Dates for weight gain?

1 Answer

Answer :

Dates (Phoenix dactylifera) depending on how you eat them can either cause weight loss or weight gain. Dates are grown relatively across Africa and the Middle East. They contain sugars, fibres, fatty acids, calcium, just to mention a few. This sweet fruit is highly nutritious and can provide necessary nutrients just enough for weight loss and weight maintenance. However, when eaten in excess, the sugars, especially fructose can be converted to fats in the body and this would mask the effect of dietary fibres and other nutrients that could have been otherwise used to aid proper digestion. Since you want to add weight, you should consider eating well more tthan six dates daily. You can also spice it up with other rich fruits like avocados and olives. It works well with cooked food too  to like rice.

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Last Answer : Eating dates will increase weight. Because dates contain a lot of sugar , which helps in weight gain.

Last Answer : Yes , eating dates will increase weight. Because dates contain a lot of sugar , which helps in weight gain.

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Last Answer : You know, all the questions you’ve asked and all the responses you’ve made so far have had to do with this Tumblr project you’re working on. Maybe it would be a more profitable use of your time to find a Tumblr forum or mailing list that you can post these queries to?

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Last Answer : What little plus sign are you referring to?

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Last Answer : I also think that would be a good addition.

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Last Answer : I think the seasons start on or around the 21st of the months of september (fall), december (winter), march (spring), and june (summer).

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Last Answer : In your bed!

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Last Answer : If you can’t date him, your best bet is to get over him quickly. You won’t help yourself or him if you keep on pining over him. There are millions of eligible men out there; date other men.

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Last Answer : i read somewhere that you should always give a guy 3 dates before you reject him. so following that dating advice/etiquette, 3 dates is definitely not enough to make it official. i would say 2 weeks after the 3 dates (if you don’t meet at all in those 2 weeks, then that obviously doesn’t count).

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Last Answer : Seconded.

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Last Answer : I end up impregnated her