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Description : – I hear a lot about this Google Andriod thingie. Is that a new phone?

Last Answer : It’s a platform that’s open source for developers of software and hardware. (I Googled Andriod to get the following link):

Description : You save a photo or document, you want to add a colon or semi-colon; like I just did. What's the big deal and why can't it be saved?

Last Answer : You can't use a colon in a file name on Mac either, but you can use a semi-colon. Slashes don't work either. My guess is because they have other functions and putting them in names of files is misleading ... URLs and such. Just like in Windows, you can't call anything con . Try it; it won't work.

Description : how much data access does a cell phone plan need to send/receive 1 photo?

Last Answer : Depends on size of your photo. Try to send a small file, or use wifi.

Description : If an image is saved in WhatsApp images and WhatsApp sent images but not on your phone gallery does that mean the image was not taken using the phone.?

Last Answer : I’m pretty sure if I take the image in WhatsApp it doesn’t save to my photos in my phone. You probably can save a WhatsApp image to your photo gallery in your phone if you want to.

Description : Do you have a "My cell phone saved me!" story to tell?

Last Answer : Nothing like that ,but it has been a God send when broke down miles from nowhere.

Description : Is there a way to send saved mp3's on your computer to your phone to use as a ringtone?

Last Answer : answer:I use Ringtone Maker to take any song on my phone and turn a portion of my choosing of it into a ringtone; I currently use the chorus of Abney Park's Airship Pirates. Of course, it only works for ... have on my phone, but if you can't transfer a song to your phone then you have other issues.

Description : Can texts be tracked after the fact by the phone companies, like calls can? If so, is it only who who texted and not the content, or is that info saved somewhere?

Last Answer : What's possible and what's actually done are different things. It's possible that they have every bit of discernible information available for every call, SMS, MMS, ping, web site, whatever that you've made ... under the assumption of what's possible. But not to work up too much of a sweat about it.

Description : Neither the photo nor the game can be saved, the storage is still full. I've already deleted everything, uninstalled the applications, but it still doesn't work, can you advise my mio? Thank you

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : High-contact services include which of the following examples ? 1. Photo developing 2. Cinemas 3. Car repairs 4. Garden Landscaping 5. Medical services

Last Answer : Medical services

Description : High-contact services include which of the following examples? A)Photo developing B)Cinemas C)Car repairs D)Garden landscaping E)Medical services

Last Answer : E)Medical services

Description : Do you give out your contact information at work casually? How is that handled at your job? Are you careful to make sure access to it is on a need-to-know basis?

Last Answer : She was given a specific directive and was trying to fulfill that. I'm not quite sure what you think she will do with it that is inappropriate. Every job that I have had has required ... there is extremely sensitive, personal information being disclosed, you don't really need to worry about that.

Description : Disadvantages of e-Commerce in India are  (i) internet access is not universally available  (ii) Credit card payment security is not yet guaranteed  (iii) Transactions are de-personalized and human contact is missing  (iv) Cyberlaws ... i and ii b. ii and iii c. i, ii, iii d. i, ii, iii, iv

Last Answer : c. i, ii, iii  

Description : Can the World Press Photo be won with a point-and-shoot- or a camera-phone?

Last Answer : answer:There is no reason that a point-n-shoot couldn't win it. Better equipment will allow for more versatile shooting (increased depth of field, longer lenses, more shutter speeds ... capabilities. Also, professional photos include the equipment and settings for the benefit of other photographers.

Description : How do I send a photo from my phone to my computer?

Last Answer : email it to yourself. just send it like a text message but enter your email address instead of a phone number.

Description : Does anyone remember the name of the that phone photo website?

Last Answer : I have no idea if the one I use is the one you’re thinking of, but it’s free and it’s called Photobucket. If that’s not it, sorry. Hope you find what you’re looking for.

Description : Ravi has to transfer a photo on his mobile phone to his friend’s phone in the same room. -Technology

Last Answer : Ravi could either of the two technologies Bluetooth or Infrared which is supported by both the devices involved. Infrared though slightly faster than Bluetooth has a limitation that it needs a clear line-of-sight between the devices for it to work.

Description : Can I email a photo using an sms mobile phone?

Last Answer : Yes you can email a photo using an SMS mobile phone. You just need to attach the photo file before you send it.

Description : Why do you think my friend won’t stop apologizing to me? We became friends after I saved her life about three weeks ago and she was mean to me before, but it seems weird that she is still apologizing.

Last Answer : She feels guilty for how she treated you before. And now she is in your emotional debt, and feels bad about that.

Description : According to this article, the average Canadian saved over $5000 during the pandemic, have you?

Last Answer : Makes me wonder WHO is average?

Description : What are some mundane inventions, that, after years of taking them for granted, at some point saved your bacon?

Last Answer : Seat belts for vehicles. Public wash rooms.

Description : How can I recover my saved pages in Chrome?

Last Answer : Oh and I am using a Android.

Description : Can my flash drive or at least the files on it be saved?

Last Answer : My experience is that recovery programs work as well on flash drives as they do on hard drives. How well that is depends on whether anything has been overwritten, but something like Recuva should do the trick.

Description : What is this fungus -- can my houseplant be saved?

Last Answer : answer:Hard to tell from the photo, but it may be powdery mildew.

Description : If doctors stopped asking parent's permission for vaccines, would lives be saved?

Last Answer : answer:I don't have kids, but it surprises me that doctors ask parents. I would have assumed they tell parents it time for certain shots and some parents object. I think doctors should ... by age 12 she would have vaccinated. Her pediatrician was very cooperative with her fears about vaccines.

Description : Is it possible to change the icon on a a saved Excel or Word file?

Last Answer : answer:If you change the extension to something other than one that Windows knows and already associates with Excel, including: .xls .xlsx .xlsm .xlt & etc. then you'll have to make a manual association ... which recognizes the .dxls file type, and still tell it to open with Excel.) Just do it.

Description : Hostess Twinkies are back! Do you think civilization as we know it is saved or could you care less?

Last Answer : twinkie?

Description : Pretend you're in your late 20s with a chunk of money saved up and are getting out of the military, where would you go to start your new life?

Last Answer : That would be a great situation to be in. There are so many places you could go . It would depend on many factors: do you like four distinct seasons? Do you like mountains or the ocean? Are ... choices for your hypothetical, lucky young person. Maybe I can answer if I read other answers first ! LOL

Description : How much money can be saved by having more teleconferencing or videoconferencing in business, government and home-schooling?

Last Answer : That is exactly what I have always thought. I can’t understand how that hasn’t been happening. It is a no-brainer.

Description : If Tim didn't spend money on nonessential items, Joe's life could have been saved. Is Tim selfish?

Last Answer : answer:Um, no. Take into accound cultural and economic differences in different regions, and different things become the norm. If we went by your logic, you posed this question, so you used a ... well as time that could have been spent volunteering. You are a murderer, and a horrible person.

Description : What information can you give me on companies that were supposedly "saved" by Bain?

Last Answer : Gawker actually published HUNDREDS of Bain documents, which include dealings with Domino’s and others. If you’re interested, you can find them here.

Description : Has DDT saved more lives than any other chemical compound?

Last Answer : Water is a chemical compound (H2O). I would have to put that ahead of DDT, any day.

Description : Can you rent an apartment if you don't have a job but have lots of money saved up in an account or are going to school?

Last Answer : You can often pay in advance for a specific length of time, but your rental will not extend past that unless you pay in advance.

Description : Have you ever saved someone's life? [part 2]?

Last Answer : answer:My brother. A long time ago. - We were swimming in an ocean, and he was very young, the tide grew stronger and started pulling him in. I wrapped him in my arms so tight he couldn't breathe, the ... way. The same thing happened to me, and it's funny how she was the one who saved me as well.

Description : My friend saved me from being raped, but now he's acting really strange, and I'm worried. What should I do?

Last Answer : My feeling is that the image he had in his mind, the ideal picture that he created of you and him together, got shattered a bit. The good times he spent with you, the way he has thought about you, ... he has to deal with this maturely (if he does), he will come around and interact with you again.

Description : What are the limitations on a Twitter saved search?

Last Answer : answer:Yeah, sometimes Twitter doesn't go back more than a week. Other times, it returns the first 1500 results, however soon those are (so for Trending Topics, it might only go back 5 minutes, for ... check out the special Twitter search operators, like since:2009-02-15 or until:2009-02-15 .

Description : Is it necessary to have picture files saved in Finder and in iPhoto?

Last Answer : Yes, you doubled them. You can safely delete the photos “in Finder” (in reality, on your desktop.) iPhoto stores pictures in /Users/yourusername/Pictures/iPhoto Library.

Description : Is there a way to organize saved items on Google Reader?

Last Answer : You can separate subscriptions into different folders – like I have “PostSecret” and “XKCD” in “fun”, but “NYT” in “news”. But not individual posts. For that, you’re going to want to use something like Evernote.

Description : My 1/2 feather, 1/2 down comforter didn't really survive the dryer so well; I forgot about the tennis ball trick. It's really flat. Can it be saved?

Last Answer : Perhaps, with enough fluff action, but you know, geese really arn’t meant to go through the dryer. No natural oils and preening action in dead feathers. :-/

Description : What is an item that you saved up to buy/splurged on?

Last Answer : answer:My first car! ‘64 Ford Galaxie with a 390 engine I bought for $300 from the old lady living next door. The car was 8 years old and I was 17.

Description : Raise your hand if you have been 'saved'?

Last Answer : A number of endangered species have been saved from extinction through the efforts of certain groups, yes?

Description : Can this failed yogurt be saved?

Last Answer : No, you can’t remake it. The best guide on whether or not it’s simply spoiled is to smell it. If it smells ok but it’s separated, you can either pitch it, or use it in something like bread.

Description : Has anyone ever saved your life?

Last Answer : I'm a recovered alcoholic, and I was dying when I came to the realization that alcohol was killing me. I believe my first sponsor saved my life. He was firm. He laughed at my stupidity when ... . Most importantly, he led me through the 12 steps that helped me to learn to live without alcohol.

Description : Have you ever saved someone's life?

Last Answer : Yes, a number of times I’ve pulled my daughter and other kids off of the bottom of our pool

Description : Has anyone successfully saved their home from foreclosure once a sale date has been set?

Last Answer : answer:I can't give you an answer to your question. However, on the face of it, paying $2000.00 to anyone to do something that maybe you could do seems very foolish to me. I think someone may be trying ... lender, or you can't. No third party will be in a better position than you to plead your case.

Description : Do you have any handwritten letters saved?

Last Answer : I have a special letter saved that I read once in awhile :)

Description : The mods get a lot of grief but has moderation ever saved you?

Last Answer : Well, it’s certainly prevented me from getting really nasty in certain threads. I’m very glad flamewars are not allowed.

Description : Is compressing files worth it if only a few KB's of space are saved?

Last Answer : No, not that useful. I mean, I suppose in the long-long run, it’ll add up, but I don’t think the effect would be that great or useful to you. I would say you are better off just getting more storage.

Description : Pine tree leaning after major rain and wind, can it be saved?

Last Answer : That’s all you can do, tie them down on all four sides. It should recover in the months ahead. BTW, were the trees transplanted as grown trees or they actually grew in place as saplings?

Description : Can you think of a way for the guy in the movie "No Man's Land" to be saved?

Last Answer : @Sebulba I just watched that film recently, it was really good. I’m not sure how the guy could be saved though.

Description : How can you print off pictures when the pictures are just saved on your laptop?

Last Answer : What do you mean, “it doesn’t work”? You can’t copy correctly to the flash card? Or when you take the card to the photo store, they’re unable to read the pictures from the card? Or that the pictures just print out poorly?