What did hawkeyes relatives name him?

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Are fingerprints from relatives similar?

Last Answer : Nope, fingerprint patterns are distinct and not at all similar to those of relatives.

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Last Answer : Since probably a large majority of those deaths are the result of deliberate negligence by the former orange regime, I would absolutely say that it is just.

Description : Have you ever been embarrassed by your relatives in public?

Last Answer : Was there other fruits available ?? I can actually see both sides of your argument on this, and would be horribly embarrassed if there was that same fruit available , but if not can sorts see where your uncle was coming from as well.

Description : How do I persuade my relatives to seek shelter from Hurricane Irma?

Last Answer : You might call the authorities and have them forceably remove them.

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Last Answer : When I talk with someone, I absent mindedly scratch at the psoriasis on my elbows. They haven’t said anything, but my wife motions to me to stop. Oddly, this same thing disgusted me when my Mom did it.

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Last Answer : Because she thinks you love her.

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Last Answer : answer:The various official definitions of Homelessness No. They are homeless only in their own minds.

Description : What would you do if a relative's SO was very sick?

Last Answer : answer:Send a note of compassion. Don’t offer help unless you are truly willing to help without resentment. Don’t bother them to assuage guilt; reach out as an act of compassion. The time for reconciliation is -before_ someone becomes ill.

Description : How can I convince my less fortunate relatives that expired, canned food is still good and should be eaten?

Last Answer : I have to admit that I wouldn’t eat it either. I have to wonder why they have expired food? Why are they not eating that before they buy more? Maybe their shopping habits need addressed instead of them giving you expired food.

Description : [Fluff time] Is it better to have no relatives because they all passed away or died in a tragedy or have live relatives that ignore you?

Last Answer : I don’t think that ‘better’ is a way to describe the choice. Both are unpleasant situations.

Description : How do you deal with relatives who are pain in the neck?

Last Answer : answer:I don’t. It’s fantastic. I highly recommend it.

Description : How do people with no children, nieces and nephews or other relatives face the end of their lives?

Last Answer : They die in a nursing home.

Description : Do you ever think about friends and relatives who passed away?

Last Answer : answer:Sure. I remember them. Is my mom looking down on me from heaven? Wouldn't that be nice. Hi, Mom! That would be nice right up until I find myself in bed with a woman. Then it would be ... about where we'd all be if they'd lived. These are pleasant moments for me. But that's about it.

Description : What was the thought behind taking photos of deceased relatives?

Last Answer : Look up memento mori photography, very popular in the Victorian era, often the only photos people had of their loved ones. there are volumes and volumes of photos online from this era. It is also ... born infants, new PC label of born still. Tons of videos of both these practices on youtube.

Description : What role should I have in the lives of my elderly relatives?

Last Answer : answer:Can you call your aunt's primary care physicians and get resources for social workers, paid caregivers other than you and other available services? You aunt may need an evaluation to see whether ... person for several hours every other morning to do what you have been doing for your aunt.

Description : How can I convince my parents to let me live with my relatives?

Last Answer : answer:I'm sorry you're having trouble adjusting to life in your new town. But you are stronger than you know - you're not just gonna die here. It's completely normal to miss your old ... your school situation, too. Study hard and ask the teachers for help if you're having trouble keeping up.

Description : Quite overweight jellies or relatives of extremely overweight people, what health problems are you currently facing?

Last Answer : Diabetes, sleep apnea, and psoriasis. I have several overweight friends and family members, and it always those three.

Description : How do you refuse to let certain unlawful, immoral relatives come over?

Last Answer : Move far away, do not notify anybody of your new address, and file restraining orders. Nothing good can come from any time with people like this.

Description : How do you deal with relatives or friends who can suck all the happiness out of you?

Last Answer : Smile and move on, that’s what I do. If they can’t be polite and mature, I’m not wasting my time and energy on them.

Description : If you were really poor, would it frustrate you to have relatives who give you expensive, but frivolous, gifts for Christmas or your birthday?

Last Answer : Oh yeah, I remember in my early 20’s I was trying to live on ramen noodles and brown beans, bologna sandwiches and my gma was giving me a china cabinet filled with gold-rimmed treasures, bless her heart. I ended up pawning some to my landlord, I really regret that.

Description : Any of you totally alone in your country or even generally totally alone without relatives/family?

Last Answer : My family is 3,000 miles away. I miss them.

Description : Who else has family members who rips off relatives' Valium, Vicodin or xanax?

Last Answer : answer:Who the hell is prescribing thousand-pill supplies of diazepam? Also, don’t forget oxycodone. That’s the hillbilly heroin of choice these days.

Description : Out of state Relatives...

Last Answer : Uh, no.

Description : Will a New York Times story about the wealth of the Chinese premier's relatives have much impact in China?

Last Answer : The people in China don’t / / CAN’T read all the New York Times, most western news feeds are systematically blocked.

Description : What are some good practices for preventing family feuds when it comes to dividing up a relative's belongings when they pass away?

Last Answer : This should’ve been taken care of already with paper work. Good luck trying to control that situation, as it’s going to chaos no matter what you do. That is what the legal documents are for: to keep people in check.

Description : What is the baby shower etiquette around long distance friends/relatives?

Last Answer : You could casually mention your shower in an email with a note saying, “I know it is really far, but if you could make it, we would love to invite you.”

Description : Do you wonder and are you concerned about what the world will be like for your children, relatives or other young people in future decades, presuming they'll be around long after you're gone?

Last Answer : I’m not worried (not beyond a degree of natural worry that anyone should have for their children or young loved ones), if that’s what you’re asking.

Description : How do you deal with self-centered relatives?

Last Answer : My aunt and uncle have a relationship like that. My aunt calls him or e-mails him to ask him for help around the house or to see my grandmother more often, and my uncle kind of avoids her calls. To ... . I'm sure she thinks he's a self-centered ass and he feels like she's constantly harassing him.

Description : Have you ever talked to your dead relatives or friends?

Last Answer : Often say words out loud to my boy, Logan. I try to share the jokes he taught me when I remember them. I haven’t visited his gravesite though. That’s not really something I do.

Description : How many blood relatives of yours--let's say as far back as your great-grandparents--have made it to 100? And would you want to?

Last Answer : Before my great grandparents there were supposedly several but since my great grandparents only a handful that I know about. Most of my family I don’t know or have contact with. I definitely want to make 100 as long as I’m with my wits and mobility.

Description : What are a Tiger's closest relatives?

Last Answer : http://mbe.oupjournals.org/content/vol21/issue12/images/large/molbiolevolmsh241f01_ht.jpeg

Description : Which of your relatives has the strangest life story?

Last Answer : I suppose that would be me, what with some of the things I’ve been through… like in Vietnam almost being captured twice.

Description : What's the most polite way to tell your relatives not to bring their kids to your wedding?

Last Answer : answer:In the invitation, just list it as follows: This wedding has been rated R by the MPAA (Marital Participants Association of America) for adult content, language, strong sexual themes, and brief ... , and it's your wedding, and with enough notice they should be able to find a babysitter.

Description : Do any of your relatives have an unusual or funny name or nickname?

Last Answer : My Uncle’s name was V.L. His Dad named him that so people wouldn’t call him Virgil Junior, but he took the name Virgil when Granddad passed on.

Description : Would you feel guilty about not liking and ignoring your relatives?

Last Answer : I don’t have any guilty feelings over not being crazy about Aunt Bitchy.and you can’t make me;)

Description : How can I help my relatives have a better quality of life?

Last Answer : It sounds like you may have to bring activity to them. What about having a regular family game night, do something like bake and have the neighbors over. A lot of times, if you ask sedentary people to ... and sit out there and read. Or do a little gardening, and get them to come out and supervise.

Description : What would be the most fair way to offer care services for relatives?

Last Answer : Are you certified? Often times medicare will help to cover the costs for senior care. That might be worth looking into.

Description : Do you have anything from one of your relatives (something that they passed down to you) and they're now gone?

Last Answer : -that's beautiful, @jmah- I have some old embroidered cloths and brooches that my grandmother gave me when I started my first witchcraft altar - they were so important to me and when my father (in one ... a photographer, my father, I have photographs that he's taken or worked on to remember him by.

Description : I need advice about finding my uncles relatives?

Last Answer : or from USA

Description : Is there anyone among your blood relatives who have totally separated themselves and refused to speak to or see a parent, a sibling, a child, an aunt or uncle or cousin?

Last Answer : Yes. My grandmother's cousin left her kids one day and no one has heard from her since. She'd be dead by now. No one knows why she left. A few of my cousins refuse to speak to my sister, and my ... . We had to beg her to come see my mom before she died. I know lots of people with similar stories.

Description : How many of your relatives died in the war on Christmas this year?

Last Answer : It’s a piece of ridiculous and xenophobic propaganda. People die, not because of people saying ‘happy holidays’, but from being trampled to death by people overwhelmed with greed.

Description : What do your friends or relatives post on Facebook that you do not want to think about?

Last Answer : The stupid quizzes. I really do not care what color they are or what celebrity my sister is. Nor do Iwant to deal with the “causes” to join or the virtual tree or dog I have been given. Methinks Facebook can be a major time suck for people who are bored.

Description : Does any one dream about dead relatives?

Last Answer : No, but I had a a premonition or dream of the death of both of my parents that materialized.

Description : If you saw one of your relatives that has passed on would you be happy or freaked out?

Last Answer : You have a very healthy imagination.

Description : How can one prove domicile for INS if living with relatives?

Last Answer : How about cell phone bills? Do they have a driver's license or state ID card? Or paychecks? Or bank staements that come to your house?

Description : If you won $100 million in the lottery tomorrow, other than not tell any relatives, what would you do with the money?

Last Answer : I’d tell my relatives. With some I’d even share. Considering I’d live to be say sixty, I’d go on a forty year shopping spree. Oh, but first I’d put back the money for the taxes and put half in the bank to draw interest.

Description : Every year, sometimes during winter and sometimes in the springtime, an elderly woman takes 12 pieces of food, each in its own separate colorful container, and strategically places them outside in her front and ... is there some method to her madness ----- and what animal does she blame? -Riddles

Last Answer : The elderly woman has many grandchildren who she invites to her house each year to her annual Easter egg hunt! She challenges them to find the 12 colorful eggs the Easter Bunny has hidden for them.

Description : A man left an inheritance of $10,000 to three relatives and their wives. Together the wives received $3960. Janine received $100 more than Cathy, and Maria received $100 more than Janine. Joe received the ... his wife, and Tom received twice as much as his wife. How much did each receive? -Riddles

Last Answer : Carthy, Janine and Maria received $1220, $1320, and $1420 respectively. Joe received the same as his wife Carol, $1220. Hary received half again what his wife Janine did, $1980. Tommy got twice as much as his wife Maria, $2840.

Description : 7 relatives of a man comprise 4 ladies and 3 gentlemen; his wife also has 7 relatives; 3 of them are ladies and 4 gentlemen. In how many ways -Maths 9th

Last Answer : The possible cases are: Case I : A man invites (3 ladies) and woman invites (3 gentlemen) 4 C 3 4 C 3 =16 Case II : A man invites (2 ladies,1 gentleman) and woman invites (2 gentleman, 1 lady) ( 4 ... and woman invites (3 ladies) 3 C 3 3 C 3 =1 Total number of ways =16+324+144+1=485