What is the root word of innocent?

1 Answer

Answer :

the root word of innocence is innocent

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Last Answer : I think he will be found guilty on all three counts, personally. 1st degree murder is premeditated. Guilty. 2nd degree is not. they are both intentional. Guilty. 3rd degree is manslaughter. Guilty. So ... involved to others. The risk must be of the type that any reasonable person would not ignore.

Description : What's something seemingly innocent that you can't help but perceive as passive-aggressive?

Last Answer : When people call me “hun”.

Description : Is "cynical" the opposite of "innocent"? If not what is it?

Last Answer : Open minded.

Description : What would you do if a person you detest offers you millions to help convict and innocent person?

Last Answer : I don't detest very many people, at all. Almost certainly, I would talk to my lawyer to devise how best tactically to securely give the evidence to the police and possibly offer to further entrap ... taking the money and using it to destroy him and get the safety and exonerate the innocent person.

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Last Answer : Pentagram tattoo, black lipstick, mohawk, nose and/or lip piercings.

Description : Should celebrities accused of sexual misconduct still be innocent until proven guilty?

Last Answer : 1. Innocent until proven guilty is a legal concept. It does not apply in your scenario. 2. Probably some women are bandwaggoning, but relatively few. Believe it or not, most women don't like putting ... system that is so unbalanced in the favor of men isn't patriarchy , then what, exactly, is?

Description : What will they achieve by killing innocent people(Details Inside)?

Last Answer : Unfortunately, nothing. These people died because they were different and, according to some, different is badly. Sad.

Description : Was OJ Simpson innocent of murder after all?

Last Answer : He was found in a court of law to be not guilty of murder and cannot be tried for that crime again. However, if what is portrayed in the documentary is true, and if there is evidence to support it, then perhaps O J can be tried as a co-conspirator of a crime that led to a death.

Description : What are your thoughts on the death penalty as it pertains to innocent people being wrongly convicted?

Last Answer : answer:I’m opposed to killing people who don’t deserve it. Well, as a general rule, anyway.

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Last Answer : Pandora, do you ever in your heart of hearts ever wish you had not gone to that party, or would you never have had it otherwise?

Description : Why do you think bad things happen to innocent people?

Last Answer : answer:Bad things happen to everyone. There is no immunity regardless of how you are perceived or have lived your life. except for me. i have bad things happen in my life because god hates me.

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Last Answer : He holds a lot of records, including worst valentines present ever.

Description : Ever sound like you're guilty,when you're actually innocent?

Last Answer : Every time my wife accuses me of something, the more I try to explain I did not do it, the more she is convinced I did!

Description : People want God to prevent massacres of the innocent or horrendous disasters, if He stepped in and did that and wanted to step in and control other areas how would people feel?

Last Answer : answer:Fine with me. I say bring on the divine intervention, both when disaster strikes and also when us faulty humans need a guiding hand.

Description : What do you think about value ascribed to "innocent lives", specifically young children, babies and the unborn?

Last Answer : UH. time worn age old argument. can’t wait to leave this country ROEvWADE is published, perhaps post that.

Description : Am I too innocent for my age?

Last Answer : answer:I don't think it is your innocence per se that is causing the problem. It sounds like you are not into getting to know people so how could they help but find you odd? You have also said that your ... People are really not all bad, and if you gave it a chance you might even like some of them.

Description : Would you murder an innocent person if it meant saving the lives of about one hundred people?

Last Answer : Today the answer is no, tomorrow my answer might be yes. All depends on my mood I suppose… or who I am.

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Last Answer : Just pretend you’re concentrating or thinking really hard about something where ever you are.

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Last Answer : I once worked for a pastry chef who, when he tasted pastry, would just impassively wallow it around in his mouth, then spit it out (I should mention that this guy was over 6 ft. tall and ... a generalized deadness to life's most basic joys, and that my time with him would be singularly dreary.

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Last Answer : Yes, because they kept sending him back into combat zones and he snapped.

Description : What percentage of people executed are innocent?

Last Answer : answer:From The Death Penalty Information Center There is no way to tell how many of the over 1,000 people executed since 1976 may also have been innocent. Courts do not generally entertain ... -humous pardons and new information about people who may have been wrongfully executed prior to 1976.

Description : Some ideas for an innocent date?

Last Answer : answer:Welcome to Fluther, and welcome to the conundrum of dating. :) I think dating should be fun, first and foremost. There really is no limit to what you can do for innocent dating. Almost any activity ... to the moon together, then maybe the sky isn't the limit, but you get the idea.) Enjoy!

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Last Answer : It's possible, especially if they can't squeeze any more information from them and there's no political heros that they can barter these prisoners for.. Funny, if their our enemy we call them criminal ... lies once (just once) then their deemed unlikely to have ever told the truth from that point.

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Last Answer : Usually with something along the lines of “we can’t take it out safely until you tell us how it got in there”.

Description : Would you be more for ”Innocent until proven guilty” if you found yourself arrested?

Last Answer : I go out guns a blaizin’

Description : On a scale ranging from 0 to 10 how innocent are you ?

Last Answer : answer:I’ll start. I’m about a 3 or so… sometimes I have a lot of remorse over many things. A lot of my actions are innocent at the core.

Description : Would you be willing to murder an innocent person if it would 'somehow' end all hunger in the world?

Last Answer : Nope. What makes that person’s life any less important than anyone else?

Description : The choice of a possible criminal over an innocent student which would you do?

Last Answer : 1. No one deserves to be murdered, guilty or not. 2. If someone held me to gunpoint, chances are I would be too distracted to comprehend such a complex situation. 3. I would only ever kill ... so it would be highly suspicious and I would be tempted to not shoot just to see what happened next.

Description : What do you do when you're innocent but no one believes you?

Last Answer : Nope,there sure isn’t.Sooner or later the truth comes out :)

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Last Answer : Hold individuals accountable for corporate misdeeds.

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Last Answer : We can thank movies and the media for that.

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Last Answer : Figure things out on their own, or else how do they plan on living? It should be okay to nudge them though.

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Last Answer : I mowed them down in cars. I don’t care about them because they are digital bits, not actual humans. Games are for having fun without consequences :)

Description : Is Chris Brown innocent?

Last Answer : edited.

Description : Is it good or bad to be "innocent"?

Last Answer : Zach: Good and bad are harsh and judgmental words. You are who you are; don't mess with that. Don't compare yourself to anyone else. You'll be at college or university soon and will see large ... mess I'd turn into if I felt that they thought I should become a programmer or an auto mechanic,

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Last Answer : a tough one but i can see a case for it. if you buy into a mutual fund, all fund participants share in gains and losses (assume a single class of share), i.e. no one person gains or loses more ... called a fund). just playing devil's advocate because if it wa me, i'd disclaim all of the above :)

Description : What totally innocent sounding phrase becomes the most creepy when followed up with a suggestive eyebrow raise?

Last Answer : “Is that your kid?”

Description : Have you ever done something totally innocent and proper, then were accused of some serious wrongdoing, because of it?

Last Answer : answer:My totally innocent action was answering the phone. This happened a couple of days ago at my work. I answered as usual, giving my first name. The guy on the other end said he was looking for ( ... line. [stunned silence] So the University owns the line now? Always has OK, thanks click

Description : A masked man is being hunted by the authorities for his vigilante activities, in which he helps and protects innocent people. His modus operandi is to seek out injustices caused by corrupt and evil people, ... his visit. Who is this masked man, and what is the personal letter he delivers? -Riddles

Last Answer : The masked man is Zorro, and the personal letter he delivers to the villains he thwarts ----- is the letter 'Z'.

Description : There are five acquaintances. One of them shot and killed one of the other five. Which man is the murderer? 1. Dan ran in the NY City marathon yesterday with one of the innocent men. 2. Mike ... last computers together. 9. The murderer is Jack's brother; they grew up together in Seattle. -Riddles

Last Answer : 1. Jack is not the murderer, because he is the brother of the murderer. 2. Dan can't be the murderer since he ran a marathon, and the murderer recently had his leg amputated, and wouldn't ... must also be alive since Jeff plans to install Ben's computer next week. This means that Jeff killed Mike.

Description : What to do to wake up in the morning innocent ?

Last Answer : After reciting Surah Yaseen after Asr prayer, he fell asleep.

Description : Who wrote the innocent Bengali ?

Last Answer : Written by Innocent Bengali Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain.

Description : What is Innocent ?

Last Answer : Innocent means innocent.

Description : Being an innocent and honest person, everyone is mocking me. How can I handle that type of situation in my life?

Last Answer : Be yourself. That's it. You weren't born to please people. Live out your life and stay away from negativity. Go on simply for yourself and not for anyone.

Description : Which is the greater disaster: an innocent person put to jail, or a guilty criminal set free?

Last Answer : According to me, the greater diaster is an innocent person put to jail. Because If innocent person punished, we can't undo it while we know the truth. That is more painful. The criminals will be lock in any other way.

Description : What is putting someone in trial for a crime for which he or she was previously found innocent?

Last Answer : That is double jeopardy, and it is not legal to do.

Description : How many innocent civilians died in bombing raids in Germany and Britain?

Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

Description : What did atticus show to prove Tom was innocent in to kill a mockingbird?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Which individual popularized the idea that people accused of crimes should be considered innocent until proven guilty?

Last Answer : William Blackstone

Description : Do U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan dis-arm INNOCENT civilians on their streets If so- that's despicable !!! Tellus what great things US troops do for Iraqis and Aghhans! Throw candy at kids Skrew those kids' underage sisters fightothers battles?

Last Answer : My cousin is marines and they help make peaceful zones for people to be safe in and train the locals to defend themselves.