how to stop them from drinking alcohol ?

1 Answer

Answer :

how to stop them from drinking alcohol

Related questions

Description : How to stop vomiting after drinking alcohol?

Last Answer : My best solution could be, don't take Brandy you rather take vodka. In case this doesn't work then you can mix the alcohol with cold ice water. Have done this several times and ... , having something bitter after drinking alcohol can prevent vomiting although I don't know the chemistry behind.

Description : What is the absolute time a pilot should stop drinking before flying? a. 6 hours but it depends upon the amount of alcohol that has been consumed b. 24 hours but it depends upon the amount of ... that has been consumed d. 8 hours but it depends upon the amount of alcohol that has been consumed

Last Answer : d. 8 hours but it depends upon the amount of alcohol that has been consumed

Description : What is the absolute time a pilot should stop drinking before flying? a. 6 hours but it depends upon the amount of alcohol that has been consumed b. 24 hours but it depends upon the amount of ... that has been consumed d. 8 hours but it depends upon the amount of alcohol that has been consumed

Last Answer : d. 8 hours but it depends upon the amount of alcohol that has been consumed

Description : How safe is it to quit alcohol for a week after roughly 3.5 months of drinking every night?

Last Answer : Stop now. What are you waiting for? Maybe cut your consumption in half for a few days and then stop completely. Do you want to feel like garbage on vacation? If you're addicted you could easily get ... much you are drinking or how addicted you are. No one here can predict how your body will react.

Description : How do you handle drinking alcohol at family events?

Last Answer : I get a nice buzz that’ll allow me to tune multiple people out.

Description : What safety advice should a person know when drinking alcohol or smoking marijuana for the first time?

Last Answer : answer:It’s possible to be allergic to anything. Just do what you would no matter what caused it – deal with it if it’s a minor reaction, go to the ER if it’s a major one, and don’t do it again. Generally, do it inside with a small group of trusted friends.

Description : Do you often find that drinking alcohol changes your demeanor?

Last Answer : I like ‘nothing could piss me off right now’...em I’m definitely more care-free. And chattier.

Description : What's a quick remedy for drinking too much alcohol?

Last Answer : Honestly? Take a walk outside or go camp out in the bathroom and get it over with as quickly as possible. The last time I was drunk and feeling ill, my SO had me consume a tall glass of water with a bit of elderberry juice mixed in. It seemed to work.

Description : In your opinion, what would you think if you saw a pregnant girl at a party with alcohol but she wasn't drinking?

Last Answer : Absolutely no problem with it.

Description : If alcohol makes your allergies worse, would you quit drinking?

Last Answer : No question about it! Though I have been known to rub wheat beer on mosquito bites. Works pretty good too!

Description : How does drinking carbonated beverages or alcohol cause hiccups?

Last Answer : Pretty please? I sure would be grateful!

Description : Does one's facial hair grow faster when drinking alcohol in excess?

Last Answer : You sure it’s not just because you sleep in the next day?

Description : At what age did you start drinking alcohol?

Last Answer : 17

Description : Name the campaign against the sale or drinking of Alcohol.

Last Answer : The Temperance Movement.

Description : What are the rules for drinking alcohol ?

Last Answer : : Dosage: Adult: 2-4 teaspoons daily 2-4 times , Juvenile: 1-2 teaspoons 2-4 times daily before meals or according to doctor's advice.

Description : Are there any acceptable research findings on how harmful alcohol consumption during pregnancy is to the baby? What is the amount that you still think is allowed at all?

Last Answer : Uh, this topic always leads to discussion in different forums. Look, my opinion is that since the placenta can't filter alcohol, it goes through the baby's body as it is. And with them, ... common symptom of this is facial deformity, which is accompanied by varying degrees of severe brain damage.

Description : Do you think you get drunk in the sun more than in the cold?

Last Answer : You get drunk in the sun much sooner and the hangover gets worse. #: @

Description : Should you eat before or after drinking alcohol?

Last Answer : You should eat before taking alcohol this is because most of the people who take alcohol before eating they actually loose the appetite of eating food which may results to their health deterioration. ... appetite increases when they are drunk. Healthy we should eat before taking alcohol.

Description : Assertion (A) : Dope test is used to estimate the lavel of blood alcohol by analyzing the breath of persons drinking alcohol. Reason (R) : A drunken p

Last Answer : Assertion (A) : Dope test is used to estimate the lavel of blood alcohol by analyzing the breath of ... D. If both the assertion and reason are false

Description : What produced the physical and mental changes by drinking alcohol?

Last Answer : Intoxication

Description : I want to quit alcohol but I know I need medical help for withdrawels. I have been drinking a case or more of beer every day for the last 3 years. I live in Merced Ca. and need an inexpensive detox. Can you help I'm serious.?

Last Answer : You can try Aegis Medical Systems Inc - 1343 W Main St, Merced - (209) 725-1060

Description : Could drinking alcohol give me kidney cancer?

Last Answer : Drinking alcohol actually has a negative effect on the emergence of kidney cancer. Moderate alcohol consumption has been shown through countless studies that it can reduce the chances of getting kidney ... were shown to have a reduced number of kidney cancer patients than the normal population.

Description : Are teens drinking too much alcohol?

Last Answer : I believe that teenagers have been drinking alcohol for many years. It is not so much a new problem as one that has been prevalent for years. One survey I have read stated one in three teenagers drink. This is a problem that requires attention.

Description : what are the restrictions on drinking alcohol and having gastric bypass?

Last Answer : Once you have gastric bypass surgery, alcohol is prohibited or atleast the amount you drink is severely limited anyway as you cannot have both food and drink in your stomach at the same time.

Description : Ethyl alcohol is commonly made unfit for drinking by the addition of (a) potassium cyanide (b) methyl alcohol (c) chloroform (d) potassium chloride

Last Answer : Ans:(b)

Description : Denatured alcohol 1. Is an impure form of ethanol 2. Is unfit for drinking as it contains poisonous substances 3. Contains impurities 4. Is very unsafe to consume The correct answers are: (a) 1, 2 and 4 (b) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2 and 3

Last Answer : Ans:(b)

Description : What is usually added to ethyl alcohol to make it unfit for drinking purposes ?

Last Answer : Ans. Methanol and Pyridine. 

Description : Select the drug that has been found to reduce alcohol craving and chances of resumed heavy drinking by alcoholics after they have undergone a detoxification programme: A. Chlordiazepoxide B. Chlorpromazine C. Methadone D. Naltrexone

Last Answer : D. Naltrexone

Description : Which of the following motivating factors is the least important for the alcohol drinking habit: A. Physical dependence on alcohol B. Pleasurable feelings induced by alcohol C. Attitude to relate drinking with enjoyment D. Social belief that alcohol intoxicated subject is unmindful of his actions

Last Answer : A. Physical dependence on alcohol

Description : If your teenager was drinking regularly and doing very dangerous behavior would you stop drinking?

Last Answer : “Do as I say, not as I do” never works.

Description : Is it bad to stop drinking water before sleeping?

Last Answer : If you're otherwise in good health, it probably won't kill you or hurt you.. but it'd probably be better if you drank water freely. It seems unusual to me that you aren't drinking ... still manage to sleep through the night. Have you considered that you might have an overactive/excitable bladder?

Description : Why can't I stop drinking once I'm buzzed?

Last Answer : Lack of self control. Try to pace yourself. Have a couple of drinks then a glass of water. Drink the water like it was a drink. I even put a lime on the glass. It looks like a gin and tonic but I am hydrating myself and socially drinking at the same time. Works like a charm.

Description : Can you stop drinking and retain a social life?

Last Answer : yes

Description : Should I stop drinking coffee?

Last Answer : It sounds like the addiction is already really serious, if withdrawal makes you vomit. I think you should wean yourself off the stuff. If you don’t now, it’ll only be harder to quit in the future. I can’t drink coffee, personally. It makes me anxious.

Description : What is the absolute minimum time a pilot should stop drinking before flying

Last Answer : 8 hours but it depends upon the amount of alcohol that has been consumed

Description : How to Stop Drinking Coffee ?

Last Answer : How to Stop Drinking Coffee Coffee is widely regarded as the perfect morning beverage. It provides a much needed energy boost to start the day productively. Naturally, many people are addicted, but like ... . In truth, you must weight the benefits and risks of drinking coffee then decide from there.

Description : Do you think airlines need to stop serving alcohol on flights?

Last Answer : Well, it seems to be at the root of most of the troubles the airlines have. I’ll go with they should stop serving it.

Description : Without banning alcohol, what would you do to totally stop drunk driving?

Last Answer : Well, post police officers outside of bars, for one. But that’s a no-go because it adversely affects the income of the bars. And it would do nothing to stop people who got drunk in their homes and left.

Description : Caffeine doesn't create strong physical addiction, in other words it's relatively easy to stop taking caffeine. Why do many people compare it to drugs like nicotine or alcohol?

Last Answer : Caffeine no longer has any effect at all on me. (Noticeably anyway) .. so I don’t know why people compare it to drugs other than that perhaps it actually works for others.. and that little kick they get is like a “high”.