How can i raise awareness about eating health?

1 Answer

Answer :

Healthy eating is a huge impact on how people feel during the day and the work they achieve. Your work environment can influence staff's eating habits and some top tips can support staff to make healthier choices. More people take action to stay fit, choose to eat healthy foods and may take vitamin pills as a preventive measure. However, lack of awareness about the relationship between the food consumed and our health remains a big challenge, especially in developing countries.

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Last Answer : I am not aware of any scientific studies that can prove the material existance of “awareness.” I could be wrong, anybody knows of one feel free to say. However, I know that I am here. That is enough for me to ask questions about the world and the universe. What do you mean by preternatural?

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Last Answer : Jonny, The answer is a fairly definitive NO! Most STDs such as T. pallidum (syphilis), N. gonorrhea (gonorrhea), Chlamydia sp. are much less frequent owing to better use of condoms and/or ... also far more prevalent in Africa, South America and Asia where condom use and education rates are low.

Description : “Consumer awareness is essential to avoid exploitation in the market place.” -SST 10th

Last Answer : Consumer awareness to avoid exploitation: Consumer awareness is essential to avoid exploitation in the market place. Market do not work in a fair manner. Exploitation happen in various ways. Therefore, ... ask for compensation or replacement of the product, if proves to be defective in any manner.

Description : What is the need for consumer awareness? -SST 10th

Last Answer : Consumer is exploited in many ways. Consumers are scattered, unorganised and many of them are illiterate. The traders, moneylenders, service-providers exploit the consumers in many ways. Sellers try to ... over the world. All this has resulted in need for creating consumer awareness in India also.

Description : What is consumer awareness? -SST 10th

Last Answer : Consumer awareness means educating the consumer about his rights and duties. As a result of consumer education, consumer becomes familiar with the laws that protect his interests and restrict his exploitation.

Description : Consumer awareness is essential to avoid exploitation in the market place.' Support the statement. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Markets do not work in a fair manner and the consumers are most likely to be the victim of the various types of exploitation that takes place in the market. This reason makes awareness on ... Information (RTI) Act, 2005 have provided the mechanisms for the protection and awareness of the consumer.

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Last Answer : (i) The novelists played an important role in spreading social awareness by taking themes such as caste oppression, life of the common people, marriage, practices, etc. (ii) They ... marriage of the girls and caste oppression were the important social issues which were highlighted through novels.

Description : Write any one objective of consumer awareness. -SST 10th

Last Answer : To save the consumers from exploitation of the producers.

Description : What type of duties should a consumer keep in mind under the consumer awareness ? -SST 10th

Last Answer : Duties of the consumers are: (i) While purchasing the goods, a consumer should look at the quality of the product, the marked price, guarantee or the warranty period. (ii) A consumer should ... the matters relating to the consumers. (vi) He should know the method to get redressal if cheated.

Description : “After 20 years of the enactment of COPRA, consumer awareness in India is spreading but slowly.” -SST 10th

Last Answer : Consumer awareness in India is spreading slowly because: (i) Besides it, enforcement of laws that protected workers, especially in the unorganized sector is weak. (ii) Rules and regulations are often not followed. (iii) Lack of active involvement of the consumer.

Description : “Consumer awareness is the best way of the protection of consumers.” -SST 10th

Last Answer : (i) Consumer should be well informed about the rights and duties. (ii) Consumer should buy the communities with ISI, AGMARK or Hallmark logo. (iii) Should not hesitate to use the legal rights against unfair trade practices. Examples, Case of Amritha, case of Abirami.

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Last Answer : Sunday, 4 April

Description : When is "World Autism Awareness Day" celebrated ? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : Friday, 2 April

Description : which advocates believe that behaviour is motivated by inner force memories and conflicts of which a person has little awareness or control?

Last Answer : Pope Gregory

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Last Answer : A karen