1 Answer

Answer :

Your ad remains active untill you deactive it.

Related questions

Description : Just posted an ad for motorcyle in post free ads, but it never went through?

Last Answer : You need to confirm your ad. Please check your inbox for the confirmation email.

Description : How do I find an ad that was posted with my phone number?

Last Answer : Search your phone number and see if it comes up in any ads.

Description : Whenever a transaction cannot be posted by the HO in a particular account for any reason a remark------------------ will be made by the HO against the entry in LOT a) Not posted b) Unposted c) Remain to post d) None of these

Last Answer : b) Unposted

Description : Can anyone locate the question from a long time ago where some Jellies posted recordings of their voices?

Last Answer : answer: http://balancer1.ask- ... -challenge-part-3/

Description : How long does it take for your question to be posted after you submit it?

Last Answer : answer:Hi Beancrip, Regarding your question it has been returned to you again- but please look for a PM from me in a few minutes that will help you understand how to edit it for posting. In answer to ... it. Depending on when a moderator is present in it can be nearly instant or take a few hours.

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Last Answer : Victoria’s Secret screaming “Look how woke we are!”

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Last Answer : Is it Which two sports would you want to combine to make a new, more thrilling, Olympic sport?

Description : Are awards still posted in the Community Feed?

Last Answer : Now that you mention it, I din’t think they are. I hadn’t noticed that. I know that some of the awards don’t seem to function at all any more.

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Last Answer : Um…here?

Description : How do you get the link posted and not the updated page?

Last Answer : You don't have control over it. The URL that you referred to today is pointing to a page that is housed at a server somewhere else. It isn't under your control or Fluther's - it is under the control of ... a month or a year ago. Summary: it isn't under your control. You get the page they send you.

Description : What conclusion do you draw from the chart posted in the details?

Last Answer : I would get from that that they are trying to imply we need more gun control because the states with lax laws have more gun-related deaths

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Last Answer : I noticed this a few years ago. Same thing, just a couple questions per section. It gets busy, then it dies off. I don’t believe this is something new.

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Last Answer : I have been told chill out don't judge, give these people a break, but in that same breath these people go freaking insane if a coma isn't spaced properly, oh OMG you use quotation marks wrong the ... the same, if I have to chill when bad fucking drivers are risking my life with their poor driving.

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Last Answer : I would just unfriend them. You’re not going to change his thinking, he’s not particularly important to you; just cut him loose.

Description : Would you support technology that would limit a car's speed to the posted speed limit?

Last Answer : No. In some areas where I live, the speed limit is 25. What if there were an emergency? What if someone was driving a pregnant woman to the hospital? Not an emergency vehicle but a regular vehicle driven by ... situation? If that were me, I'd want the driver to be able to go faster than 25 mph.

Description : What is the pupose of the Cancer warning signs posted almost California?

Last Answer : answer:Nanny state. Some lobbying group back in 1985 decided that people needed to be warned about things they might come in contact with. So they got a law passed, which is entirely stupid and ineffective. Read all about it(1986)

Description : When you come upon a vehicle doing 20+mph under the posted limit, and the highway has no posted minimum, is it the slow drivers responsibility to let faster drivers by, or is it the faster drivers responsibility to make their own way around when safe?

Last Answer : answer:Theoretically or really? Theoretically, they should realize that they are going well below the speed limit and let you pass. So theoretically, it is his responsibility. Fat chance. These drivers are ... . So in reality, you as the faster driver, need to take that responsibility on yourself.

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Last Answer : American Medical Association?

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Last Answer : answer:Because it’s a violation of her own space by posting it without her knowing or without her consent. It’s just as natural as going poo. But would you be outraged if someone posted a picture of you going poo in the woods on a camping trip?

Description : Have you ever posted something on this site and then later wished that you could go back and delete it?

Last Answer : nope

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Last Answer : answer:I don't know what causes this, but sometimes Facebook has trouble loading certain images - even if it's the same size as those that precede and follow it, a photo might not come up. If ... without the lightbox). Sometimes, that will allow a hard-to-load photo to be viewed, but sometimes not.

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Last Answer : answer:Who do those chicks think they are, Betty and Veronica? Don’t know what teens are doing these days. No idea. But if that was me back as a teen and we had FB, I wouldn’t have had a choice, as I didn’t have ten million different outfits. Maybe it’s some FB culture thing we don’t know about.

Description : I think we would all agree that the video I posted in the details is horrible...but would you agree that this kind of behavior is glorified in so many ways in our society today?

Last Answer : answer:I agree that most of the reactions are rather counterproductive. It reminds me of Sophie Lancaster, a goth girl who was killed by some dudes who beat the crap out of her for being a goth, and ... important part is that kids look up to us as exemplary models on how to deal with these things.

Description : How do you check the link you posted in your email before you click Send?

Last Answer : Copy and paste it into your browser. If it goes through, the link the recipient gets will work.

Description : What is your stance on the actions taken against bullying videos being posted online?

Last Answer : answer:What do you mean by bullying videos? Like videos taken of someone bullying another? Since I'm not sure what exactly you're talking about I'll just answer how I feel about it in general. Honestly, I ... me even more. Like come on, it's someone online, who gives a shit what they say about you?

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Last Answer : Without knowing what site or program you are using, I don’t see how anyone could possibly answer this.

Description : How would you examine Exif metadata on a photo posted on the internet?

Last Answer : answer:If you saw johnpowell's excellent response to this question yesterday, then you'd know. Here it is. As to how to disable the GPS indicators, etc., you want to find in your phone or ... course, you could take and examine a photo of your own to see whether you had accomplished your objective.

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Last Answer : Yes. It’s refreshing to see old friends.

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Last Answer : You could try something like this:

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Last Answer : It does… It could just be lagging a little or something… Which pic did you post first?

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Last Answer : Straighten it out or other people may be confused, too.

Description : Are federal tax returns running behind the posted dates?

Last Answer : I’m still waiting on mine. It’s my money, and I need it now!

Description : If your child ranted about you on their facebook wall, as the parent, would you destroy their electronic device they posted it from?

Last Answer :

Description : If I've posted photos on my Facebook wall, how do I put them in a FB album?

Last Answer : They should be in “Wall Photos” which is an alum. If you want to move them hit “Edit Album” Then click “Edit photos” There should be on option on each picture to move it to another album.

Description : Is there a way to find out who the original artist is for images posted on Tumblr?

Last Answer :

Description : With Monday Decmber 26th being a bank holiday will my direct deposit be posted?

Last Answer : If the bank is closed there will be no posting. It will show up in Tuesday’s transactions.

Description : OK, I asked a question, it was deemed obscene. I made the changes requested but it is still not posted. Why?

Last Answer : Maybe a mod just hasn’t gotten around to reposting it for you. All of them are volunteers save for Auggie, so that does happen a lot. When did you send it back?

Description : Do you ever go to post a question, look it over carefully, hit the final "Ask Fluther" button and instantly go "O shit!" because there is a major error you just saw at the same instant before it posted?

Last Answer : No, because I can edit it for several minutes.

Description : Someone posted a question, yesterday about showering. My question is, how clean (hygiene-wise) are you?

Last Answer : answer:I shower every morning, brush my teeth twice a day, and wash my hands before dealing with food and, of course, each time I use the bathroom. I detest smelly shower gels, lotions, and ... smell like humans. I'm not talking offensive BO here, but I find most artificial scents quite offensive.

Description : Would the internet be as fun if our name/location came up on the other end everytime we sent/ posted?

Last Answer : If that were true, I bet people would get to work ASAP on getting around it. The first person to make and sell an ID blocker would be super rich.

Description : Is it possible to edit a question I have posted?

Last Answer : If it's been less than 10 minutes, there should be a link that says edit question. If it has been more than 10 minutes, that goes away. You would need to flag your question and in the comment ... your question. Once a mod sees that, they will be able to return the question to you for editing.

Description : What have been some of your favourite moments posted on youtube?

Last Answer : A big chance that all videos that will be posted will be well known by everybody, i guess. So i wonder if there are still people who haven’t seen this one?

Description : Should the OP be the only one who decides where a question is posted?

Last Answer : Moderators often ask the OP if he/she wants the question moved if there are a lot of humorous or off-topic answers. If the OP wishes for the question to be moved, we move it. If not, we ... , any question about ask-public or a ask-public member is automatically moved to Meta, no matter the topic.

Description : Is there a way to delete multiple Facebook post that I posted?

Last Answer : No, there isn’t. You’ll have to delete them all individually.

Description : Do things posted in Meta need to be questions?

Last Answer : This… Is… JEOPARDY!

Description : How do employers get to the stuff you've posted on Facebook?

Last Answer : with regards to police and social work they can see photos that you have been tagged in on peoples profiles that may not be kept private. especially if you are in the police if you are tagged in a ... delete everything in there so people can get hold of me if they really need and cant through fb.

Description : If I posted my german notes, would someone be willing to "peer edit" it?

Last Answer : you might try pm’ing @ragingloli, I’m pretty sure he speaks german. So do a few other members here but I can’t think of who.

Description : Where can I find magazines posted online?

Last Answer : Have you tried just googling the magazine you want to see?

Description : How does one remove one's own comment once posted?

Last Answer : If you decide to remove it within 10 minutes of posting, you can just edit it to say something like Removed by Me. After your 10 minutes to edit are up, you might be out of luck. Your best bet would be ... users, even if you no longer wish for it to be up. Long story short; be careful what you post.