What are the early signs of pregnancy?

1 Answer

Answer :

delayed menstruation frequent urination Sensitive, tingling, swollen breasts "morning sickness," a discomfort that can occur at any time of the skin color: darkening of the areola (the area around the nipple), veining of the veins in her breasts, the appearance of a dark line of her navel to the pubic bone food cravings feeling tired and sleepy all the time

Related questions

Description : Who has experience with the early signs of pregnancy? What did you notice on your earliest when you got pregnant?

Last Answer : For the first time in my first month, it was like he wanted to come. My stomach hurt like that, but there was nothing. Continuous malaise for about 3 weeks, vomiting in most cases. What I ate came out by the 14th week. : / It was bad, but you understood it for the end result;) ??

Description : What are the typical signs of pregnancy during its early stages?

Last Answer : In a typical pregnancy, the signs you should watch out to see if you're pregnant or not is nausea and chronic vomiting because these are the basic signs females should watch out for.

Description : What are some early signs of a pregnancy?

Last Answer : There are many signs of early pregnancy. A missed menstrual cycle can be an indicator of pregnancy, as well as a change in how food tastes or soreness in breasts. Home pregnancy tests are a good way to test for pregnancy if you are unsure.

Description : What are the most common signs of early pregnancy?

Last Answer : Some early common signs of pregnancy include foods tasting different (often with a metal-like tinge); and increased soreness in breasts. Pregnancy tests can be obtained at local grocery or pharmacy stores without visiting a doctor.

Description : What are signs for early stages of pregnancy?

Last Answer : Some early signs of pregnancy are: feeling bloated, nausea, vomitting, increased hunger, etc. If you have missed your period, and think you may be pregnant get a home pregnancy test there are several for early detection. Also, please don't have an abortion many people would love your baby.

Description : What are some early warning signs of pregnancy?

Last Answer : Being pregnant can produce many symptoms, but each individual is different as is each pregnancy. Some symptoms are sore or tender breasts, nausea, dizziness, cramping, spotting, cravings or increased appetite. You ... run an HCG test. Your doctor will also be able to estimate how far along you are.

Description : Are there any signs of pregnancy that might show up a week or more before a missed period?

Last Answer : answer:I had to have IV iron shots with my second daughter. The nurse messed up and the shot leaked giving me a very large iron stain on my arm. I knew I was pregnant with my third child when my ... I was having kids you couldn't even find out with a blood test until 10 days after a missed period.

Description : It may be weird for a man to ask, but my partner and I want a child. She’s on the project too, and I want to know as soon as possible if there might be any sign that she might be pregnant. I know there are pregnancy tests, but I was thinking of other signs. 

Last Answer : This is a bit difficult because it can vary from person to person depending on who has the first signs of pregnancy. Moreover, it is not just a matter of individual selection, but there are some who face different symptoms in one pregnancy and others in the other.  

Description : What are signs and symptoms of pregnancy?

Last Answer : In addition to a missed period, the earliest symptoms of pregnancy might include nausea with or without vomiting, increased urination, and food aversions or cravings.

Description : When your child was in your womb during your early pregnancy did the sonograms reveal a dark spot in your childs heart?

Last Answer : No – I didn’t even have that although my kids were born 20 years ago so the equipment may have been less sophisticated.

Description : Early pregnancy symptoms?

Last Answer : answer:I mean it could be pregnancy, but it very well could just be your period and a host of other things too. Try not to stress out about it, there's nothing you can do at the moment anyways. In fact ... the future wrap it up or get on BC of some kind, so you don't have to worry about this)

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Last Answer : It’s probably too early, yes. It’s not impossible for some people, but it’s definitely rare.

Description : Symptoms of Early Pregnancy?

Last Answer : One of the most apprehensive times in a woman's life can be during the period in which she is unsure whether or not she is pregnant. A number of reasons exist for why a woman may feel ... all. The most effective way to confirm a pregnancy is by a pregnancy test confirmed by a medical professional.

Description : Are headaches an early sign of pregnancy?

Last Answer : It surely is a sign of pregnancy.it'll happen most frequently in the first trimester, when the hormmone level is dramatically high.

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Last Answer : Several old wives' tales exist to

Description : The early pregnancy uterus is sensitive to the following oxytocic (a) Oxytocin (b) Methylergometrine (c) Prostaglandin F2a (d) Both (a) and (b)

Last Answer : Ans: C

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Last Answer : A. They interfere with an early step in the synthesis of clotting factors

Description : The early pregnancy uterus is sensitive to the following oxytocic: A. Oxytocin B. Methylergometrine C. Prostaglandin F2α D. Both ‘A’ and ‘B’ are correct

Last Answer : C. Prostaglandin F2α

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Last Answer : You can go to a doctor and get a scan done, he/she can tell you whether it's a boy or a girl.

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Last Answer : The best way to find the early signs of gender stereotypes for boys or girls is to talk to your family doctor.

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Last Answer : According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed female cancer in the United States. Unfortunately, it is also one of the deadliest. This is why ... under their arms and around their breasts. Any lump in the breast area should be taken

Description : When the female patient demonstrates thickening, scaling, and erosion of the nipple and areola, the nurse recognizes that the patient is exhibiting signs of a) Paget's disease. Paget's disease ... the breast and demonstrates an orange peel apearance of breast skin with enlargement of skin pores.

Last Answer : a) Paget’s disease. Paget’s disease is a malignancy of mammary ducts with early signs of erythema of nipple and areola.

Description : All of the following can be signs that a child is gifted, except Options: A) Interest in encyclopaedia and dictionaries B) Uneasy relationships with peers. C) Early development of a sense of time D) Easy retention of facts

Last Answer : B) Uneasy relationships with peers.