Which food helps the most in a child's growth?

1 Answer

Answer :

Children need vitamins, protein and carbohydrates in food such us vegetables, eggs, fruits, milk, all kinds of meat, fibre (oats), sweet and Irish potato, peas and grains, to grow very well.

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Last Answer : Yes, that is the only respectful thing to do for a really young child, ages 5-6 or younger. However I also think children can make their own decisions about their hair cuts at a young age and if the ... decisions. I would allow my child to make their own hair style choices by the age of 7 or so.

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Last Answer : answer:Things you need: Gel Medium, Paint brush, Straight Edge, Wood, Image on Paper, spray bottle full of water. Hie thee to the craft store! You'll look in the paint section of ... are some pictures I transferred from a National Geographic magazine onto some parquet floor tiles using gel medium.

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Last Answer : Oh, Dutchess…

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Last Answer : answer:My sympathies :( What a crappy situation. Letters of recommendation are voluntary, and I don't know that a school can hold the instructor accountable. When the instructor is independent of an ... student to e-mail the admissions committee and ask if they can disclose why they were rejected.

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Last Answer : All parents make mistakes, and not all parents whether real of adoptive are not perfect. If you are angry about the things they said can you not talk to them? If you are an adult now perhaps distance yourself from them if you find them hurtful.

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Last Answer : answer:I wouldn’t throw any of those out and I’ll add these three: A lack of structure to life at home. Taking no interest in school or school work. Showing no interest in the child.

Description : I have a question for you parents. Do you save any of your child's school work?

Last Answer : Oh I am so ashamed to say this but “Yes”’. We still have them and my “kids” are ~ 30. If we put a date on something we ended up keeping it so we eventually learned to only write a date on something “good.” Fortunately we have a lot of room in the basement so it is not a problem.

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Last Answer : I love her because it’s me.

Description : Game: Would you like to rewrite a child's rhyme to reflect adult issues?

Last Answer : answer:Here's mine: I am Sam. Sam I am. Do you like diazepam? I do, I like diazepam. And I will take it out of stress And I will take when head's a mess And I will take it when I fear And I will take ... it here or there Hell, I will take it anywhere! I do so like diazepam I do, I like it, Sam I Am.

Description : Do you think your child's education is too simple?

Last Answer : One thing I always remember is in my psychology class in high school. One of our assignments was to make a freaking poster with a quote from a psychologist on it….....I just remember thinking: this is just stupid. Although I did still learn some actual psychology lol.

Description : When your child was in your womb during your early pregnancy did the sonograms reveal a dark spot in your childs heart?

Last Answer : No – I didn’t even have that although my kids were born 20 years ago so the equipment may have been less sophisticated.

Description : Parents: Do you give your child's classmates little holiday presents, on behalf of our child, and if so, what are some gift suggestions I can give on her behalf?

Last Answer : If I were going to, I would probably go to Oriental.com and get something, but it’s probably to late now. You might be able to find inexpensive little gifts at the dollar store or a party store.

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Last Answer : I’m more likely to err on the side of a cheaper but useful toy – something developmental, gender-neutral and something my kids enjoyed.

Description : Have you ever confronted a child's parents regarding his/her behavior? How did it go?

Last Answer : Unless the parent asks me for advice or is abusive, I tend to think how they raise their child is their business. While I have witnessed poor parenting, I have never confronted the parents about ... a question to get them thinking, and even that would require a pretty special set of circumstances.

Description : What ride in Disneyland should be a child's first?

Last Answer : As a child of Southern California who was treated to the Annual Family Trip to Disneyland, the first ride that came to my mind was Small World. I think it probably captures the feel of Disneyland ... older and less terrified I grew to love Pirates of the Caribbean and the Haunted Mansion the most.

Description : Parents: are you your child's friend?

Last Answer : No. I am her father.

Description : How can I fix/glue/strengthen a small child's wooden rocking chair, where the spindles are somewhat loose?

Last Answer : WalMart. Gorilla Glue. Fix it and forget it.

Description : Parents of tweens and young teens: What's your strategy for managing your child's cell phone usage?

Last Answer : My kids are a bit younger than your daughter, but they have a phone for emergencies. They are only allowed to make and receive calls to and from immediate family members, no texting or calling just for the ... the rules. At the same time, they feel uber-cool that they get to have a phone at all.

Description : How young is too young to relax or perm a child’s hair?

Last Answer : answer:That was an awesome movie. As someone who started bleaching and coloring my hair funky colours at 12 years old, I feel like it would be a bit hypocritical for me to say any younger than 12 ... can to influence the public that this is what makes a person beautiful. Whether or not that is true.

Description : Where can I find a photo of a child's empty bedroom?

Last Answer : Have you done a google image search? Might have to play with the terms but I am sure you will find something that works.

Description : What is your (or your child's) oldest personality trait?

Last Answer : I would guess a lot. I thought that our personalities were pretty much formed by the time we are 6 years old. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/38599828/ns/health-behavior/

Description : Which will you choose to save, one child's life or a million dogs' lives?

Last Answer : It depends. If the kid’s a horrible little brat and an incorrigible misfit, I’d much rather save the lives of the dogs.

Description : When was the last time you got a peek into a child's mind and a child's heart?

Last Answer : At an autopsy. Ba-dum-chhsss. Thank you very much! I’ll be here all month… Please try the salad bar.

Description : Once parentage has been determined through DNA testing, can a court force the mother of the out of wedlock child to change the childs last name to that of the father?

Last Answer : First of all what would that PROVE? Second the birth certificate is a legal document, but not infallible document ( scientific ). Name choice does not meaning paternity.

Description : Have you ever broken a noisy child's toy that made annoying sounds ?

Last Answer : answer:No. But I dismantled my car key sensor because I could not STAND the alarm going off randomly, the truck popping open, and other extreme annoyances of the technology. lol My sensor is SO sensitive that my ... So now I use my keys the old fashioned way, by hand, no more button pushing for me!