Tension headache?

1 Answer

Answer :

DefinitionA tension headache is pain or discomfort in the head, scalp, or neck, usually associated with muscle tightness in these areas.See also:Cluster headacheHeadacheMigraine headacheMixed tension migraineAlternative NamesMuscle contraction headache; Headache - benign; Headache - tension; Chronic headaches - tension; Rebound headaches - tensionCauses, incidence, and risk factorsTension headaches are one of the most common forms of headaches. They may occur at any age, but are most common in adults and adolescents.If a headache occurs two or more times a week for several months or longer, the condition is considered chronic. Chronic daily headaches can result from the under- or over-treatment of a primary headache. For example, patients who take pain medication more than 3 days a week on

Related questions

Description : Whats the difference between a tension headache or a migraine?

Last Answer : According to health experts at ivillage.com, tension headaches are not as severe and don't last as long as migraines. Migraine headaches have other symptoms besides head pain, as well.

Description : Can the dust from my portable fan be causing my headache?

Last Answer : It may be the draught from the fan that is giving you a headache. Why not open a window to stay cool at night?

Description : Have you had a headache last several days?

Last Answer : answer:If you're not the kind of person who regularly suffers from headaches and migraines, or if you are but you suddenly develop a very different kind of headache or migraine that you're not used to, you are ... t sound like it's normal for you, so it's better to be safe than sorry in your case.

Description : Does wine give you a headache?

Last Answer : Yes, so, my trick is to rarely drink it. In fact, alcohol in general usually gives me a headache, so drinking ain’t my thang.

Description : Any other known ways of relieving a headache?

Last Answer : Caffeine actually helps a lot. So does water. My aunt (a registered nurse) says that most headaches are due to dehydration. I tend to believe her. Normally when I get one I chug a liter of water and take a nap for a hour. When I wake up I am fine.

Description : Is it possible to have migraines without a headache?

Last Answer : Yes.

Description : How do you know when a headache is bad enough to go to the hospital?

Last Answer : answer:If I were in your situation, I would be calling my Doctors who are familiar with my current medical problems and past history. They will ask you questions about other symptoms you might be having ... , or speech, call 911 or your emergency medical services # if you are outside of the USA.

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Last Answer : It could be caused by tension and anxiety and once the scan is over your body is no longer processing adrenalin to get you through it.

Description : What is the most effective otc pain pill for a headache or minor aches?

Last Answer : If you are not allergic to aspirin, then Excedrin is a good choice.

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Last Answer : answer:Any vehicle that has Honda or Toyota on it, is a good, dependable buy. I have a 2000 Toyota Solara that has 300,000 miles on it and only changed the timing belt. I got my moneys worth out of this vehicle. I bought a 2008 Solara(last year made) and I expect the same great riding pleasure.

Description : Anyone have a quick sure fire cure for a sinus headache?

Last Answer : Go lie face down in a really hot bath, or hot tub if you have one. I swear by the moist heat! Alternate with going face down in the tub and really hot compresses across your face with a wash cloth. It works for me! Oh the misery, I empathize!

Description : Any tips on combating the pregnant headache?

Last Answer : answer:They might be hormone related. Were you prone to headaches pre-preganacy? I’d check with your doctor, maybe a sign of high blood pressure also. Make an appointment kiddo. ;-)

Description : Any tips on curing a headache faster than usual? (Details)

Last Answer : I was taught biofeedback in college and it's always worked for me. I concentrate on relaxing and trying to make the backs of my hands feel warmer. Imagine your hands are in warm sunlight and relax ... headache go away. It takes some practice and concentration but it really works if I focus on it.

Description : What sort of "headache" is this?

Last Answer : Do you mean it feels like it is pain on your scalp? Not in your head? Top of the head is usually caffeine withdrawal, sometimes stress, but not necessarily either. Scalp might be nerve related.

Description : Is it normal for someone who is pregnant to have a headache everyday?

Last Answer : answer:I do not think we have enough information about the situation to give a proper response. For example: Did she have headaches before pregnancy? How is her blood pressure? Are the headaches a response to a request for sexual favors or a general complaint?

Description : What is a good recipe for a drink to make when you have a headache?

Last Answer : I do not have a recipe for tea; however, when I have a headache, I usually lay down with a warm or cold compress over my eyes. This is not just when my eyes hurt. For me, it helps with any type of headache I get.

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Last Answer : Yes, my mother.

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Last Answer : Height and weight, what medications or supplements he is taking including Viagra and any known allergies??

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Last Answer : In my forehead and eyes. Rarely, but every now and then it happens, I get pain in the back of my head and going down into my neck.

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Last Answer : There are impure incense sticks/cones..,that may do it. Yes, on the joints.

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Last Answer : There are a lot of causes for headaches, such as stress, dehydration, and high blood pressure just to name a few. There are some causes that can be really serious, such as tumors or restricted ... feeling when the headache starts, what works to relieve it, and if anything seems to make it worse.

Description : Ouch! Headache. What do you do to treat a headache, aside from medication?

Last Answer : I drink lots of water and sit or lay in a quiet, dark room. I usually end up falling asleep and taking a little nap too. When my husband is home, I get him to give me a neck/shoulder massage because most of my headaches are tension headaches.

Description : How do you cure a headache/migrane naturally?

Last Answer : When I was younger, I would get those paralyzing headaches. I couldn't move, and any sound or light was painful. I used to take very, very hot baths, and sleep for a few hours. For the last ... coming on, try pinching the skin between the thumb and the first finger. I have had some luck with this.

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Last Answer : With a strange fever and leg pain of any type, I would just go see a doctor. A fever will usually indicate an infection somewhere. Don’t wait till they have no choice to cut your leg off or something.

Description : What causes the headache, red nose and puffy lips when I cry?

Last Answer : Your blood pressure goes up.

Description : Why does listening to people give me a headache?

Last Answer : I feel like I certainly have this problem once in a while – there are however specific topics that are worse than others for me to hear about. Your condition sounds more severe and is more likely about something psychological.

Description : Flutherbot+AIM Forwarding=Headache?

Last Answer : Hmm. Interesting question you’ve got there. I don’t know why it has been ignored. This is a definite issue that should be looked into. I’m forwarding the Q to the Fluther founders and hopefully they will reply in here.

Description : Does anyone have an instant headache cure?

Last Answer : If you pinch the skin between your pointer finger and thumb it is supposed to be an acupreasure point for headaches.

Description : Is it normal to experience dizziness and a slight headache after stretching?

Last Answer : depends i used to, if i would stretch and break the stretch fast it would send a rush of blood to my head. Take it slow. and It won’t happen as often.

Description : What's the best way to get rid of a headache if sleep is out of the question?

Last Answer : Drink some coffee and get a little shoulder rub from someone who won’t creep you out, or be creeped out by you asking for one :)

Description : Could you share some good natural remedies on how to get rid of a headache?

Last Answer : 100% real aspirin, nothing like it.

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Last Answer : please tell me about this procedure.

Description : Best way to get rid of a headache?

Last Answer : First, make sure you're well-hydrated--sometimes that will do the trick. Here's another great trick my mom used to do: have someone put one hand on your forehead and the other on the back of your neck. Close your eyes and breath deeply. I find that can work wonders.

Description : why does caffeine withdrawl cause a headache?

Last Answer : caffeine causes headaches because of the physical withdraw your body is going through. Caffeine is a stimulant and with that being said if you are a heavy taker of caffeine either thru coffee, tea or ... heavy dosage or a adrenaline shot to ease it till your body doesn't crave the caffeine anymore

Description : Why do I get a headache when I oversleep?

Last Answer : Sleep disturbances are sometimes a trigger for people who suffer from migraine. Sleeping more or less than you usually do can qualify as “disturbance.” See a doctor if you get such headaches regularly.

Description : Why does scuba diving gives me nauseas and headache?

Last Answer : answer:When you dive, the pressure in your inner ear increases the deeper you go. Parts of the inner ear also control your balance and equilibrium which, if offset can cause dizziness and motion sickness- ... the symptoms and get checked out. You should stop diving until you see a doctor about it.

Description : Tips on getting rid of sharp headache centered specifically around my foramen magnum that throbs with my heartbeat and the movement of my head?

Last Answer : Some folks on here might say weed. LOL. I have had good luck with excedrin and an ice pack when I get horrible ones like that. I hope you feel better soon.

Description : Recurring, localized headache?

Last Answer : Have you been to the dentist lately as it could be reffered dental pain. I had an infection in a wisdom tooth and the pain presented exactly as you described.

Description : Good ways to get rid of a headache without the help of medication?

Last Answer : coffee usually does it for me.

Description : Why do you get a headache after waking up after a night of drinking?

Last Answer : it’s to do with dehydration – when you drink alcohol, it dehydrates you, and affects a set of cells in your brain which physically contract as a result – causing a headache. Sonethong like that.

Description : What's a good way to deal with a headache that's lasted for days?

Last Answer : A trip to the doctors office.

Description : What is the easiest way to get rid of back pain and a headache without taking medicine?

Last Answer : Break a tooth that still has the nerve attached.

Description : What is the easiest way to get rid of back pain and a headache without taking medicine?

Last Answer : Break a tooth that still has the nerve attached.

Description : Severe headache. Dizziness. What are the medicines for whole body pain ?

Last Answer : Ibuprofen tablets can be taken with a doctor's advice .

Description : What to do if you have a headache ?

Last Answer : Everyone gets a little headache when they get a cold. Because we have some sinuses on the forehead, on the palm of the head and on both sides of the nose (fine air-carrying ducts between the ... gently. The sinuses open on contact with hot water. The cold goes away and the pain subsides. Thanks

Description : Which prayer should be recited for headache ?

Last Answer : : ﻟﻟّﺎ (Surat al-Waqia: verse 19) How to recite this dua: When a person has a headache, he should hold the head with his right hand and recite this dua 3 times.

Description : Does eating have anything to do with headaches ? I noticed that I have a severe headache when I fast ?

Last Answer : Of course there is a relationship , and that is a deep relationship. I suffer myself. People who eat irregularly have more problems with migraines. It would not be right to omit the main three-course ... the right hand. Experts say that it is expected that the headache will go away in a minute.

Description : Headache while traveling. What can I do to get rid of it ?

Last Answer : You can take the following medicine - Vertina Plus. Napa Extra. Zolium.

Description : What is the home remedy for headache ?

Last Answer : Headache is a very painful subject. Working with headaches all day is quite uncomfortable. However, there are some home remedies that will help you get rid of your headaches in 60 seconds. You can ... help you to cure headaches in one minute. The pain gradually subsides when our body becomes moist.