Online jobs that are very boring?

1 Answer

Answer :

I have not had this ads clicking job and I even see it as one that I shouldn't be thinking of taking as it is not interesting at all. What I normally take a look at when we are talking about jobs are those one that we can confidently say that we are going to enjoy while doing. One of those kind of jobs is articles writing. As a writer, you always have that opportunity to be able to handle some things that will make you learn better about things that will make you feel better. I see some jobs as interactive and forum posting is another exciting job that I always want to do. Another thing that I always look at when we talk about some boring jobs is that type of job where we get to just do the work and nothing more and one of such jobs that I hate has got to be survey sites.

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Last Answer : I never understood those sticks. When you pour half & half into your coffee, it doesn’t require stirring. And if you are adding sugar to your coffee, why not just walk across the street to Dunkin’ Donuts or 7–11?

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Last Answer : Can you stay home with your youngest and let your wife bring home the bacon? A housefather is a job that might trigger your passion and you can do it at home.

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Last Answer : Alligators in the pool?

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Last Answer : answer:No, I was just watching three birds engaging in courtship behavior outside my window. Is it possible that you are depressed? You might take the Mayo Clinic Depression Self-Assessment.

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Last Answer : “Ur doin it wrong”

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Last Answer : No. I don’t. In fact, it’s something of a treat.

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Last Answer : answer:Seriously? This kind of question makes me twitch because in reality it is not gender based. It is all about your interests vs that of the person you are talking to. I prefer talking to guys because my ... and such. It is just in my area. (If you love such things please move closer to me!)

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Last Answer : Gunstar Starfighter

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Last Answer : Golf, baseball and tennis.

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Last Answer : Prize boxing. Either fight or fuck, don’t try and combine the two. Bikini boxing is just absurd to me.

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Last Answer : Define “rich”.

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Last Answer : answer:Hardwood floors. ftw I lived with a nasty carpet that couldn't be replaced for many years. Now that we have wood floors I'll never go back to carpet. Wood floors are very easy to clean, ... have pets that shed. You can always through a rug down if you want something soft under your feet.

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Last Answer : Nekkid Cupids aren’t sexual outside of a small and depraved community. Nekkid mer-folk have a wider, more acceptable fanbase.

Description : Boring question #82: How do you separately describe a Poorboy, Dagwood, Submarine, Hero, and Hoagie sandwich?

Last Answer : There is no difference of ingredients, only regional differences in names.