Mental Health and Exercise?

1 Answer

Answer :

Regular exercise is not just a way to keep your body fit and healthy, it can also ease your mind. Many people use exercise as an outlet for their emotions or a way to calm down after a hard day. Try yoga to decrease stress and anxiety. If you are an angry or explosive person, kickboxing or running might help you let off some excess steam. Regardless of what you choose, exercise tends to absorb you completely, meaning you'll stop thinking about your stress, depression or anger and improve your mental health.

Related questions

Description : Can exercise improve mental health?

Last Answer : Exercise causes you to have more energy and increases your endorphins so you feel better. Daily exercise can decrease stress as well.

Description : all of the following are mental or physical benefits of exercise except -General Knowledge

Last Answer : All of the following are mental or physical benefits of exercise except increased stress.

Description : For a healthy heart, one needs to take a balanced diet, adequate sleep and - (1) indulge in vigorous mental activities (2) play games like carrom, chess and cards (3) do right amount of physical exercise (4) do sedentary work

Last Answer : (3) do right amount of physical exercise Explanation: Physical activity is any form of movement that works our muscles and uses more energy than we use when resting. Walking, running ... and lungs healthy. Physical activity strengthens our heart and reduces coronary heart disease risk factors.

Description : For a healthy heart, one needs to take a balanced diet, adequate sleep and (1) indulge in vigorous mental activities (2) play games like carrom, chess and cards (3) do right amount of physical exercise (4) do sedentary work

Last Answer : do right amount of physical exercise

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Last Answer : Improving mental health requires addressing a number of issues, such as reducing stress, managing emotional responses, and improving self-awareness. Solutions include seeking professional help, practicing self-care, and practicing mindfulness and meditation.

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Last Answer : Exercising. Not even joking. It's a great way to relieve stress especially working with kettle bells. You feel great afterwards since the body releases endorphins. For the record I'm an overweight lazy piece of crap sometimes and I'm personally recommending it.

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Last Answer : [deleted]

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Last Answer : answer:Attention! [Serious] Tag Notice Jokes, puns, and off-topic comments are not permitted in any comment, parent or child. Parent comments that aren't from the target group will be ... performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

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Last Answer : answer:What makes you say that? I agree as a country in the last 30 years mental health has not been addressed as well as it should be. Some service even have been diminished. But mental ... mental health. From what I understand Obamacare has a mental health requirement, but maybe I heard wrong.

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Last Answer : answer:Facebook is already such a place. Look at all the egotists and narcissists that are already on there. Seriously - I wouldn't join yet another site claiming to be for a particular ... people that participate and everyone else goes silent. By the way, the borntoconnet server is down.

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Last Answer : answer:Check with your local crisis center, or the county health center, or, since you are at University, the University health center. There is help available for free if you cannot afford it. If you have a doctor, ask them for a referral to pro bono help . There is help out there!

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Last Answer : answer:To me it is positive psychological wellness. It's the way you feel about yourself, the quality of your relationships, and your ability to manage your feelings and deal with difficulties. It ... more purpose in relationships and things you do. A truly great thing to have or work towards.

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Last Answer : You are carrying this stress from your work with you 24/7 like ankle weights and a backpack full of rocks and is weighing you down. I have been there and know that vigorous exercise allows you to ... workout and that is a great way to break that tether of stress that has kept you tie in knots.

Description : Should X Factor have cut a contestant because of a history of mental health problems?

Last Answer : The didn’t consider this when they let Susan Boyle through on Britain’s got Talent. She has learning difficulties and suffers from mental health issues.Personally i think it depends on the individuals state and they should be screened for their own protection.

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Last Answer : Because benzodiazapenes are highly addictive, and are not really as useful as CBT in treating anxiety.

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Last Answer : answer:The existence of prejudice against those with mental illness should not in any way stop someone from seeking help. I have a mental illness and use all the resources available in my small community to battle it. ... . Even though I have a mental illness, I am not a wackado, as you call it.

Description : Would your mental and cognitive health improve by dramatically decreasing your internet use?

Last Answer : No. That’s my answer and I’m sticking to it.

Description : Will parity for mental health payments make mental illness better understood and accepted?

Last Answer : A new law changing people's opinions unrealistic. For example, hate crime laws are in place. Has hate crime ceased? No. The equality with physical injuries will probably make skeptics ... ] issue? Only when individuals change their own individual opinions by choice will the situation improve.

Description : Have you ever considered checking into a mental health facility?

Last Answer : I've been at an inpatient facility before and honestly, it really helped. The classes were very informative. It's true that when you are discharged chances are your situation at home will not have ... really laying groundwork to come back to it in a position to actually do something with our life.

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Last Answer : Wow! And in the American Conservative, too! Well, I think the problems this article discussed are clearly there in his behavior, for those who have the eyes to look. In watching the debates, I realized he ... 't agree. In any case, I think we should have full infomation on which to make a choice.

Description : Mental health/psychiatric nurse available, anyone know of any jobs anywhere?

Last Answer : Social Work. It doesn't pay much but there are jobs out there. Especially if you look at federal, county, and state jobs. Also nonprofits. I had a B.S. in psych from 2006. Just now found a ... they either didn't offer health benefits or didn't fit my degree (secretarial work). I was so frustrated.

Description : What mental health advice actually did help you?

Last Answer : I started studying stress in Psychology class when I started having panic attacks. It was perfect timing to learn that the panic/anxiety response is a natural reaction to danger and we haven't evolved to ... stressors. We react to a hateful online comment as if we are being chased by a mammoth.

Description : What are some ways to improve your mental health?

Last Answer : Improve your physical health and spend time in nature.

Description : What are some subs that aren’t completely outrageous but still worth unsubbing from for the sake of your mental health?

Last Answer : Am I the Asshole. I think it’s 95% upvote farming some of those are so fake.

Description : mental health workers of what was the most strangest mental health illness you have seen?

Last Answer : Not a clinician, but there is an Illness called Cotard's Delusion...very rare, but those with it believe that they are dead.

Description : mental health workers of what was the most strangest mental health illness you have seen?

Last Answer : Not a clinician, but there is an Illness called Cotard's Delusion...very rare, but those with it believe that they are dead.

Description : What’s a ‘disease’ that *improves* your physical or mental health?

Last Answer : Disco-fever

Description : What’s a ‘disease’ that *improves* your physical or mental health?

Last Answer : Disco-fever

Description : What’s a not-so-obvious sign that someone is struggling with their mental health?

Last Answer : They’re smiling. You really never know unless this physically show it or tell you. That’s why it’s good to always be nice to others has looks are just an act

Description : When is World Mental Health Day, recognized by the UN is observed? -Do You Know?

Last Answer : answer: