What are some foods diabetics should avoid?

1 Answer

Answer :

This website has a list the the top 15 foods you should avoid, if you are a diabetic: http://www.diabeticlivingonline.com/food-to-eat/nutrition/foods-to-avoid-with-Diabetes/

Related questions

Description : what are the foods diabetics need to avoid?

Last Answer : The types of food that diabetics need to avoid are things that have a lot of sugar (i.e. sugared soda, jam, molasses, etc.) and also foods that have a lot of flour in them. These should be ... with a lot of hydrogenated oils and in them should be avoided. (i.e. fried food, butter, etc.)

Description : What foods should diabetics eat and avoid?

Last Answer : Diabetics should avoid sugary foods such as candy, cakes, cookies and other sweet desserts. Certain natural foods such as pineapples and watermelon are also high in sugar. Diabetics must also watch ... doctor about seeing a nutritionist in order to develop a diet plan specifically for your needs.

Description : What foods should diabetics avoid?

Last Answer : I am sure that if you have Diabetes, you should avoid foods that are high in sugar and also carbohydrates. Carbohydrates tend to turn into sugar once digested in your body.

Description : Can someone tell me some food that diabetics should avoid?

Last Answer : There are several foods diabetics should stay away from or just dont eat. They are sweets, (candy, cake, brownies, ice cream,) and french fries and a few others.

Description : Diabetics or pre diabetics what’s the best way to avoid diabetes?

Last Answer : My sister and aunt have type 1, my advice is get better genes.

Description : What are some foods to help diabetics control glucose levels?

Last Answer : Using your diet to help control Diabetes is a great idea! Some excellent foods include: oatmeal, spinach, broccoli and green beans. Those are just a few of many different types of food that can help control glucose levels.

Description : What are some foods that are recommended for diabetics?

Last Answer : You can go to the folllowing website to see some diabeic food recipies http://www.Diabetes.org/food-and-fitness/food/what-can-i-eat/diabetes-superfoods.html

Description : Do Diabetics not eat sugar AT ALL or just reduced amounts of sugar in the foods they eat?

Last Answer : That all depends on the diabetic. It's not just sugar it'a ll things that go into the total carbohydrate column on the nutritional information list that effects blood sugars. The real question ... eat it. Type1 diabetics require insulin. Type 2 can be controlled through diet, exercise or medication.

Description : Where can I find a reputable food list for diabetics And who links to vendors who sell these allowed foods?

Last Answer : The best food list for diabetics can be found at diet.lovetoknow.com. This website also links to some of the largest whole sellers.

Description : Is there a list of foods for type 2 diabetics?

Last Answer : Type 2 Diabetes Food List like list of foods for type 2 diabetics. find type 2 diabetes and you doctor gave me a list of food to only use in moderation.

Description : What is a list of good foods for diabetics?

Last Answer : There is a list of foods that are good for diabetics at Diabetes.org. You can also check out Diabetesfoodlist.com.

Description : Are the foods good for type 1 diabetics also good for the type 2's?

Last Answer : No. Type 2 Diabetes is more severe, and many of the type 1 diabetics' food do not work for type 2 diabetics. However, foods good for type 2 diabetics will be interexchange able with type 1 diabetics.

Description : Can I see a list of foods that are safe for diabetics?

Last Answer : http://Diabetes.webmd.com/diabetic-food-list-best-worst-foods There you go! This tells what you can eat, AND what you should avoid! It should be sufficient to maintain a healthy diabetic lifestyle.

Description : Where can I found more out about healthy foods for diabetics?

Last Answer : There are multiple websites that can help you find information about healthy foods for diabetics. Some of these websites are: www.mayoclinic.com, www.diet.com, and www.myalli.com. All three sites offer great healthy food options for diabetics.

Description : Where can I find a list of foods for type 2 diabetics?

Last Answer : Your doctor should provide you with resources such as food lists, things to avoid, etc. But additional resources include: http://diabetesfoodlist.com/ and Canada's Food Guide

Description : What foods are safe for diabetics to eat?

Last Answer : Some foods that are helpful for diabetics to eat are vegetables, whole grains, and different kinds of proteins like chicken and fish. The only thing you should be concerned with is offering a lot of sugary foods, like desserts and some fruits.

Description : What foods are included in a pre diabetics diet ?

Last Answer : Foods that you can expect to see in a pre diabetic diet would include such things as green leafy vegetables like lettuce and spinach. Broccoli is also a food you would see as well as carrots, cauliflower and green beans.

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Last Answer : The foods that you need to avoid for cholesterol is fat foods such as fried foods chicken, porkchops, steak, sugar, salt and there are other foods as well.

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Last Answer : Being at high risk for Gout can be a very scary thing! The food you eat can definitely affect the severity of gout. www.Arthritis.com can help you find out which foods help, hurt, which foods to avoid, and which foods to get plenty of! Good luck!

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Last Answer : Some heartburn foods to avoid are acidic foods like Oranges. I hope that I have answered your question to your greatest satisfaction! Thank you very much!

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Last Answer : Some foods that you should avoid with high cholesterol are: meat, fish, low fat yogurt/milk, bread, fresh fruits, popcorn, steak, and vegetables in butter.

Description : What are some of the foods i should avoid with high cholesterol?

Last Answer : Some fatty foods with that are cooked with a lot of grease are definitely some that you want to avoid. Look for foods in the grocery store that's purpose is to lower your cholesterol levels.

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Last Answer : It is recommend to stay away from fish while you are pregnant. Fish can carry Mercury and this would be very hard on the baby. Also, stay away from deli meat. There is a lot of ... eat it, heat it up to the point of steaming. http://www.americanpregnancy.org/pregnancyhealth/foodstoavoid.html

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Last Answer : Are you counting double or triple word or letter spots? I once put down ANOREXIC on a triple.

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Last Answer : Planning and environmental control. Plan ahead of time and prepare the foods before you get stuck with nothing to eat. Always have a plan b as well. Don't bring any of the foods you are avoiding into your ... ahead of time and/or bring your own food. Also, don't be afraid to make your needs known.

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Description : What foods should I avoid that cause gout?

Last Answer : My grandmother had gout and I remember that she was told to stay away from asparagus, red meat, liver, and sugary drinks such as soda. A couple things that may help to prevent gout are coffee and citrus.

Description : I'm looking for advice on foods to avoid if you have gout.?

Last Answer : Just eat these goods: http://Arthritis.about.com/od/gout/a/foodstoeat.htm I have no idea what foods not to eat because no one wrote an article about it.

Description : What are foods to avoid if you have gout?

Last Answer : If you have been diagnosed with gout, you should avoid eating purine and protein rich foods. This includes hearts, herring, mussels, yeast, sardines, sweetbread, anchovies, veal, bacon, liver, salmon, and turkey.

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Last Answer : Shellfish is high in cholesterol. Shrimp is also high in cholesterol. Eggs are very high in cholesterol. Mac and cheese and ice cream are high too.

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Last Answer : You should avoid any foods high in fats and salts. These help break down the acids that cause colitis. Remember to always use laxatives after every meal.

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Last Answer : Watch your sugar intake. One healthy snack is cheerios. It also helps lower your cholesterol. Don't eat mayo, it is bad for so many other reasons. I think you can eat peanut butter cups to help, also works as a Viagra type medication.

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Last Answer : The term triglycerides means the type of fat that circulates in the blood. High triglycerides can cause Heart disease. Cutting fat and calories from your diet can help lower these. Eating more fresh ... your triglyceride count. Cutting out or cutting back on sugary or refined foods will help, too.

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Last Answer : Spicy foods are the first thing out the window. Next are all of your favorite greasy, deep fried foods. Sodas often can cause heartburn symptoms as well.

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Last Answer : Foods to avoid on a colitis diet include soda, tacos, lemons, limes, any citrus, pasta, pickles, and any acidic foods. Also, plastic might ease the pain of this unfortunate disease.

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Last Answer : The best way to lower your blood pressure through your diet is avoid salt and saturated fat. It is best to eat a lot of high fiber foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Low fat dairy products and lean meats are also good choices. Talk with your doctor to get a plan that works best for you!

Description : What foods should I eat and avoid to lose weight?

Last Answer : If you want to lose weight you should eat foods like whole grains and nuts and seeds. to lose weight you should avoid red meat, butter and whole milk. All of these foods will not help you lose weight but make you gain.

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Last Answer : Avoid foods such as citrus (Oranges and kiwi), tomato and coffee that directly irritate the mucosa. Other irritants that should be avoided in a GERD diet include onions, large amounts of chocolate, mints and any food with high fat (lipid) content that affect pressure in the stomach.

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Last Answer : Understanding foods to avoid with acid reflux can help you to get better control over the condition. Managing acid reflux is something that you can do naturally ...

Description : What foods should a person suffering from acid reflux avoid?

Last Answer : Some tips to helping with acid reflux are avoiding foods that are spicy or contain caffeine. Do not eat within an hour of going to bed at night, and if that does not work Prevacid can be bought OTC.

Description : What are foods to avoid with colitis?

Last Answer : When you have colitis you have to avoid acidic foods, as well as foods that are extremely high in starch content, due to the way it breaks down in the system.

Description : What foods should a patient with GERD avoid?

Last Answer : There are several foods to avoid if you are battling GERD. These foods include: chocolate, peppermint and fat.

Description : What foods should people with type O blood type eat and avoid in their diet?

Last Answer : People with the type O blood type should eat more lean protein, such as low-fat chicken, turkey, fish or lean cuts of beef. Eating nuts and seeds are need for high protein,fruits and ... system in balance and fresh vegetables. Type O blod type should avoid eating cooked vegetable such as potatoes

Description : What foods should I avoid if I have colitis disease?

Last Answer : Some of the foods to avoid if you have colitis include beans, caffeinated beverages, dairy, broccoli, anything with seeds, corn, mushrooms, fatty meats, chocolate, creamy foods, alcohol, nuts, soda, and onions.

Description : Where can I find a list of diabetic foods to avoid?

Last Answer : There is a fairly comprehensive list of foods to avoid at this website: http://blessedmom.hubpages.com/hub/Foods-to-avoid-with-Diabetes. A general rule of thumb is that processed sugars and starches should be avoided.

Description : What foods should I eat to avoid high triglycerides?

Last Answer : Triglycerides are a type of fat found in your blood. Triglycerides are stored in your fat cells. When you eat, some of the calories you consume are used for energy, and others are converted to triglycerides and stored.

Description : What foods should one avoid if having problems with acid reflux?

Last Answer : Anything with acid, or hot foods like Pizza, and cheesy foods. Try to go with more water based foods and don't eat anything after a certain time, say 8:00pm.