Do you agree that children under 3 years old should start learning to write and to read?

1 Answer

Answer :

We should always take the necessary steps when we are talking about improving the way that our kids get to do the things that matter to them. Education is paramount and this is one of the reasons we should try to start teaching our kids everything that concerns education right from a young age. You can't deny that fact that this is one thing that is important as long as the development of the kid is concerned. I am this brilliant at my age, all because my parents did their best to start school for me at an early age. That helped me to build confidence and work towards getting to the level where I can beat my chest that I can perform fine in any sphere of life where I find myself. Even when you are not sending your kids to school at an early age, try to teach them at home as it is going to help them improve.

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