Ethnocentrism has positive as well as negative side.

1 Answer

Answer :

State whether the following statement are true or false with reason : Ethnocentrism has positive as well as negative side.

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Last Answer : answer:I'd usually perceive it as negative, unless for some reason you were expecting something to go really poorly; then the unbelievable' result would be having it actually be ... you use it as an adverb with a clarifying adjective afterwards: unbelievably amazing, unbelievably disastrous.

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Last Answer : Don’t want to burst your bubble, but it’s probably just procedure. That said, it’s certainly not a negative. They probably wouldn’t have asked for it unless you were in the running. Good luck!

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Last Answer : Positive? I had no idea that Barnum and Bailey – or the circus – was still a thing. This news report is likely to remind people that this is still a thing, and some people might go.

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Last Answer : answer:A Wikipedia article has this to say about health risks from cell phones: The effect mobile phone radiation has on human health is the subject of recent interest and study, as a result ... estimates, because the increase in brain cancers has not paralleled the increase in mobile phone use.

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Last Answer : Nothing is usually totally good or totally bad. Socialism has some interesting ideas, but his comments illuminate it's biggest flaw. There's no reason to excel and bust your butt to improve your standard ... shares no one gets a bigger piece. It kind of stifles the ambitions of it's superstars.

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Last Answer : Your linked article failed to mention a few things. Michael Taylor, Elena Kagan, Dr. Roger Beachy and Tom Vilsack. Also relevant.

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Last Answer : answer:Most people love it when they see something like that, as long as it is clever and original. The more the merrier, nothing wrong with putting a smile on people’s faces!. But don’t do it unless you are really funny. Spare me some old Star Trek or Darth Vader reference.

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Last Answer : Herp derp. I think I have an effective solution. Not quite what I was looking for, but. Just a slight vertical shift upwards. More of the wave will then lie above the x axis. If anyone has something better, do chime in!

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Last Answer : answer:I have experience with Sony, Alienware (Dell), and Toshiba. Sony (5 stars): I have never had a problem with either of the Sony Laptops which I purchased new in the last two years. I play high ... , the power supply stopped working, we ended up giving it away for 5$ at a yard sale for scrap.

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Last Answer : Human beings are heroic creatures. This would not be a trait unless they were generally positive about the outcomes of their actions. Positive is the natural state. Chronic negativism would be a deviation from that.

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Last Answer : I imagine it would be like watching a movie on fast-forward x1000…

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Last Answer : answer:I think that Verizon announced the $2 fee the week of Christmas because they thought that no one was paying any attention and that it would be overlooked in the holiday activities. My guess is that ... way down in my estimation. Do corporations think we are all blind, deaf, dumb, and idiots?

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Last Answer : answer:I don't have as much to give my family members as I would like. The adult grandsons have outgrown gifts, so it's all money with them and the other adults are also hurting financially. I really miss ... time we save up enough to buy a new one, some emergency comes along and we can't afford it.

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Last Answer : answer:Both! My father was (and still is) an excellent role model. My uncle OTOH, was pretty much the antithesis of a positive role model (but we loved him anyway). They both had a positive impact on my life as an adult, although in very different ways.

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Last Answer : answer:I think it's a little different for everyone (of course) but in general I think it's positive as long as the person is feeling good about their efforts instead of feeling bad about whatever ... maybe it's time to ask harder questions, assuming you're the right person and they trust you.

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Last Answer : answer:My view of alcohol is totally shaded because my brother is an alcoholic. All of the constant letdowns, and lies, and excuses. Sigh. I used to drink and I had some fun drinking, but I don’t drink now, and I have more fun.

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Last Answer : I’ve had very good luck just working with the insurance company’s adjuster so have never felt the need to pay someone else.

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Last Answer : I’m a pessimist no doubt. I constantly worry about the worst case scenario.

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Last Answer : This is a very open question…Engineering anything in particular? Social Engineering? Food Engineering?

Description : What television show do you think has a subtle (yet profound) positive effect on undermining negative stereotypes?

Last Answer : Teletubbies! I mean Tinky Winky carries a handbag/purse & he’s a dude tubby! I know, i’ve looked :¬)

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Last Answer : Depends on what the person is apologizing for and what they say.

Description : Have you had any positive or negative experiences with Mills College?

Last Answer : My niece goes there and likes it.

Description : What are the positive and negative points about carbon offset?

Last Answer : answer: This sounds like a homework question to me. Do you have a specific question with regards to Carbon Offsets?

Description : Do human beings only continue on living because of a negative or positive drive?

Last Answer : What do you mean by positive and negative drives?

Description : Is tolerance a positive or negative value?

Last Answer : answer:Tolerance a somewhat confusing term i think. To me it mean learning/trying to cope with something that you consider as negative. A better way is to see things from another perspective, while trying to see the good in all things, whether they be negative or positive.

Description : Have you had a negative experience that resulted in a positive outcome for your life?

Last Answer : Yes, when i was born….Mother almost died, but thank the good Lord, she did not.

Description : What's that word that sounds like it's negative but it's actually positive?

Last Answer : “The committee” wonders if it’s possible that you are mistakenly thinking of the word “anhedonic” which actually does mean taking away happiness.

Description : Are there any brainiacs out there who can 'splain to me (in English!) why a negative number divided by a negative number ='s a positive number?

Last Answer : answer:It has to do with the identity. So: -50 / -2 = (50 * -1) / (2 * -1) (50 * -1) / (2 * -1) = (50/2) * (-1/-1) :. 25 * 1 = 25. That last bit about the -1 / -1 = 1 ... any real number x: x / x = 1 So 50 / 50 = 1 12.382379827398723872397823 / 12.382379827398723872397823 = 1 -1 / -1 = 1 That help?

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Last Answer : Real leather all the way. Fake is hot, sweaty and uncomfortable – plus it looks cheap and doesn’t last.