What kind of music do wealthy people listen to?

1 Answer

Answer :

“I realize that everyone is unique and has different preferences, but what are some general tendencies among the wealthy” You do realise that this sentence consists of two phrases which effectively cancel each other out don’t you?

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Last Answer : Absolutely (not). I listen to music in all sorts of languages that I don't understand. That's partly because I'm a fan of classical, which is either religious music in Latin or operatic music in Italian ... language, even if I don't understand what they are saying-that's not what's important to me.

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Last Answer : Yupp. I agree with you.

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Last Answer : I listen to the radio at work as background noise, very low where no one else can hear it. At the gym I use my IPod for motivational music and because they usually have ESPN blaring on the TV. I listen to ... and from work. I don't listen to music at home. I usually have the TV on most of the day.

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Last Answer : I’m listening to Pat Metheny Radio on iTunes on my headphones as I write this, and my office door is closed. My department—creative marketing services—is located right in the middle of a gaggle of software engineers who scream geek stuff at each other all day long. Couldn’t survive without my music.

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Last Answer : The Hungarian Suicide Song & Suicide Mouse is the only music that sends shivers down my spine.

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Last Answer : Honestly I am really sure it sounds like a virus or the like. Have you tried doing scans? Or you can try and re-install your WMP or try and download and install the latest one to see if that works.

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Last Answer : Yes you can! Plus its really good quality and goes quite loud.

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Last Answer : answer:This site explains it all. Hopefully it’s what you were looking for. http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/434049/how_to_make_your_ipod_compatible_with.html?cat[equal]19

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Last Answer : I dont thing there is. My aux chord that I normally plug in to listen to my iPod doesnt fit into my iPhone. I think I just need to buy a bigger chord? I’m not sure. I’m no help! :(

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Last Answer : answer:I don’t think so. I am used to sleep with music. Since 8 years I go to bed with an album playing on my HiFI system or on my comptuer, and it’s helping me to sleep. The “problem” now is that its more difficult now to sleep without music, but I always have my iPod in case of emergency.

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Last Answer : Opeth's worst song is still better than most shit out there. Happy to listen on repeat.

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Last Answer : 82588 by Dillinger Escape Plan

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Last Answer : 82588 by Dillinger Escape Plan

Description : What song/artist/music do you listen to that almost seems spiritual?

Last Answer : 82588 by Dillinger Escape Plan

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Last Answer : When you use headphones or earphones, the audio goes straight to your ears. Noise levels of 90 decibels or higher can cause hearing complications and even cause you to lose your hearing permanently. Also, using earphones for only 15 minutes at 100 decibels can cause hearing loss.

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Last Answer : Yes! I can't stand classic foreigners, Hungarians!

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Last Answer : That number crawled into my ear and that's why I liked it somehow ?? For me, ByAlex: Dearly, can I climb the wall?

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Last Answer : I don't listen to music in the car to hear a horn.

Description : Do you listen to music with headphones?

Last Answer : Of course, I do listen to music using headphones. Actually, I consider myself an addict to listening to music with it. I don't see any wrong with it. I usually make use of it when I am ... should always be careful with the use of headphones because it could really be very risky if not wisely used.

Description : Do you listen to music when sleeping?

Last Answer : Forming a habit is always one thing that would always decide what someone would be used to doing and what that person wouldn't be disposed to doing at any particular point in time. When it comes to ... very quiet. Now, sometimes I do use my small smartphone to play music once I want to sleep.

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Last Answer : There are a variety of different ways that digital mp3 players have changed the way we listen to music. For one thing, it has been a hard time for the music industry since the availability of ... in this form makes piracy a problem. It also makes legitimate media more easily available to people.

Description : Do teens use car CD players or MP3 players to listen to music?

Last Answer : You can now get CD players which will play MP3's burned to CD-R's. You can also plug your MP3 player into many new car stereos. However this depends upon whether or not you've got the resources to get new gear. Most teens are stuck with whatever comes with the vehicle.

Description : My question summary is about beats by Dre...Can I used this one for a computer or netbook to listen music of watch movies online?

Last Answer : Yes they do work for computers and other electronic devices. They are very expensive and don't really sound better than most other head phones or ear buds so they are just expensive due to the name a better brand would be skull candies as they work just as well and a cheap and affordable.

Description : How can I listen to Apple Music without using the app I'm sick of Apple products, but I want my songs in library back.?

Last Answer : Go get the Tunelf Audio Converter, I download hundreds of Apple songs with this tool and its flawless, I can't even notice the difference from the original one.

Description : If wealthy people who acquired it by old money are said to have been born with a silver spoon in their mouth, what of those born with a gold spoon in their mouths? Who are they?

Last Answer : answer:Perhaps someone like Steve Jobs that earned his own money rather than be born into money would be someone with a gold spoon. Royalty could be said to be born with a crown on their head.

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Last Answer : Bill Gates wasn’t born to money. He earned it. I think that makes an enormous difference. He is the latter-day Andrew Carnegie, who also rose from humble beginnings and spent his later years giving most of his money away to people who could benefit from it.

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Last Answer : I am not sure about the “rich“guys.As for me, I like good food and if that has to be a local crowded outlet selling something great i almost always get it! If its an occasion then of course we like to have a ambiance as well.

Description : Do you think wealthy people should collect Social Security when they retire, or should that money go back into the system?

Last Answer : I say if they earned it, they can keep it.