Why Mr Tumnus so upset?

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Last Answer : Something from the past, no doubt, that has a strong past-experience charge for her that got triggered by some aspect of it. My guess is it's any time she has told her child about something, ... for parents to have a hang-up about. It's often ancestral and passed down from generation to generation.

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Last Answer : answer:There’s a great post about this in one of my favorite political blogs: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/178957.php. As the blog title sums up: she’s trying to attack one of his major strengths: his authenticity.

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Last Answer : The employer is unwilling or unable to accommodate the loss of labor for more than a day. That’s an employer problem.

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Last Answer : I was very upset when I lost my own wedding band. I knew where it had fallen - I heard it ping on the kitchen floor - but I couldn't find it. I wouldn't vacuum nearby for a while, ... the ring come loose and fall. But, I continue to wear the replacement version every day; it's simply nicer.)

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Last Answer : A phone call is best. In business and family life, I learned long ago that some questions which spur endless typing back and forth can be resolved easily with a 2 minute phone call. At work I have the rule ... this is my question and this is what I want. I will email you more details. Thanks, bye.

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Last Answer : Two cannibals are eating a clown. One says to the other “Does this taste funny to you?”

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Last Answer : Well, considering one could lead to actual world war and the other is a pointless circle-jerk intended solely to push merchandise sales, I think that’s fairly obvious.

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Last Answer : answer:None, to be brutally honest. Like I noted somewhere here, death itself doesn't affect me much, especially if it's someone I don't know personally. I did feel slightly sorry ... and unexpected. They were loved by everyone and had enormous reputation. Our cinema lost two magnificent actors.

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Last Answer : answer:It really depends for me. For the most part, no, because I said no so often throughout the years in going to group events that people stopped expecting me to ever say yes . I'm really ... . I wouldn't outright get pissed at them or anything, but it might hurt my feelings to some degree.

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Last Answer : answer:I agree, sometimes calling a spade a spade is the only way to go. If the Jerk fits, and all that. Jerk is pretty mild when it comes to name calling. I think it has to do with A. Who the ... grievance just looking for a cause is okay as long as the word you is not used as an intro. haha

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Last Answer : It is your style. You might have a block. You can go with it.

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Last Answer : Not sure what the last sentence means, but I guess it was in high school.

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Last Answer : answer:I have found that it happens in any gathering of humans, whether in person or online. ask-public is more of a discussion site than FaceBook, but I see that happen here, often. If your FB friend ... have the option to simply delete it, as do you, an option not available here or in real life.

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Last Answer : How far are you from getting your degree? If you’re in the home stretch, stick it out and finish! If not, talk to your advisor about taking a leave of absence; spending a year slogging it out and paying bills may change your mind.

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Last Answer : Funny, I was thinking the same thing. I really wanted California Chrome to win.

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Last Answer : answer:You are in control here, and get to stand up for yourself. You get to be the one that demands acceptance from them, or they will not have the pleasure of your company. Yes, it is not easy, ... be in the life of someone who does not accept. Not accepting you would mean she didn't love you.

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Last Answer : The day I broke my yellow power ranger action figure. I will never forget the horror of hitting her too hard against my concrete sidewalk and her head rolling off. It was utterly devestating.

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Last Answer : To be completely honest, I cannot understand why your husband would be upset at you or have you apologize for what happened whatsoever. I can understand he’d be concerned or traumatized or worried but mad at you? That’s ridiculous of him, truly.

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Last Answer : Because the CEO is likely to be already wealthy, conservative and one of the socio-economic class that is getting upset about raising the minimum wage. Generally they don’t criticize their own kind.

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Last Answer : answer:Glaring mistakes of nearly any kind when I'm reading or watching something are nearly enough to make me give the whole project up. It drives me to distraction when a historical narrative contradicts it's self. ... 's not true, why am I bothering with the rest?? How do I know that anything is!

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Last Answer : answer:I’m sticking with CS6 and Little Snitch. I have a legit copy and I still block it from calling home. Apparently the new version only has to check once a month. I don’t use it enough to justify the cost so I will stick with CS6.

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Last Answer : My dog comforts me.

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Last Answer : I doubt I would adopt the ‘right’ surname now. I’m used to my own name and people know me by this name. I can’t see it would make much difference to me other than ‘fascination’ with the history behind the situation.

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Last Answer : Maybe it isn’t so much that he is warning about the dangers of using earbuds as the fact that he wants to tell people how to live. He wants to tell women to delay child bearing, he wants to tell people to stop drinking large cola drinks. I would not listen to him if he were my mayor.

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Last Answer : I beat it out

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Last Answer : Well, you are greiving all the possibilities you imagined for the future with the baby. You did lose your pregnancy no matter what you believe about the fetus already being a life or not. :(. It's sad. Were ... big deal because they see it happen to many women, but of course it is a big deal to you.

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Last Answer : Probably. I have seen that mistake made more than once, and it isn’t pretty.

Description : Are there any at-home remedies to cure an upset stomach?

Last Answer : Peppermint tea.

Description : If one of your friends hurt another of your friend's feelings, and they seem clueless that they were hurtful, would you tell them they upset the other person?

Last Answer : answer:If she mad that response, she clearly is not an appreciative person and likely doesn't care whom she hurts. Boss and friend are very different things. Your co-worker needs a thicker ... things, other than to encourage people to be adults and talk it out directly with the other party.

Description : Is having an upset stomach common when you don't get enough sleep?

Last Answer : Yes. If you aren’t getting enough sleep, you get stressed out, which lowers your immune system, and then, tummy hurts.

Description : What actions or things upset you?

Last Answer : answer:People with bad grammar. ~ When I see seniors being disrespected. I wouldn’t want to be treated that way when I get older.

Description : Why might Nick be upset with Sam? (Please read)?

Last Answer : answer:Nick is upset because Sam broke a trust he had in her. That can be damaging to a young person, even if it is to their benefit. Hopefully Nick will eventually realize Sam was looking out for his best interests and forgive her. For what it is worth, I think Sam did right to tell the teacher.

Description : I feel upset. Know any good jokes?

Last Answer : One day, a teacher, a garbage collector and a lawyer wound up together at the Pearly Gates. St. Peter informed them that in order to get into Heaven, they would each have to answer one question. St. Peter ... 500. That's right! You may enter. St. Peter then turned to the lawyer. Name them.

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Last Answer : answer:Maybe it's a combination of the smell and the way it sort of looks and feels like guts? It might be more subconscious, but it is like you're scooping guts out of a body. It can even look like ... it. And the way it feels is all gushy and gross. Personally I love it, I'm just theorizin'...