What government is ruled by wealthy peole?

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Description : What government is ruled by the wealthy elite?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : When a small group of very wealthy men a government it is called what?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Write some of the qualities of the government ruled by the President. ?

Last Answer : : The qualities of the government ruled by the President are: 1. Stable rule. Quick decision making 3. Efficient governance.

Description : What is the structure of government ruled by President ?

Last Answer : If the president is the head of state as well as the head of the government, then it is called the structure of government governed by the president.

Description : A system where the government is elected and ruled by people is called —

Last Answer : A system where the government is elected and ruled by people is called — (a) Bureaucracy (b) Aristocracy (c) Democracy (d) Autocracy

Description : What is the name for a government ruled by a small group of people?

Last Answer : A government ruled by a small group of people is an oligarchy.

Description : Do you believe wealthy areas are being favored for vaccine distribution?

Last Answer : In Florida the wealthiest counties were the most covid ridden. Those counties do have pockets of very poor people too. A lot of counties with fairly low median incomes, I'd say low middle class, are ... quickly and waste avoidance lists are 2-300 people long is a good indicator there is a big need.

Description : How much would it take for you to consider yourself wealthy?

Last Answer : My life is quite well supplied with material comforts so I would not work if my wealth gave me an income similar to what my husband and I earn as teacher and librarian.

Description : [Fluff time] Do you believe you would have a better Christmas as a stressed out wealthy person or a content pauper?

Last Answer : answer:Well, I've never been rich but I have been poor in monetary terms. Never poor in spirit or joy. So I will bet on the poor. The one good thing about being poor is everyone who is in the ... as everyone I love is healthy and happy too. You learn to live in the moments that are big or small.

Description : What constitutes being "rich" or "wealthy"?

Last Answer : answer:It's subjective. To me,you're rich,when your disposable income is higher than an average person's total income. You're wealthy when you have too much money to even realistically spend. And you're ... the residence of the most powerful person in the world ) will be a big step down in luxury .

Description : If the wealthy rigged the system, what have the poor done in the system?

Last Answer : The wealthy make products that the poor believe that they can’t live without . Those who become wealthy are those who aren’t swayed by advertising and save , or invest, money instead

Description : If wealthy people who acquired it by old money are said to have been born with a silver spoon in their mouth, what of those born with a gold spoon in their mouths? Who are they?

Last Answer : answer:Perhaps someone like Steve Jobs that earned his own money rather than be born into money would be someone with a gold spoon. Royalty could be said to be born with a crown on their head.

Description : Do you find it moral when a person becomes quite wealthy from liquor?

Last Answer : I’m not sure I understand what this has to do with morality.

Description : Do you really think that taking back control from the .01% {wealthy elite} and giving it to the middle class will actually work?

Last Answer : Unfortunately, a large proportion of the middle class don’t accept the fact that their trip to impoverishment has anything to do with the 1%.

Description : If you are content with where you are economically, would you refuse or reject becoming rich or wealthy?

Last Answer : As I am not content, then no, I would not reject wealth. I would accept more money. I find it hard to believe that many would reject this if it was just handed to them, not that I’m trying to justify my filthy, selfish self, mind.

Description : If everyone were super wealthy would there still be stealing and robbing?

Last Answer : Oh fuck yeah.

Description : Is the problem with the economy, the poor want a living wage, or the wealthy get paid too much?

Last Answer : You might want to clean up this question. I’m not sure what it is asking.

Description : Are there any wealthy couples that have more than two children?

Last Answer : The Duggars 19 kids and counting.

Description : What do the very wealthy spend their money on?

Last Answer : In my experience, anything they can write off as a business expense.

Description : Boring question #86: How wealthy do you have to be to not bother bending over to pick up abandoned pennies?

Last Answer : answer:My great uncle is incredibly rich. He owns a company that makes artificial hearts, one that makes exercise equipment and a couple other that I forget what they do. He will still bend over ... it, he actually understands the value of money unlike some other rich people who grew up rich.

Description : What are your thoughts on this article about the wealthy in the US?

Last Answer : Not much. I’m pretty tired of hearing about the evils of wealth.

Description : Is progressive taxation really a transfer of wealth, or do the wealthy remain wealthy even with a progressive tax system?

Last Answer : The wealthy remain wealthy.

Description : Is Black Friday for those who are not wealthy?

Last Answer : Gah. I’m a Canuck and I have to get over the border tomorrow to see my g/f. She lives in Michigan. I am expecting a good 2 hour wait on the Blue Water Bridge.

Description : What do you think would likely occur if everybody alive was very wealthy?

Last Answer : There’s is no wealthy without the poor. The category wouldn’t exist. It is only known in comparison.

Description : Is there any truth to 'Early to bed early to rise makes you healthy wealthy and wise'?

Last Answer : The way I heard it, Early to rise, early to bed / makes you healthy, wealthy, and dead. Seriously, I think it's more important that you get enough sleep every night, but not the ... waking and sleeping determined by their job. Besides, everybody's diurnal cycle differs a bit from everyone else's.

Description : Would the biggest shock be those who were dirt poor but became filthy rich, or those who were insanely wealthy and ended up below the poverty line?

Last Answer : I think going from very poor to very wealthy. Maybe I’m wrong, but it just seems far less likely, realistically. On the other hand, a fortune seems relatively easy to lose.

Description : Are the wealthy elite trying to kill off a large portion of the population who refuse to be like them?

Last Answer : Why would they want to kill off the labor force? Most of the wealthy elite I know really don’t have the skills to manufacture the fancy toys, fix the plumbing, or grow the endive for those spiffy little salads.

Description : If you were insanely wealthy, would you ever bother to fly commercial?

Last Answer : answer:Absolutely not. I’d just fly first class. The thing is, I’m so careful with my money that I wouldn’t do something like that. I’d rather donate money to a greater good. I’d give it to those who can’t even afford 3 meals a day rather than treating myself to a greater comfort.

Description : If you were wealthy enough & held an interest, which historical pieces would you consider buying at auction?

Last Answer : Monticello

Description : If a famous, wealthy artist got a canvas and threw a bucket of red paint at it (details inside)

Last Answer : answer:Interesting question for me especially since I'm currently in final rehearsals for the play ART' by Yasmina Reza. My character buys a painting that is all white, and the story revolves around me and my 2 ... might think it's shit. As to how much it might be worth, I really have no idea.

Description : How did the Vanderpumps from Real Housewives become wealthy?

Last Answer : You can read all about her history here Owns 26 bars and restaurants, not just the 2 in Beverly Hills and West Hollywood, designs home and yachts, owns a line of skin-care products and writes for Beverly Hills Life Style Magazine

Description : Why do 'liberals' seem to scorn wealth and treat it as if it is unethical to be wealthy?

Last Answer : I consider myself a liberal, and I don’t scorn wealth. I scorn those who build and maintain their wealth at the expense of all others, who break the rules, who have dubious morals, and who seem to have little or no redeeming value outside of their literal value.

Description : If you could have world peace or be independantly wealthy which would you choose?

Last Answer : Independantly wealthy. I wouldn’t even try at world peace.

Description : Do you know of any instances wherein a wealthy person gave everything to the poor while they were alive and kinda young?

Last Answer : answer:I remember seeing this guy on Huckabee one night. My idea is to have nothing left. Absolutely nothing, he told The Daily Telegraph. Money is counterproductive - it prevents happiness to come. It' ... true happiness, is what this guy is trying to get and I think he's doing the right thing.

Description : If everyone was rich and wealthy who would make the sandwiches?

Last Answer : I guess if you pay everyone the same folks would just do what they fancy or go where the work was. There is the argument that no one would train for the ‘harder’ stuff like being a doctor, for example, when they could earn the same polishing shoes – but then you would know it truly was a vocation.

Description : How easy is it for you to afford groceries, how easy should it be, and how wealthy do you consider yourself?

Last Answer : answer:My partner and I don't struggle to buy groceries and often purchase luxury food items. I know I can be a bit shrewd with money and won't pay certain prices out of principal but ... because of opportunities I have taken opposed to the lack of opportunities they have encountered in their life.

Description : Why can't more rich and wealthy people be like Bill and Melinda Gates?

Last Answer : Bill Gates wasn’t born to money. He earned it. I think that makes an enormous difference. He is the latter-day Andrew Carnegie, who also rose from humble beginnings and spent his later years giving most of his money away to people who could benefit from it.

Description : If you're financially wealthy, how did you become that way?

Last Answer : The old fashioned way…inheritance.

Description : How would you attempt to become rich/ wealthy?

Last Answer : Win the lottery.

Description : What kind of music do wealthy people listen to?

Last Answer : “I realize that everyone is unique and has different preferences, but what are some general tendencies among the wealthy” You do realise that this sentence consists of two phrases which effectively cancel each other out don’t you?

Description : Are you comfortable with the more-than-likely possibility that you will likely never become extraordinarily wealthy and/or famous?

Last Answer : I’m always going to strive for something more, so I can’t say I’m completely comfortable with it, but I can definitely handle it.

Description : Do the wealthy have an unspoken obligation to give back to the community through acts of charity?

Last Answer : I think they do. And the german constitution agrees: Article 14, section 2,“Property entails obligations. Its use shall also serve the public good.”

Description : Should wealthy Americans receive Medicare if they can afford insurance?

Last Answer : why not? Everyone should be treated equally. It’s not really that fair to go “hey you’re 70 and you’re in a wheel chair, but we’re not going to give you this because you have a bit more money than anyone else. bye!”

Description : Why wealthy people that goes to fancy and expensive restaurants pay that much money for that little food?

Last Answer : I am not sure about the “rich“guys.As for me, I like good food and if that has to be a local crowded outlet selling something great i almost always get it! If its an occasion then of course we like to have a ambiance as well.

Description : If you were wealthy, what would you do with your money?

Last Answer : Travel, travel, travel, travel.

Description : How wealthy must you be to hire a financial planner?

Last Answer : I started my account with only $100.00 a few years ago. My planner didn’t have any limits on how much I needed to open an account.

Description : Do you think wealthy people should collect Social Security when they retire, or should that money go back into the system?

Last Answer : I say if they earned it, they can keep it.

Description : Is the American system of leveling fines against someone basically unfair, because it doesn't "hurt" the wealthy?

Last Answer : justice is blind….

Description : If you suddenly became incredibly wealthy, would you quit your job?

Last Answer : answer:If you asked me last week, I would have said no.' After this week? The answer is Yup!' But that's just this week. Like you said - what would I do with all that free time? I'm someone ... . And I would certainly take care of my family and then see what I could do with the rest of my wealth.