapy is not used routinely and is reserved only for severe cases of: A. Exfoliative dermatitis B. Posterior uveitis C. Acute rheumatic fever D. Hodgkin’s disease

Last Answer : C. Acute rheumatic feve

Description : What factors can increase the chances of having a heart attack?

Last Answer : Heart conditions are genetic. Your friend could have inherited from his father. He could have had a silent heart attack yet appear in perfect condition before suffering this major one. Factors like high blood pressure, over intake of salt, and over exercise can increase your risk.

Description : Have you known of anyone with a mild case of lymphoma?

Last Answer : answer:Oncologists do blood tests for cancer markers and red and white blood counts. My brother had rapid growing, non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma that was not diagnosed for several months after symptoms ... with your doctors, find better ones. Get recommendations from family, friends or your local hospital.

Description : Anyone know the statistical relationship between angioedema and lymphoma or leukemia?

Last Answer : answer:

Description : How to diagnose lymphoma?

Last Answer : answer:My husband had lymphoma. It is hard to diagnose, but what finally did it for him was ultrasound of his chest area, where all the lymphnodes were so swollen, but unseeable and untouchable any ... of the diseases that is more curable than most-depending on where it is. Wishing you the best.

Description : Lymphoma is a disease that prevents the lymph nodes from functioning properly. Which would be a result someone having this disease?

Last Answer : You would be more likely to be harmed by common viruses

Description : Primary lymphoma of the brain?

Last Answer : DefinitionPrimary lymphoma of the brain is cancer of the lymph cells that starts in the brain.Alternative NamesBrain lymphoma; Cerebral lymphoma; Primary lymphoma of the central ... is rising, but it is still relatively rare.SymptomsChanges in speechChanges in visionConfusionFeverHallucination

Description : What are the major symptoms of lymphoma?

Last Answer : Some symptoms of lymphoma is fever, runny nose, itchy red eyes and hard time speaking. Lymphoma is a type of cancer that affects the blood system and breaks down the immune system. So you are more prone to colds and flu's.

Description : What are the symptoms of Lymphoma developing?

Last Answer : Symptoms really depends on where the Lymphoma occurs. If it is in the stomach, you will experience stomach pains. Also, painless swelling of the lymph nodes.

Description : Symptoms and Signs of Lymphoma?

Last Answer : Lymphoma is a cancer that affects the lymph system, which is a sort of transportation network that carries infection fighting white blood cells throughout the body. Lymphoma presents various symptoms ... whenever signs of illness arise. Early detection is key to fighting cancers like lymphoma.

Description : Is mantle cell lymphoma hereditary or acquired?

Last Answer : Mantle cell lymphoma is generally an acquired disease caused by damage to DNA that causes a tumor to grow in the lymph nodes. Exposure to carcinogens, chemicals that cause cancer, radiation, and preservatives increase the risk of lymphoma but are not known to be direct causes.

Description : What are some of the signs of mantle cell lymphoma?

Last Answer : Mantle cell lymphoma starts in the lymph nodes. The first thing that most people notice is enlarged nodes in the neck, groin or armpits. The disease generally grows fast and by the time it is seen by a doctor, the disease has spread to other organs in the body in most individuals.

Description : What is mantle cell lymphoma?

Last Answer : I know the word lymphoma shows it to be some kind of cancer. I believe the mantle cell means its some kind of rare cancer. In fact, it is the rarest of them.

Description : Mantle Cell Lymphoma Diagnosis and Treatment?

Last Answer : Mantle cell lymphoma is a rare blood cancer that affects the lymph nodes and the spleen. The disease can also involve bone marrow and the gastrointestinal system, including the liver and ... medicines are specifically tailored to people who have been diagnosed with this particular type of cancer.

Description : Information and Treatment for Mantle Cell Lymphoma?

Last Answer : Although a diagnosis of Mantle cell lymphoma is rare, it is one of the more serious cancers under the non-Hodgkin's classification. It seems to affect men over the age of sixty more ... instrumental in bringing about the best treatment options for people diagnosed with this rare form of cancer.

Description : Common Lymphoma Symptoms ?

Last Answer : You need to be on the lookout for common lymphoma symptoms so that you can know if you are at risk for this disease. If you can get treatment quickly, you will be able to recover and live a long ... not be painful to the touch, not even when they are swollen to help fight off some type of sickness.

Description : What are lymphoma night sweats?

Last Answer : Lymphoma night sweats is a condition that can affect people sometimes that already have a medical condition to sweat excessively. There are treatments such as therapy and medicine.

Description : Are night sweats a symptom of lymphoma?

Last Answer : Many bad night sweats is not a sign of cancer. You can be overweight. You can also have menopause symptoms. That doesn't mean that you have lymphoma, but if you want to know what causes your night sweats; visit a local doctor.

Description : Is a swollen lymph node a sign or symptom of leukemia or lymphoma?

Last Answer : For the most part, this tends to be a sign of some form of infection in the lymph node. However, it's basically a sign of dysfunction in that area which may very well have the root cause as leukemia or lymphoma even though that's a far more rare result.

Description : Lymphoma Cancer Symptoms & Signs?

Last Answer : There a number of different cancers involving blood that originate in the lymph system. The name for these types of cancers is lymphoma. Many of the signs and symptoms of lymphoma are nonspecific, ... a unique combination of mild symptoms that if caught early enough make the disease easier to treat.

Description : What are symptoms and treatments for lymphoma?

Last Answer : Symptoms may include swelling of the neck, underarms or groin, followed by enlargement of the spleen. Other symptoms reported include fevers, chills, and lack of energy. Depending on what stage the disease is caught, treatments include chemotherapy and biological therapy.

Description : Is Hodgkin Lymphoma treatable?

Last Answer : Yes there are treatements for non hodgkins, there are many drugs they can try and if your case is very bad there are other kinds of treatements. You'r doctor will do what he thinks is best for your case.

Description : Is Hodgkin Lymphoma capitalized?

Last Answer : It is non-Hodgkin with a capital on the proper name. The apostrophe-s is optional, and many people do not use it any more.

Description : Researchers have associated the ______ virus with infectious mononucleosis and have evidence that the virus also causes _______. a. Epstein-Barr; hepatitis B b. Epstein-Barr; Burkitt's lymphoma c. Coxsackie; hepatitis B d. Coxsackie; Burkitt lymphoma

Last Answer : d. Coxsackie; Burkitt lymphoma

Description : A patient comes with a firm, painless swelling of lower lobe of parotid which has grown progressively for the past year. He complains of paresthesia for the past 2 weeks. This is most likely to be: a. Pleomorphic adenoma. b. Carcinoma of the parotid. c. Lymphoma of parotid.

Last Answer : a. Pleomorphic adenoma.

Description : Which of the following IS NOT RECOGNISED on HIV patients: A. Squamous cell carcinoma B. HIV gingivitis C. Osteosarcoma D. External lymphoma E. Kaposi sarcoma

Last Answer : C. Osteosarcoma

Description : A patient comes with a firm, painless swelling of lower lobe of parotid which has grown progressively for the past year. He complains of paresthesia for the past 2 weeks. This is most likely to be: A. Pleomorphic adenoma B. Carcinoma of the parotid C. Lymphoma of parotid

Last Answer : A. Pleomorphic adenoma

Description : In regard to HIV infection, which of the following is the earliest finding? A. Kaposi sarcoma on the palate B. Reduced haemoglobin C. Infection with pneumocystic carinii D. Reduction in white cells count E. B cell lymphoma

Last Answer : D. Reduction in white cells count

Description : Most common cause of adult unilateral proptosis a. Thyroid orbitopathy b. Metastasis c. Lymphoma d. Meningioma

Last Answer : ANSWER: A

Description : What are risk factors for bird flu? -Biology

Last Answer : Humans may get bird flu from contact with infected birds (chickens, for example) or their infected droppings and secretions. Risk factors include caring for sick birds, killing sick birds, and ... eggs from sick birds or water contaminated by poultry feces poses a potential risk of disease.

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Last Answer : Factors that increase the risk of injury include the load being too heavy, large, difficult to grasp or unstable, the task being too strenuous or involving awkward postures or movements, and ... sufficient space, having slippery, uneven or unstable floors, having extreme temperatures or poor...

Last Answer : Risk of Blood Cancer: - In our country, 4 to 5 lakh people are getting Bosnad cancer every year. According to that estimate, out of 150 million people, 7-8 thousand people are ... - Excessive use of chemicals in agricultural work. Not taking safety measures in the factory. Environmental pollution.

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Last Answer : Major symptom of ectopic pregnancy is vaginal bleeding or spotting in first trimester(it develop between 4th and 14 th week of pregmancy) and also pelvic pain occurs. You may feel shoulder pain and urge to bowel movement

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Last Answer : The risk factors associated with dental implant according to Smith RA et all. Int J oral Maxillofac implants. 1992. A total of 104 consecutive patients treated with 313 Nobelpharma implant were s studied ... actually correlated. But the tooth can't be used as before to avoid breakage or rot.

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : poverty