Who is your celebrity ultimate crush and why?

1 Answer

Answer :

I have lots of celebrity crushes. The firsts and second ones are Diego Luna and Zack Efron. Both are talented artist, they can sing, dance and act. Third is Liam Neeson because of his attitude towards work and he is a great actor. In local, Iike Jericho Rosales and Dingdong Dantes. I have a crushes on Richard Gere to watched Pretty Woman. I find him very gentlemen and I dream of meeting someone like him when I was young. When I started to watch the film, i became a fan. Same goes with Kevin Costner when I watched the movie The Bodyguard. I have a crush on Bruce Willis before too and I watched th Die hard movies he had before. Even Tom Cruise became my celebrity crushes when I saw Mission Impossible and the rest are some small artists that I just saw in the movies.

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Last Answer : answer:Val Kilmer has always had my vote, he is exactly my age, literally, within 4 days haha but..now that he sold his 6.000 acre ranch in New Mexico the appeal has faded, he has also ... . One of my favorite clips of Val playing Doc Holliday in Tombstone. www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTrxTOFxA50

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Last Answer : answer:You dreamt about him because he was on your mind already. Maybe that means you were starting to like him before the dream, maybe it only occurred to you later. But what really matters is how you feel and what you think while you are awake. Only you know whether or not you really like him.

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Last Answer : answer:It means that something has triggered the memory of her. Memories from one's past never disappear from your brain. I still dream from time to time about people I haven't seen in 50 years, and ... though for me it doesn't seem to be working right this minute. Dream questions are asked A LOT.

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Last Answer : answer:Doomed to failure. Although this particular game is (or perhaps WAS) a hit, there is no track record of them building games (or for that matter, a corporation) for the long term. They have one product. ... iffy, at best. I wouldn't put a cent on their IPO unless I was content to lose it all.

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Last Answer : I like the idea, but I don’t think it’s possible to add these things at this time.

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Last Answer : (NSFW) The grade 9 art/gym teacher. We got into tickling each other before the principal broke us up… She was in my arms off the ground and we were staring at each other lovingly. I miss her.(NSFW) I devolved a cotton fetish from her cotton sweat shirt and cotton sweat pants.

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Last Answer : Of course. Although, the other way around is much more common.

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Last Answer : It isn’t candy, it is crack. It is addictive. You have to think through your moves. It looks simple but it isn’t. Do you want some candy, little girl?

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Last Answer : Feed kitty some canned food instead of all dry food. Dissolve the cut pill in a bit of water, and mix that in with the canned food. I use one of those plastic juice bottles that have concentric indentations ... ready to go. The bottle I use is an old Honest Ade bottle and it works like a charm.

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Last Answer : Hallucination Welcome to fluther. You figure out the answer to that one and you may get a Nobel Prize. I just try to be upfront and admit the nerves. I use to try to bluff my way through it. But ... the other person. If you think you have doubts about their trust play it cool. Best I've figured out.

Description : Does your crush like you if you have reoccurring dreams about him?

Last Answer : No. Dreams aren’t magic. They aren’t indicators of anything other than the contents of your own mind. Having recurring dreams about someone suggests that you like him—which you already knew—but nothing else.

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Last Answer : answer:The first thing is you need to forget about being better, that is only going to lead you to failure. You need to see this situation as if you are worst, because none of the features you ... her be prepared to put your shyness on the side, otherwise you will look back at this with regret.

Description : What does it mean when you dreamed about your crush ?

Last Answer : Unfinished business. We've all got it. An event or person in your waking life may have jostled some old memories and feelings, and they came out in the form of a dream. Happens to me a lot with departed ... 's very pleasant to be able to visit with people in our past for a while, if only in sleep.

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Last Answer : answer:Welcome to Fluther. Tell her. “I like you, and I’d like to be closer to you, but I can’t yet because of my RA job.”

Description : What does it mean when you dream of being tickled in a pool by your crush?

Last Answer : answer:There were fleas or bed bugs between your sheets? What feelings did you notice when you awakened? That’s the only part of a dream you can trust. All the rest is speculation.

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Last Answer : I used to watch every move Kevin Costner was in because I crushed on him. But I got bored with his movies and I guess with him, so I stopped watching his movies.

Description : Can teacher have a crush on a student?

Last Answer : Yes, if he/she is human it is both possible.

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Last Answer : answer:Not yet… if you are wondering if you should tell him, wait until you no longer are wondering anymore. Too many wonderfully good friendships go ‘poof’ when that line is crossed.

Description : How to follow up a Facebook message to a crush to which you got no reply?

Last Answer : How long ago did you send the message? Some people don’t log into Facebook every day.