What is the name of person study Spelling?

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Description : What are some ways to study for a study bee My regional spelling bee is coming in 2 days and I could use some more working ways?

Last Answer : Two days isn't a whole lot of time, but some of these tips may help you:Practice! get ahold of lists of words used in previous Scripps spelling bees, and memorize as many as you can.Practice ... lead to elevated stress levels (and you want to be cool as a cucumber when you crush your competition!)

Description : Is there a term for the act of changing the spelling of a word, to force it to rhyme with another?

Last Answer : Oh loli! It’s prolly…Neoligism.

Description : Does anybody else here do the Spelling Bee puzzle in the New York Times?

Last Answer : I don’t but I’ll look for it. Does it come out every day or only one day a week? I occasionally do the crossword puzzle but only early in the week!

Description : When writing a check, why do you write the line at the end of spelling out the money amount?

Last Answer : I would agree that it’s so people can’t alter what you’ve written. Why does that seem ridiculous?

Description : Do you find that if something, or someone, forces you to type slower you're much more likely to have typos, spelling errors, etc?

Last Answer : More than likely so. I have slowed down alot on this smart phone because the type is so small and I goof more than on my laptop. But at least this doodad spells the words out for me so that helps alot.

Description : How much would poor penmanship and poor spelling hinder me one becoming a clinical psychologist?

Last Answer : Most things are probably done online. A psychologist writes down notes from meetings but probably types them up on a computer after, or puts them in a file. The notes might require neat, or at least ... t know how much time or money you have but that could be a reason to consider another career.

Description : What do you think about correcting peoples' grammar and spelling online, should it be done or not?

Last Answer : You can do it, if you attempt to be nice about it. But then again it really depends on the context. You either come out as a nice person trying to help people improve or a snob who cares too ... so stupid you can't even write a grammatically correct sentence? It's a fallacy, but it happens often.

Description : Does it bother you when you see the wrong spelling of a word in an article or text?

Last Answer : Sumtymes.

Description : Can I download an app to automatically correct my spelling?

Last Answer : I use Chrome as my browser which underlines some mistakes. I also have a plugin for Chrome from Grammarly. It is quite good as it explains what’s wrong and why. These are both on my PC. I’ve not used an app on my phone but I use the suggestions it makes while I am typing.

Description : What do you think is the reason for spelling bee results?

Last Answer : It’s genetic. Their forebearers had to deal with names like the Venkatanarasimharajuvaripeta railway station.

Description : What careers are one barred from if you have poor penmanship and average spelling?

Last Answer : Well computers do take a lot of the heat off that with spellcheck and the typing thing and all. And goodness knows, doctors don’t need good penmanship. However, I would think they are still important, especially the spelling thing.

Description : Do you use tricks for spelling?

Last Answer : answer:Oprah’s giant production facility here in Chicago was Harpo Studios. Lots of jobs lost when it closed. Anyway… 1) “i before e except after c” is a good one. 2) After the “M”, Mississippi has all double consonants. 3) Tchoupitoulas is spelled “Tchoupitoulas” New Orleans joke

Description : Best website or app to help improve spelling?

Last Answer : answer:You would be better off learning how to spell by sounding out the words. Get the book “Breaking the Spelling Barrier” by Sister Mary Caroline. You will learn to spell like a pro and never look back.

Description : Are spelling bees and that kind of competition good for kids?

Last Answer : I think it’s okay, I was in them and I enjoyed it. I also hated to lose but that’s part of growing up, learning to lose gracefully. If you teach them while young, they may not go on a shooting rampage if they are disappointed later in life.

Description : Ever wanted to point out someone's spelling errors/poor grammar online?

Last Answer : Very, very often.

Description : I need help translating into Japanese then pronouncing and spelling it in English?

Last Answer : Wait, are you thinking of transliterating or translating? Those are two different things.

Description : Should English spelling be standardized?

Last Answer : No. I think there would just be a huge fight about which spelling is correct. Colour/color. Standardise/Standardize. I don’t find it so hard to adapt when I need to use US spelling.

Description : Have you noticed an increase in spelling and grammatical errors?

Last Answer : Recency illusion. Writers have always been making mistakes. Show us your data showing that the number of mistakes now is greater than it was in the past. If it is actually true, I would guess it ... writing now. In the past whenever I wrote something, it was not immediately seen by the world.

Description : Care to share some really glaring grammatical or spelling errors that are on public postings?

Last Answer : Ha ha on me! Auggie! That should read ”...point the error OUT! Not ‘our’.” Can you fits it please?

Description : Does anyone use this to help them remember the spelling of specific words?

Last Answer : Sometimes Happens In Theory

Description : What do YOU do when you've reached your limit on correcting the grammar/spelling errors made by your phone?

Last Answer : I turn off predictive spelling on my phone. And I spell properly, none of this “c u l8r” rubbish.

Description : Does anyone know why software developers, computer and other electronic engineers always use the spelling "foobar" for FUBAR?

Last Answer : answer:They are two different things that happen to be pronounced the same: http://catb.org/jargon/html/F/foobar.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metasyntactic_variables

Description : Do you find spelling some easy words to be more difficult as you are getting older?

Last Answer : answer:Yes. I always chalk it up to spellcheck being so readily available, and my being out of school for so long. I relate.

Description : How would I go about changing the spelling of several common words in English?

Last Answer : answer:Firstly, you’d need to copy yourself thousands of times and then make every copy of yourself spell they way you want. Then you’d need to keep it up for decades and still be prepared for it to fail. Good luck ;-P

Description : How do I get picked as a speller for "The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee?"?

Last Answer : I was the spelling bee champ in my district when I was a kid.It was done through the school.If I remember right,I would have had to win another bee,then on to Washington.I still have the dictionary embossed with my name. I spelled hobnob wrong.I should’ve asked for a definition…sigh.. Good luck! :))

Description : What is the correct spelling and meaning of luftather ?

Last Answer : Luftwaffe?

Description : Why are there so many spelling variations for Gaddafi?

Last Answer : Arabic does not have any of our vowel sounds, and based on the variation in spelling, other sounds that we pronounce. As far as I know, Arabic does not even have a phonetic counterpart in the English Alphabet, such as the Japanese do. (In Japanese you can write in Japanese using our ABC’s).

Description : Why does English pronunciation differ from spelling?

Last Answer : answer:The easy answer is no . The more complicated answer is, English speakers mostly learn their words by sound and trial and error and not by pronunciation. As far as a speaker not hearing a word ... , goat-tea, goat-tie or something like it. But actually the pronunciation is the same as fish.

Description : How can I improve my English spelling and grammar?

Last Answer : answer:It's just a start, but you could head over to http://www.babbel.com/ (http://es.babbel.com/ for Spanish translation) It's free, and has many courses (including English ones). It's how I ... The only way to get perfect at English is to immerse yourself in it and strictly speak it for a while.

Description : Do you believe Scrabble to be a spelling game or a word strategy game?

Last Answer : word strategy, and the size of your arsenal of words.

Description : What common spelling/grammatical errors irk you the most?

Last Answer : Alot instead of a lot.

Description : Why is there such a flagrant disregard of proper spelling and grammar on many internet forums?

Last Answer : Essentially it is because it is easier and more efficient to use poor grammar. Sad but true that the English language is butchered to make it easier to type.

Description : What is the hebrew word for root and what is its phoenetic (english language looking) spelling?

Last Answer : the word for root is shoresh. the plural (roots) shorashim.

Description : Do you wish English spelling would be simplified?

Last Answer : answer:Nope. I love it just the way it is. It's a naturally-formed language, an open-source language restricted only by our need to use it now and then. Its delicate intricacies add flavor ... Dutch, were to artificially create a lab-sterile English and impose its use. It is delightfully baroque.

Description : What's with spelling on the internet?

Last Answer : No matter how many times this is asked, I guess we’ll never know.

Description : Would if be better if the Mod's can Fix the minor errors (like spelling) without pulling the whole question?

Last Answer : I've actually thought about this. On one hand, I think it would be, because then it wouldn't take so long for the question to go back up. On the other hand, I wonder if people would bother to make sure ... not one of all mods. Or maybe it is, I don't know, but I'll let them speak for themselves.

Description : Should spelling count?

Last Answer : answer:Am I correct in thinking that at least some of these students will be aiming to be Doctors? If so you are doing them and their future patients a disservice by not enforcing proper spelling. ... . Also at issue is client or employer confidence. It could be harder for them to find employment.

Description : Why do most trolls have poor grammer and spelling? Is it on purpose?

Last Answer : A nice mixture of anxiety and apathy.

Description : How do you feel about spelling and grammar on this site?

Last Answer : I think the standard here is already higher than a lot of other paces but I also think it would be a mistake to tighten up on it. Sure, discourage “txtspeak”, but please also remember that some people do not have English as their first language and some are dyslexic.

Description : Some advice please, should I say something about spelling errors?

Last Answer : Yes, but subtly. Suggest that the problems are typos, not lack of erudition and offer to edit for him. (If he is on disability and looking to employ people - he might be ... in prison.) Here receiving social security while earning an income is considered deliberate fraud and treated accordingly.

Description : How important is proper form (e.g. spelling, grammar, neatness, formatting) on Fluther?

Last Answer : It brings on an eye twitch or two, yes. Poor grammar/spelling, that is.

Description : Does repeatedly careless spelling and total disregard of grammar justify criticism?

Last Answer : I guess as long as it is constructive criticism, and it is sent in an email, instead of pointing it out to the person on the discussion board. No need to embarass someone over it. I mean, if it really bothers one that badly, then that is how I would handle it.

Description : Does it bother you when people use poor spelling and grammar?

Last Answer : These answers are all going to be so careful of spelling and grammer haha

Description : Should teachers be held to a higher level of accountability when it comes to grammar, spelling, etc.?

Last Answer : I don’t hold teachers (of subjects other than English) to a higher standard than non-teachers. I’m appalled at the state of grammar everywhere- including my own at times.

Description : Great question, bad grammar or spelling. How do you react?

Last Answer : If a question is poorly put together, it is often difficult to understand exactly what is being asked. That has to color the level of interest and response.

Description : Will proper spelling and grammar die in the future?

Last Answer : Absolutely not. People may become less strict about either, perhaps for a short time or perhaps for centuries, but there will always need to be a core of conventional conformity at least on the most basic level. ... rock bottom to hit, and I don't think it's very deep down from where we are now.

Description : Correct French spelling of Géneviève?

Last Answer : Generally, there is just the second accent (accent grave, above the third e). This is the way most typical French spellings will be. For example, the name of the Saint is spelled that way.

Description : Do you remember the word you misspelled in an important spelling bee?

Last Answer : freezer. I spelled it F-R-I-Z-Z-E-R. I felt pretty dumb.

Description : Americans: Do you use the British spelling of words (colour, favourite)? Britons: Do you use the American spelling of words?

Last Answer : I’m Australian and I refuse to use the American way of spelling rather than Australian/British. Sorry guys, I like to keep the meaning in the word rather than shorten it down for the sake of it.