Who created the high tensile fence?

1 Answer

Answer :

The idea of an electric fence was first thought up by Mark Twain, however he did not create an actual working version. The first physical prototype was created by William Gallhager Sr. in New Zealand.

Related questions

Description : How high should the fence be?

Last Answer : That would certainly high enough to deter jumping over, his real concern will be digging under. Some smaller dogs have serious Houdini tendencies, I have dealt with that in the past by digging a ... fence line and extending the chain link down that far. Special care taken with corners and gates.

Description : How to mend the fence when neighbors set up high defense?

Last Answer : Build two fences… one on each side.

Description : How high should a fence around an in-ground swimming pool be, from a keep-kids-out safety consideration?

Last Answer : Pennsylvania state law requires that an in-ground swimming pool fence is 4 feet high, however, for extra precaution, many pool companies recommend a fence that is 6 feet high.

Description : Can you give me some fence suggestions?

Last Answer : Did you get that house? I put a plastic white picket fence across my back yard. Upkeep is minimal.

Description : How do I make the gates in my fence work properly?

Last Answer : answer:To mount the hinges parallel to the slope, stick that post in perpendicular to the slope. Or you could have a sliding gate that goes sideways instead of swinging Or, more complicated, a parallelogram ... like this picture. Or simply swing the gate out over the slope instead of back into it.

Description : A young couple totally on the fence about having children, asks for your opinion what do say?

Last Answer : answer: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times . I did have those talks with one of my children. I tried not to influence the decision either way but I said that for me, ... the most significantly rich experience of my life and I would have regretted not having them. YMMV, of course.

Description : What kind of concrete is best for fence posts?

Last Answer : answer:I don't have a specific answer for your site and its wind issues. I have heard over and over that people regret quick-crete shortly after they have the job done. I have also heard it's ... badly. Will you be doing your own mixing, or having a concrete company do it? Moisture is everything.

Description : Do you know of anyone who despite being on the wrong side of the fence as regards health risks, hasn't actually suffered anything major?

Last Answer : answer:If it's a matter of only not having a heart attack or stroke, my father. He lived until just short of his 82nd birthday, very overweight, gout, uncomfortable, unable to sleep well. But ... last fifteen years, his not having had a heart attack or stroke was not the same as not suffering.

Description : Should the Canadians start building a fence to keep the Americans out?

Last Answer : No. They can use us when we mass migrate there to escape American poverty.

Description : How do keep rabbits off lawn without fence?

Last Answer : answer:Get a medium-sized Havahart”: and drop the rabbits at least five miles away at a field or woods or riverbank. I have used the small ones for mice, voles, and chipmunks. Except for the squeaking in the car on the ride, it’s straightforward.

Description : What does an anchor and a fence have in common?

Last Answer : They will both keep you from harm.

Description : Would an electric/invisible fence work for cats?

Last Answer : answer:I'm not currently adopted by any cats, but I have lived in a suburb my entire life where drivers can be particularly insane. We live in a somewhat removed community where the ... option seems feasible, I would unfortunately recommend keeping your cats indoors. Better safe than sorry, right?

Description : Recommendations for vines to grow on a wooden fence in Houston, zone 9a?

Last Answer : answer:Houston Zone Code: Residential Section 9: ... Unit divisions: ... Shared fences or other structures dividing the property line shall not be altered in such a way that it impacts other residents ... own privacy barrier, but may not alter the dividing structure. Google it, I closed the window.

Description : For those on the fence, have you considered trying an iPad?

Last Answer : answer:Yeeeeah, no. First and foremost 50 dollars for a “try” is too much. Secondly the iPad is vastly overhyped. It’s basically just a big iTouch but it’s marketed as a tablet PC, which it isn’t.

Description : If the neighbor's kids broke my fence and then he repaired it, and they gave me letters of apology, should i give them a little gift to thank them for the nice letters and the repair?

Last Answer : Cookies for two kids who learned the right thing and cookies for a smart dad. Cookie for all, I say.

Description : Do you ever feel that you 'fence sit' too much?

Last Answer : No just the opposite. I think one of the major societal problems we have today is people being too black-and-white about things, simplifying complex issues into childish slogans and and pithy ... -rousing or rushes to judgment. Keep on thinkin' for yourself, and considering things thoughtfully :-)

Description : How do I keep my two dogs from jumping our fence?

Last Answer : Sell one. sorry…I cuoldn’t resist

Description : Does throwing a stick at an electrifiic fence really work?

Last Answer : I dunno about a fence but once a limb fell on the powerline in my yard and it burst into flames. One side rested on one wire while the other rocked up and down onto another. Everytime they connected it burst into flames. It was pretty cool. Maybe this would work the same?

Description : How does the "Security Fence," Israel is building differ from me building a fence that wraps around my neighbors swimming pool and rose garden?

Last Answer : Does your neighbor routinely strap bombs to his chest and blow himself up in your kitchen?

Description : How much does an electric fence cost for 1\2 acre?

Last Answer : Instead of an electric fence tell your folks to get a good book on dog training and take their time doing a little research before jumping into anything.

Description : What is the voltage/amperage of an electric fence?

Last Answer : Is it not something low like 12V or 24V . Ok according to website its alot more than that 2000 V to 10,000 V .

Description : Will vines grow DOWN a fence, just like they'd grow UP a trellis?

Last Answer : Fence or trellis, they grow upward and hang down.

Description : What's cheaper? Building a fence from scratch, or buying those panels from lowes/home depot?

Last Answer : Probably from scratch, but there would be more work involved.

Description : How do I detect a broken wire/loop in invisible fence wire?

Last Answer : Here’s one idea. Here’s another. Plenty more if you Google the exact words of your question.

Description : Why are fence boards kinda shiny on one side and rough on the other?

Last Answer : The planer they use. The rough side is likely cut with a saw and the smooth side is ran through a planer to make sure the board is the proper depth. The planer makes a much smoother surface.

Description : I have had climbing hydrangeas on my backyard fence for about 7 years now and no full bloom.

Last Answer : Raise the soils Ph level up just a smidgen, you can do this by using common white vinegar. Add (to start out with) one cup of vinegar to at least 4 gallons of water, 3 times /week, Only ... into shock; the higher the Ph Levels in the soil for hydraneas the better chance that it will bloom -Birdy

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Can you identify a vine on my fence. It has green heartshaped leaves, green pods.

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : what do I do for winter coverage for my clematis North of Edmonton on a fence cover or cut down

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : A Cottonwood Tree is leaking a brown sap on my fence. Is the tree dying?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : My cantalope vine is taking over my whole garden plot, can I divert the vine to my fence post?

Last Answer : The only things that concerns me is the metal posts.........they heat up and can cause some damage to the vine.....but you could trim the vine or try carefully to move it...they like to climb....anyway ... climb on that instead of right on the metal...................good luck with your harvest.

Description : how can I find out what kind of grapes are growing on my fence?

Last Answer : Take some to the local ag center or look on line at grape vine suppliers.

Description : which live fence trees that can grow in a land with mature cypress trees ,to form live fence ?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : what recourse do i have when the neighbors tree grows into the fence and starts pushing it over?"

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : what do you do with the dead vines on the fence?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : I believe I have deadly nightshade growing ove my fence, how is the best way to deal with tis toxic plant.

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : have arrowood viburnum as privacy fence, leaves of one are brown and dead

Last Answer : Hmmm, the other plants may be crowding out the resources that are needed to keep these two alive and healthy. Try this: pour a mixture of 1/5 gal. water, with 16 oz. sour milk, 4 oz. sugar, ... rare cases, it may take two. You should see results in about 12 to 15 days after application. -Birdy

Description : What did one fence reply to another? -Riddles

Last Answer : I don't know, but, it probably took it a bit of-'fence'-sive.

Description : There are ten birds sitting on a fence. You shoot one. How many are left? -Riddles

Last Answer : None are left. All the others are scared away because of the gunshot.

Description : If there are fifteen crows on a fence and the farmer shoots a third of them, how many crows are left? -Riddles

Last Answer : None. The rest of the crows flew away when they heard the gunshot.

Description : When did the White House get a fence?

Last Answer : 1801

Description : If it costs Rs.2400 to fence a square field at the rate of Rs.6 per m, find the length of the side and thearea of the field?

Last Answer : {\displaystyle \Theta } (N2) algorithm, it would take on the order of 1012 steps to multiply two one-million-word numbers. Numerous algorithms have been developed to efficiently perform arithmetic operations on numbers stored with arbitrary ... The worst case is Θ

Description : what- A farmer plows rows in his field to sow crops. The border of his field is surrounded by a fence to keep out pests. If the two corners of the fence form right angles, which of the following statements is not necessarily true?

Last Answer : the sides of the fence are parallel to the rows of crops.

Description : what side measures 50 feet. She also wants to fence in 3 square rose beds next to her garden. Each side of a bed measures 10.5 feet. How many feet of fencing does Laurel need in all?

Last Answer : 84.5

Description : what= possible side lengths for a rectangular fence are 8 feet, 10 feet, and 12 feet. Marsha wants to fence in an area between 90 and 130 square feet.If the measurements are whole numbers, what dimensions can Marsha use?

Last Answer : 8 ft. by 12 ft., 10 ft. by 10 ft., 12 ft. by 10 ft.

Description : What is the meaning of the word fence ?

Last Answer : : The word vertexture fence means fence of castor or ready tree.

Description : Are dogs allowed to caress me behind the fence?

Last Answer : No! Never do it unless you know it! Irresponsibility, you can bite, and don't touch any other area anyway!

Description : For the flawless fencing of the condominium, which is the common property of the condominium, we were able to install other types of fencing elements on the concrete base without asking us. He attached iron ... like it cost him a lot.-.- My question then became the property of the Condominium?   

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Hello, we plan to build a fence, under which a wall 50-60 cm high must be made. The land is laid under the terrain and a gap of 50 cm has entered. Above the land is grass 2.5 m wide ... Or gabion? The concrete panels will probably be too heavy for this place. Thank you for the advice. Nice day.

Last Answer : In this case, I would choose a depth of 60 - 80 cm, depending on the composition of the material to be dug. Everyone has to choose the fence themselves, each of these species has its advantages and ... in the locality. It is terrible to see, for example, a log cabin with a concrete fence around.