When radiation occurs between two objects do the two objects need to be touching.?

1 Answer

Answer :

The answer to this question is no. Radiation can occur when objects are not touching

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Last Answer : (1) The speed of ship Explanation: The knot (pronounced not) is a unit of speed equal to one nautical mile (1.852 km) per hour, approximately 1.151 mph. There is no standard abbreviation but km is commonly used. The knot is a non-SI unit accepted for use with the International System of Units (SI).

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Last Answer : Hold down one of the quarters very firmly. Take another coin and hit it against the quarter you are holding down. Tap hard enough to move the quarter next to it aside.

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Last Answer : It that a euphemism for waxing the dolphin?

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Last Answer : The door of the stove, honestly. It’s been three times/winters now. Here’s to hoping this coming winter will be without burns.

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Last Answer : Not appropriate at all at that age. Someone (not necessarily you) should raise it with the teacher and the touching should stop. His job could be in jeopardy otherwise.

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Last Answer : No. I honestly don’t care. I am interested in competence. Not gender.

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Last Answer : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sliders

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Last Answer : If I bought bread (which I pretty much don’t) I could buy it already packaged from the bread aisle.

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Last Answer : Of course they do. Relationships are NEVER, in my opinion, just platonic or just sexual – it’s always grey area, from what I found and yes, it can blossom in your case if you want to take it there.

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Last Answer : Can you ask someone to yell at you if they see you doing it? You’re probably doing it absentmindedly, and a simple reminder could help train you not to do it.

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Last Answer : answer:It's a myth. Wildlife rehabilitators (who are often forced to return perfectly healthy animals to perfectly fine situation because humans have decided to interfere) will tell you that handling babies ... may have been given a death sentance by people thinking that they're trying to help.)

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Last Answer : Probably not. They probably pointed to their chests as the heart was considered the seat of thought.

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Last Answer : Not if it’s by accident…I can’t imagine anyone that’s not a doctor giving me a clinical examination that involves breast touching, lol.

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Last Answer : I bought a piece of artwork last year at a show near Chicago and it made me cry when I saw it.That’s all I’ll say about that :)

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Last Answer : From what I know I would say it’s a flirtatious gesture.

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Last Answer : there are a ton of things, mostly little things, the way she'll say something or an expression, her timing, lol, even just the way her hair falls some days, or her rhythmic breathing at night when ... with my arm around her and my face nuzzled in her hair. Something about that just feels so right

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Last Answer : My boy winks at me a lot. He first did it when we were just friends, and it’s what made me think of him as more than friends, cause it kinda turned me on. His dad winked at me the 1st time I met him. It was weird. His family’s just winking people. :)

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Last Answer : I hate my food to touch also. I had 2 plates at Thanksgiving so my food wouldn’t touch each other. My family thinks I’m nuts.

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Last Answer : Saliva, mucous, all of that poses the greatest danger. Wet stuff. It can get on anything. They are still contagious usually when they start showing symptoms.

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Last Answer : Depends on what area of the body it came from. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. But really.

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Last Answer : answer:My parents got a puppy for me when I was five, to help me adjust to a new half sister. She was a little curly haired mutt and she was my excuse for not running away from home when I was horribly ... but since her only wish was to be with me, she's with me still, in an urn on the bookshelf.

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Last Answer : Dryness of the air facilitates shock

Description : How Come People Get Shocked So Easily When Turning On a Light or touching Metal in a Manufactured Home?

Last Answer : Dryness of the air facilitates shock

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Last Answer : This answer was deleted by moderators

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Last Answer : Words.

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Last Answer : A pump handle.

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Last Answer : Baseball!

Description : If a circular sheet of perimeter 2πr touching each side of a given quadrilateral sheet of perimeter 2p -Maths 9th

Last Answer : Let ABCD be the quadrilateral from which a circular sheet is cut off touching each side of the quadrilateral. Also, given AB + BC + CD + DA = 2p ...(i) Circumference of the circle = 2πr ⇒ ... = pr.∴ Required remaining area = Area of quadrilateral - Area of circle = pr - πr2 = r(p - πr).

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Last Answer : answer:

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Last Answer : We have to make the line longer without touching it, which means draw a line next to that line which is shorter than the current one. So that, the newly drawn line becomes shorter and the first drawn line will be now longer.

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Last Answer : FalseBecause most of the LCD monitors do not come with touch facility where information is provided by touching the icons.

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Last Answer : answer:

Description : the leaves of mimosa on touching become flaccid and drops down due to -Biology

Last Answer : answer:

Description : What is it called when you don't like being touched by people but are okay with touching them when in a relationship?

Last Answer : I'm okay with touching my partner in a sexual way but I don't like it when they try to do the same to me but I am okay with little things hugging, kissing, holding hands, etc

Description : What will be the proverb of catching fish or touching water ?

Last Answer : The proverbial sentence of “catch fish and do not touch water” will be: