What are the best home remedies to treat depression?

1 Answer

Answer :

The best home remedies is talk to your friends and families. Keeping the person happy will also help depression.

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Last Answer : You can use Neosporin per my vet, I’ve even used calamine a few times, but Neosporin is better. If you continue seeing dandruff and itching after a week, you may need to ask you vet for a special shampoo for dry skin.

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Description : How To Treat Depression

Last Answer : How To Treat Depression Most of us have our low times once in a while and that's perfectly acceptable. What differentiates an ordinary low time from a clinical depression? Major depressive disorder is a ... inside. Likewise, all the pressures of life can never hurt you unless you let it in.

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Last Answer : Gargle salt and water, put some of that orajel on it

Description : What are home remedies for night time cough?

Last Answer : is the cough illness related or just a dry, maybe allergy induced cough? If it is a viral cough you can take an OTC cold and flu medication like Nyquil. If it is allergy related you can take ... like dust and dust mites. Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated and cough lozenges might help as well.

Description : Do you have any home remedies?

Last Answer : answer:Warm saltwater gargle (½ t. salt to 1 cup warm water) to sooth post root canal done this morning. Dental nurse's suggestion. It certainly can do no harm. Tea with honey and ... and saltwater gargle for sore throat. PCP Warm saltwater compresses on skin absess, suggested by orthopedic surgeon.

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Last Answer : answer:Oh, gosh. It isn't a scar, yet. You have a scab on your face. Your skin needs to heal. If you have any rice bran oil in the cupboard, that might aid in the healing, but absolutely ... friends. Little brothers are dumb like that. I hope he said he was sorry and feels bad for scratching you.

Description : Home remedies for hair,skin etc.?

Last Answer : answer:Egypt! The land of henna! If your hair is already dark, try a henna treatment! It will give you lovely red shimmers and condition your hair beautifully. If you have light hair, it will dye ... Trying a whole lot of different things once will do you little good. It's good habits that help.

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Last Answer : I have the same problem as you do. For some reason, my ears produce a huge amount of wax. For starters, every time I get out of the shower, when it's softer, I clean my ears pretty thoroughly. ... drain your ears. It will feel weird and sound weirder, but you will feel a whole lot better after this.

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Last Answer : answer:I had athletes foot as a teen. What worked for me was keeping my feet clean and dry, using wool or cotton socks (no nylon or polyester), changing my socks at least once during the ... important I went barefoot as much as possible, including outside. I made my feet inhospitable to the fungus.

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Last Answer : answer:I am sorry to say that there are home remedies for a sore throat but not for strep. You need an antibiotic to take care of it. I learned that the hard way. For garden-variety sore throat: Honey, lemon and hot tea. Mild warm salt water gargle. Throat lozenges or hard candy.

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Last Answer : Do the NeilMed sinus rinse, gargle with diluted vinegar and put Tea Tree oil drops in your ears. A bowl or 2 of Chicken Soup a day should help too! About all I can think of and should see results in a day or two.

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Last Answer : what exactly do you mean?

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Last Answer : type into google “home remedies for acne” there are a lot of great sites. try toothpaste

Description : I'm a little embarassed to ask this, but I need to know for my daughter: Do you know of any home remedies for yeast infection?

Last Answer : HOME remedies? Not really. I’d go get some OTC stuff. It’s not expensive & it does the trick. I don’t know that anything concocted at home would do as good as anything that’s specifically made for a yeast infection. That’d be your best bet, I’m sure.

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Last Answer : Chicken broth – you decide on veggies, noodles, chicken, etc. – with LOTS of garlic…and it needs to be actual garlic (chopped garlic works just fine) not the powder or salt. Vitamin C is a good idea too…straight up oranges and the like are best (not juice).

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Last Answer : The only thing that worked for me was a tummy tuck. I still have a few but they are greatly minimized. I can even wear a bikini now.

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Last Answer : I think heat helps. Try puttig a heat pad on it.

Description : Do home remedies really work to maintain healthy hair...?

Last Answer : Don't know about eggs and lemons and other goop, but I do know that since I started using Paul Mitchell products, my barber noticed. Her exact words were What are you using in your hair? It ... Paul mitchell clean/conditioner, and sculpting foam instead of gel. I wish I'd found them ten years ago.

Description : Does anybody know any home remedies for allergic reactions?

Last Answer : answer:lay off the crack? when you say you itch every night do you mean every night like just at night time or when your in bed? If its in bed you may be allergic to dust mites or something along those lines. Try washing your sheets/blankets or better yet get a hypo allergic sheets/pillow covers.

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Last Answer : Before administering any home remedy, immediately call your Poison Control Center. The information you should give them is which poison was ingested, when it was ingested, how much, and symptoms. I would ... equal parts of white vinegar and dish soap. Works wonders and is not dangerous to animals.

Description : My horse has thrush. We're treating it with medicine, but I've heard that home remedies can be just as effective. What are some home rememdies?

Last Answer : A horse with thrush usually has an odor with a black, oozing discharge around the frog. There are several home remedies that can be effective. The hoof should always be cleaned thoroughly first with ... as a sock. Apply zinc oxide ointment to the area. If the problem persists, consult your vet.

Description : I really don't want to use a lot of chemicals on my dogs. I've only seen one or two fleas on them. Are their any home remedies that really work?

Last Answer : Bathe your dogs using a gentle citrus scented shampoo. Use a flea comb daily. Wash pet's bedding and toys and vacuum floors, furniture and carpet often. Empty bag after each use, wrapping the contents ... when using oils as they are usually safe for dogs, but cats can be very sensitive to them.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : What home remedies are there for tomato worms and their eggs?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : What are the home remedies for chronic headaches ?

Last Answer : Peel an apple. Then cut into slices and spread some salt on top. Get up in the morning and eat this apple and salt. This will eliminate the problem of chronic headaches.

Description : What are the home remedies for nasal congestion ?

Last Answer : Mix half a cup of hot water with a little organic apple cider vinegar and 1 pinch of black pepper powder. Drink this mixture like tea twice a day.

Description : What are the home remedies for headaches ?

Last Answer : You can eat apples with salt or tie your forehead tightly, straighten your eyes and lie down for 10 minutes.

Description : Do you have any medicine or home remedies for quick digestion of food ?

Last Answer : Some natural easy way. It is very easy to get rid of digestive problems by increasing digestion in some small activities. 1) Chew food well - Many people chew food twice and swallow it. This ... rid of digestive problems naturally if you can understand the food and eat it with a little salt.