What does kat's fears reveal about her personalitys?

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Last Answer : Fear of heights is still there. My fear of public speaking or being on stage is gone.

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Last Answer : I lopped off a fingertip at age 1 in a bad fall. I suspect it might be the reason that medical settings, or even reading gruesome medical accounts can make me pass out. It doesn't happen much ... blood drawn. Though I wouldn't call it a phobia. I walk into those situations anticipating the best.

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Last Answer : No, there cannot be a definitive list for irrational fears that arise out of racist constructs. New ones pop up everyday.

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Last Answer : answer:I can't say that my situation is like yours, but I have had health issues put a serious kink in my ability to live a normal life and that has compounded my (severe) anxiety and fear ... through a serious hardship, but don't make excuses for self destructive behaviors. One day at a time.

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Last Answer : No, just the opposite. I’m more careful, because I’ve come to the realization I’m not bulletproof, but I know I can deal with whatever happens, because most of it has already happened and I survived. So far. :)

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Last Answer : answer:I agree with you and try to approach fears and negative feelings head-on and as quickly as possible. I find that ignoring them only makes it worse.

Description : How do you overcome your fears?

Last Answer : That is some over- the -top stuff to be sweating all the time. My big fear is not having enough money to take care of everything. Not that Friday the 13th stuff. Nothing overwhelming though. Have you ... of exercise that will make you tired and it will also make you feel better. Good luck with this

Description : Tell me about facing your fears and overcoming them, please?

Last Answer : answer:I never approached or talked to women. I was jealous and couldn't understand guys who could do it so easily, even seemingly unaffected by rejection. I knew I had low self esteem. I didn't think there ... more butts than an astray, lol. Ok, not really, but a few butts is better than no butts.

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Last Answer : I prefer staying away from the basement at night. We have tornado warnings right now and I’ll just hang out upstairs by the TV until they tell us to take cover.

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Last Answer : answer:One usually can trace back the causes and effects with a good therapist and a good attitude. We are formed young and by our relationships with our parents good, bad or indifferent. The early programming is ... a lot of work to 1) understand and 2) work around or change, to a small degree.

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Last Answer : answer:Maybe, but seeds and gardening books seem even more appropriate. Maybe some books or lessons on finding wild food, hunting, trapping, fishing, etc. Water filters are a great idea. ... the useful things for taking care of yourself. Brought to you by your friendly neighborhood survivalist.

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Last Answer : Yes,of course. I have known a few and they are either dead or getting there quickly.

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Last Answer : That is very natural! Try to enjoy the process. Congratulations it sounds beautiful!

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Last Answer : I don’t know of whimsical ways, but I would take her on a nature walk and let some bugs crawl all over my own hand and read her lots of books about friendly bugs (how old is she?).

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Last Answer : I am fearful of fears and I’m fearing them so that I don’t have to encounter my fears…

Description : What fears would you like to get over?

Last Answer : I get really insecure around people that I am attracted to…

Description : How do you face your fears?

Last Answer : answer:Giving public speeches was and still is my most unfun thing to do. I prepare, then prepare some more .review what I prepared, maybe ask another what they think of my preparations and then prepare ... things I am afraid of so I don't have to go through that stressful strenuous process often.

Description : So the rain washes away all your tears, but does it ever really wash away all your fears?

Last Answer : No. It’s rain. It wouldn’t really wash anything without soap.

Description : Do you think some fears are created by the society?

Last Answer : Duh…what else is new lol….....But seriously, yes. This is already widely known. It is the reason why people hate homosexuals, are afraid to be secular, why men are afraid to cry etc.

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Last Answer : Yes we are. As humans we are only scared of two things, Loud sounds and being suprised. All of the other fears we have, we have programmed into ourselves.

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Last Answer : economics, self-sustainment, terrorism, idealism, future, racisim (equality in general), jobs, quality of life, opportunity, relevance… you name it… as to whether we’re “facing” those fears, I’m not so sure about that.

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Last Answer : bring music(mp3 player) blast it, and don’t watch them prepare it.

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Last Answer : It’s really picking up that much hair, dust, and dirt. We’ve used the Dyson Animal for two years and love it.

Description : What are your top 3 fears or phobias?

Last Answer : 1. losing my kids 2. letting my family down 3. horses (I can ride them but talk about bound up)

Description : Do you embrace your fears with intentional steps to ease them?

Last Answer : Yes. I have a mental list I’ve been working through during the years.

Description : How my fears and worries per one person is healthy?

Last Answer : See a psychiatrist. You might have an anxiety disorder. They have drugs that can help you live more normally. You might also benefit from therapy, if you get that diagnosis.

Description : Why are there still fears over nudity?

Last Answer : Good lord, they actually removed my question about the boob avatar. Sheer stupidity.

Description : Fears, Freedom, and Truth, do you have any recommendations?

Last Answer : Well, you’re gonna be hard pressed to find anything about freedom that doesn’t involve a political slant from the author/artist/producer/director.

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Last Answer : That people will hear my smoke detector beeping because of a low battery.

Description : Girl gamers: what are your fears when you start to use voip in game?

Last Answer : That people will hear my smoke detector beeping because of a low battery.

Description : Every famine begins with me. Each fight I'll be the first you see. Though food can never come without, what forest fire beginnings are all about. Fears begin with me it is true, and when I come I'll bring ... with the hungry I wont be found. Yet with each new life I'll be around. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : The letter F.

Description : I am a being with many faces. My first is peaceful and calm, but can kill you. My second is strong enough to smash ships but still fears the sun. My third flies when it's born and runs when it's dead. My fourth goes away and never returns. What am I? -Riddles

Last Answer : Water.

Description : We are a pair, We can dart here and there, Though we always stay in one place. We can smile or shed tears, Show our pleasure or fears, And you'll find us on everyone's face.What are we? -Riddles

Last Answer : Two eyes.

Description : ‘Not everyone welcomed the printed books, and those who did also had fears about it.’ -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) Fear of negative thoughts : Many were of the opinion that printed words and the wider circulation of books, would have a negative impact on people's minds. (ii) Rebellious and ... printed and read. Thus their ideas about science, reason and rationality found their way into popular literature.

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Last Answer : Many were apprehensive of the effects that the easier access to the printed word and the wider circulation of books, could have on people's minds. It was feared that if there ... and irreligious thoughts might spread. If that happened the authority of valuable literature would be destroyed.

Description : The use of supernatural elements in Macbeth to play on audiences' fears helps create?

Last Answer : Suspense

Description : What can the reader infer about the fears and value of the ancient Greeks based on this description of the cyclops island?

Last Answer : They have no meeting place for council, no laws either, no, up on the mountain peaks they live in arching caverns- each law to himself, ruling his wives and children, not a care in the world for any neighbor.

Description : What is homophones for fears?

Last Answer : fierce

Description : Unnecessary fears appear in the minds of many during pregnancy. Is there any homeopathic medicine for this ?

Last Answer : Many women have various fears about pregnancy , childbirth , etc. , which are called “tocophobia”. For this, taking homeopathic medicine "Aconite Nap-30 Shakti" is beneficial. If necessary , consult a wise doctor.

Last Answer : own On Confident Be. Anything Broke down Read on No. God willing On Trust Keep it , 5 times Prayers Read. Remember Keep the fear Win To do Is. You Own On All Time Confident Without Because ... His Against Arrangement Take it Need Accordingly , unnecessary Fear Will get No. Myself Brave By Pick up.

Description : What term refers to the unconscious exclusion of painful impulse desires and fears from the conscious mind?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : How did Jefferson try to calm federalists fears to republican rule?

Last Answer : Jefferson made a speech at his inauguration to try and calm thefears of the federalists. He said that everyone was a republicanand everyone was a federalists.