Why is it wrong to laugh at somebody?

1 Answer

Answer :

It's wrong to laugh at someone who is unhappy or distraught.There's a difference to laughing WITH someone and laughing ATsomeone. Laughing WITH someone is usually lighthearted fun, andnobody gets hurt. Laughing AT someone is considered rude or mean,because the person being laughed at is usually in an unhappysituation.

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Last Answer : answer:My husband laughs so loud when watching TV you can probably hear him two apartments over. I probably laugh a little more when I'm with someone else watching TV, because if I miss a joke ... own though too. Not only watching TV, but in other situations laughter can be infectious, no question.

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Last Answer : answer:I don’t find it at all funny. I’ve seen first hand how that very situation can harm a child. And maybe say to the guy who posted it, “do you think it’s okay to say to your kid? Or to you? Stupid fuck with his stupid Facebook joke.”

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Last Answer : I’ll bring the beer to the party!

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Last Answer : answer:I live in Oregon And the pithy phrase wimpy cultural smartness must be displayed on our flag. Right now I think it is a snake on a blue background or something else equally stupid. Ron ... worked for him a bit and he generally answers my crap pretty fast. He sends us Christmas cards.

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Last Answer : Probably that she’s one of those fat but happy gals, laughing massively over the top at almost anything.

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Last Answer : The “You Should Have Bought a Squirrel” scene from Rat Race.

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Last Answer : I’m hilarious.

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Last Answer : Who knows, who cares? It is impossible to even speculate short of a hidden microphone. ;-)

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Last Answer : This www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGeKSiCQkPw And this www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVwlMVYqMu4

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Last Answer : Yes. Every time I have been in a show audience, there are people with signs to tell us what to do.

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Last Answer : Yes! My salesman here at work does. Dave if you are reading this….sorry but your laugh creeps me out! Smart move not laughing during the job interview!

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Last Answer : answer:When cellphones first arrived on the scene, it really irritated me for a person to talk so loud, that it interferred with my personal space. I did not want to hear their personal business or domestic ... does not bother me near as much as before. I just turn off my hearing aids and smile.

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Last Answer : Yesterday at work, actually! Two of my co-workers and I were sleep-deprived, but since our personalities mesh so well together instead of being completely dead we were ridiculously giddy and ... work with few appointments so we could laugh freely without having to worry much about professionalism.

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Last Answer : Finding Ketchup Troll’s history.

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Last Answer : Same reason guys think groin shots are funny when it happens to another guy. It’s not me.

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Last Answer : “Look at my massive penis!”

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Last Answer : I don’t think it’s limited to anything. If a cave man hears me laugh he’d run in the other direction, scared.

Description : Describe your laugh the best way you can?

Last Answer : I have different laughs, some describe one as dirty, and another as evil and another that cracks people up and makes them laugh too.

Description : Anybody have any place names that make them laugh?

Last Answer : Lake Titicaca. :D

Description : A line from a movie that made you laugh, lately?

Last Answer : “You’re lucky I have a crush on you, or I’d beat you up…” Or something like that. On Fanboys. XD

Description : Is it OK to laugh at your jokes every now and then?

Last Answer : Blackberry Hey, if you don’t find them funny why tell them?

Description : Can you make me laugh?

Last Answer : Ahem.

Description : Did you ever work on your laugh when you were growing up to try to change it?

Last Answer : Yes. I was always told I laughed too much and too loud. As an adult, if I think I sound like my mother when laughing then I trip myself up, I hate that.

Description : What do you prefer : Laugh now and cry later OR cry now and laugh later ?

Last Answer : I always think it’s best to emit the emotion that is being experienced. If you’re happy then laugh, if you’re sad then cry – repressing emotions is never healthy in my experience.

Description : What is your favourite stereotype to laugh at?

Last Answer : the people who claim to be handicapped, but in reality are just lazy

Description : Can you make a child laugh like crazy?

Last Answer : Sometimes I can.

Description : What was the last thing that really, really made you laugh?

Last Answer : My husband standing outside a portable toilet I was in in a deserted park. The door wouldn’t lock and knowing my paranoia he stood outside telling me about all the people who were coming up. I was so hysterical I nearly knocked the toilet over!

Description : What is the funniest random incident you've ever seen or had happen to you that can make you laugh by just recalling it?

Last Answer : I was on my first date and I was walking around with the boy at the mall. All of a sudden, somebody stepped on a random mustard packet in the middle of the walkway and it squirted all over us both. We were laughing so hard because we were covered in mustard.

Description : Do you need a good laugh?

Last Answer : “Reading is the basics for all learning.”

Description : Why do we laugh?

Last Answer : I would think we laugh because we perceive something as funny and that something triggers something in your brain that makes you laugh. Am I right?!

Description : What quips have your heard lately that made you laugh?

Last Answer : erichw1504’s response to the question ”Would you be flattered or creeped out if someone told you they had a dream about you?”

Description : Which cartoon character has the funniest/best laugh & do you know anyone who can copy it well?

Last Answer : Spongebob Squarepants (funniest).