Do you say today's meeting or today meeting?

1 Answer

Answer :

The word today is a possessive in the noun phrase "today'smeeting" (meeting happening today).The word today is an adverb in the verb phrase "meeting today"(occurring today).The latter is unusual but not unseen in sentences such as "ThePresident will be today meeting with his Cabinet" instead of "ThePresident will be meeting with his Cabinet today" especially ifthere is a longer object such as "meeting the most vocal critics ofhis plan to end the ongoing crisis" where the "today" could be toofar from the verb modified. More typically, the "today" is used tostart the sentence.

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Last Answer : Lying.~

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Last Answer : answer:My favorite has been the Google search for Helvetica. And the search for Comic Sans is funny too. And I fucked my site pretty hard. So hard I feel really bad about doing it.

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