What was Pizarro and response when Atahualpa refused the demands of the Spanish?

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Last Answer : Yes. My husband was diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis. Spent a week in a hospital. He takes his cumiden regularly, but doesn't go in for periodic check ups. Sometimes his ankle or leg starts to swell ... going to get any sympathy from me he quit talking about it. And hasn't gone to the doctor.

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Last Answer : Not yet.

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Last Answer : answer:No-I've done freelance for years but have made it my policy to write only for clients with whom I can meet face to face, or at least, if they live far away, I know very well. I ... freelance marketplaces like the plague. I'm sorry for your situation. I'm not sure you have much recourse.

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Last Answer : I just recently had an comprehensive MRI (with and without contrast dye) done on my head. It was tough, to be honest. But you can talk to your doctor ahead of time and they can give you a little ... I was in there for 45 minutes, but I hear that for most people it's usually half that time.

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Last Answer : If I want to die, what’s it to you?

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Last Answer : I think this question is just perfect for injecting humor. Which kinda goes along with my response. I am not one to easily squirm about filth. God knows I've dealt with it that often. Every morning when I ... usually tag along with me. I could always send my dog. Poor girl's sense of smell is dead.

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Last Answer : Take it to court. Honestly, it’s the only way to keep things cut and dry. Have child support, visitation, and custody court ordered and just go from there. I wish that I could say that it keeps things simple, but that would be a lie. However, it gives you some leverage, which comes in handy.

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Last Answer : answer:In answer to your questions: Do they still do that? No If they do, how do they keep track when people give false information all the time? They don't. Can a doctor know if a woman has ... in that regard. Can the morning after pill also make women sterile if over used? No. Hope that helps!

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Last Answer : Thats definitely interesting, my mom is an alcoholic (now recovered) but she has never been refused. I also live in America though so I am not sure what England is like. If this is true I have no idea what their basis is for it.

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Last Answer : Yes. My grandmother's cousin left her kids one day and no one has heard from her since. She'd be dead by now. No one knows why she left. A few of my cousins refuse to speak to my sister, and my ... . We had to beg her to come see my mom before she died. I know lots of people with similar stories.

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Last Answer : Its not worth it. Approach her, tell her nobody likes a know-it-all, bossy bitch and if she won’t listen, check back with her in a couple of months.

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Last Answer : Um the lady in charge is referring to some kind of nurse-administrator, right? My suggestion would be to raise A WHOLE BUNCH OF HELL and speak to her supervisor and ask to see the portion of the ... in the hospital has any authority over the name at all. Then ask to speak to the hospital attorney.

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Last Answer : People who refused to answer the questions of the HouseUn-American Activities Committee could be blacklisted, charged withcontempt of Congress, lose their jobs, and be labeled asAnti-American.

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Last Answer : George Washington said that

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Last Answer : First, phone the physician and find out what the problem is. By denying the renewal, your physician is hoping to inspire you to make contact. Once you find out what is expected, you can resolve the prescription problem quickly.

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Last Answer : ANSWER: A

Description : Hajjaj Bin Yousaf asked the Raja Dahir to set the woman and children free but he refused to do so. On this blunt refusal Hajjaj Bin Yousaf sent a person to punish Raja, his name was: A. Al-Malik B. Al-Yamini C. Abdullah bin Hinyan D. None

Last Answer : ANSWER: C

Description : Hajjaj Bin Yousaf asked the Raja Dahir to set the woman and children free but he refused to do so. On this blunt refusal Hajjaj Bin Yousaf sent a person to punish Raja, his name was: A. Al-Malik B. Al-Yamini C. Abdullah bin Hinyan D. None

Last Answer : ANSWER: C