How can you tell weather its a boy or a girl with the early signs?

1 Answer

Answer :

You can go to a doctor and get a scan done, he/she can tell you whether it's a boy or a girl.

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Last Answer : The best way to find the early signs of gender stereotypes for boys or girls is to talk to your family doctor.

Last Answer : You One Of man With Mixed His About Something The idea Will get. One Boy Or Girl Early By Whether That You His Conduct Use Seeing To understand Can. Such People Many as " neck killers " Named By Those ... Judgment To do Should No , rather One People How? That To know For To mix Will be Them With

Description : A girl is expected to return home early while a boy can comfortably have a night-out with his friends. It is a matter of a. Culture. b. Gender. c. Social. d. All of the above.

Last Answer : b. Gender.

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Last Answer : In male parakeets, the cere , where the nostrils are just above the beak, is blue. With females, the cere is pale brown to white. Immature birds of both sexes have pink ceres. By about 6 months of age, the cere is a good indicator of the sex of the bird.

Description : I recently got a parakeet from a friend and I'd like to know if it's a boy or a girl. How can I tell?

Last Answer : Male parakeets have a blue or purplish cere. The cere is the area at the top of the beak where the bird's nostrils are. In females, the cere is pink or brown. Sometimes behavior is an indicator of gender, but is not always reliable. Males have been known to chatter endlessly to a mirror.

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Last Answer : No.

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Last Answer : This picture explains very well the difference between a boy and a girl at such an age! :) [img alt_text = '' description = ''] https:///wp-content/uploads/2017/01/cica-neme.jpg [/ img]

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Last Answer : Body language is a real good sign to know if someone likes you - if their general body language is pointing towards you or is completely open then he likes you, if it is pointing away from you then ... like that he likes you as he is imagining himself in a relationship with you. Hope that helps! :)

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Last Answer : They should be embarrassed for not having any taste.

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Last Answer : I’d say at 16, 17 I’d start calling them “Young men,” “Young women.”

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Last Answer : answer:I like weird names, probably from having a boring and common name myself. I had a class in high school once that was literally ⅓ Rachels. For a girl, some of my favorites are Indigo, June, and ... Jacob, Simon, and Jack. I'd probably tone down my odd tastes for naming an actual child, lol.

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Last Answer : answer:Fortunately, the school reversed its decision and let the girl attend school (Aug 2014). Edit: fixed link

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Last Answer : Well, for one thing, you can never complain about being alone.

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Last Answer : Wow. I actually gasped aloud when I read that figure. It might affect the decision, but it wouldn't be as influential as their official stances on things like homosexuality and equality across the two ... daughter learns how to bake cookies. That's a gross exaggeration, but you get the idea.).

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Last Answer : answer:I asked my darling husband, who's an avid tennis player and fan. Paul says that there's really no science to it. All three balls look and feel the same. If you've ever been to a ... the ball to the ballboy/ballgirl, there really isn't an evaluation process. Keep two; toss one; play.

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Last Answer : does it matter? they both acted like idiots.

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Last Answer : Boy: Evan Blue Girl: Violet Samson I pulled those out of my ass. Enjoy!

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Last Answer : My guess is that they could check the fetus’ innards with xray.

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Last Answer : Rocky

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Last Answer : that i suck at making baskets and it’s much easier to buy ice cream than it is to make it.

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Last Answer : Fuckin hate it. No one is fuckin ugly beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

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Description : Boy or Girl?

Last Answer : answer:I think you should probably stop thinking about everything that's bothering you. Call a friend, go hang out, read a book, do something other than sit at a computer all day posting questions about ... friendship means to you. Only then can you have your answers. Now go out and enjoy the day!

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Last Answer : Tell him how you feel you could be surprised by what he says

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Last Answer : I would think that it is less common than say a 17 year old boy dating a 15 year old girl. At the same age, boys are less mature than girls, which would be why it is more common for a girl to date ... up to you to put up with his immaturity, you can't expect him to be as responsible as an older guy.

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Last Answer : Underwhelming and sweaty. But sweet.

Description : Dear Adults/Teens Of how was it like Holding hands with a girl/boy for the first time ?

Last Answer : Underwhelming and sweaty. But sweet.

Description : Dear Adults/Teens Of how was it like Holding hands with a girl/boy for the first time ?

Last Answer : Underwhelming and sweaty. But sweet.

Description : Dear Adults/Teens Of how was it like Holding hands with a girl/boy for the first time ?

Last Answer : Underwhelming and sweaty. But sweet.

Description : Dear Adults/Teens Of how was it like Holding hands with a girl/boy for the first time ?

Last Answer : Underwhelming and sweaty. But sweet.

Description : Dear Adults/Teens Of how was it like Holding hands with a girl/boy for the first time ?

Last Answer : Underwhelming and sweaty. But sweet.

Description : Dear Adults/Teens Of how was it like Holding hands with a girl/boy for the first time ?

Last Answer : Underwhelming and sweaty. But sweet.

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Last Answer : Jason. She took the first letter of the names of her children. July, August, September, October, November.

Description : Of no use to one Yet absolute bliss to two. The small boy gets it for nothing. The young man has to lie for it. The old man has to buy it. The baby's right, The lover's privilege, The hypocrite's ... To the young girl, faith; To the married woman, hope; To the old maid, charity. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : A Kiss.

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Last Answer : Four boys and three girls.

Description : Of no use to one Yet absolute bliss to two. The small boy gets it for nothing. The young man has to lie for it. The old man has to buy it. The baby's right, The lover's privilege, The hypocrite's ... To the young girl, faith; To the married woman, hope; To the old maid, charity. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : A kiss.

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Last Answer : The aspirational goals of these urban boys and girls can be different or sometimes conflicting. . A boy from a rich urban family: He would like to go for good education to a reputed institution, ... what she wants to do. She would like to go for professional education and then pursue a job.

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Last Answer : The correct answer is Mail Merge.

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Last Answer : Doctors say that Delivering a baby boy takes longer to deliver and can create more damage inside than a baby girl. Is just depends of the person and how they feel.

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Last Answer : family

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Last Answer : 55

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Last Answer : sorry for my bad english

Description : is plory from i-Ready a girl or boy?

Last Answer : yes, plory is a girl. just like yoop has his gender as boy. if you were to however swich thair genders yoop would be girl and plory would be a boy.