Isn't this the material from which candles are made?

1 Answer

Answer :

No no. Deer tallow is now produced synthetically,

Related questions

Description : What is the meaning of the word tallow ?

Last Answer : The word tallow means fat.

Description : Pick out the wrong statement. (A) Close circuit grinding is more economical than open circuit grinding (B) Cod oil, beef tallow or aluminium stearates are used as grinding aids in cement ... is called a classifier (D) Size enlargement is a mechanical operation exemplified by medicinal tablet making

Last Answer : (C) The equipment used for the removal of traces of solids from a liquid is called a classifier

Description : Pick out the wrong statement. (A) Eosin requirement in tallow soap is about 40-50% which fastens the lather formation, softens the hard soaps and increases its cleansing action (B) Soap powder is ... ., Benzotriazole) is added in soap to facilitate the removal of stains due to tea, blood etc

Last Answer : (D) Tarnish inhibitor (e.g., Benzotriazole) is added in soap to facilitate the removal of stains due to tea, blood etc

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Last Answer : (D) All (A), (B) and (C)

Description : Fatty material used in soap making is (A) Fatty acid (B) Fatty alcohols (C) Tallow (D) Detergents

Last Answer : (C) Tallow

Description : Where can I find XXL mens blue jeans or slacks, big and tall, in Red Deer or online?

Last Answer : There are dozens of places online. Just type in men’s jeans and watch the choices fly out at you. You’ll find the sizes listed waist first like 44×34

Description : Why would a herd of deer cross a major highway during rush hour?

Last Answer : Well, herds of deer tend not to wear wristwatches, os they may not have known it was rush hour. Herds are herds - and deer are not particularly smart animals. They have a leader, and the others just follow. ... a large object is a tree or rock - neither of them move. Cars don't fit their world view.

Description : As a hunter, would you set out feeding bait to lure deer or bears, or whatever in, so you could shoot them as they ate?

Last Answer : They are the gatherers from the hunters and gatherers.

Description : How much would it cost to start a small crucible or foundry and a permit In Red Deer?

Last Answer : Sleep it off RDG. How would any of us know such things, and who is going to exert the effort to indulge your relentless flights of fancy?

Description : How do I get from Red Deer to Jasper?

Last Answer : Use another bus company. When Greyhound stops driving routes, others will adjust and hopefully add routes, but it looks like there are already alternatives. e.g. you can take Red Arrow to Edmonton, then take a VIA Rail train or a (more expensive) Sundog shuttle from there to Jasper.

Description : How can I find a cheap small apartment fridge freezer in Red Deer , Alberta?

Last Answer : Try Wal-mart Best buy if Red deer has those two stores, Canadian Tire also sells that type of thing, or try pawn shops and maybe even a thrift store or too.

Description : Who do I ask that the Red Deer hospital to purchase a gurny for tall people, and have other accommodations for tall people?

Last Answer : You could start with asking your social worker about it.

Description : It is Red Deer Guy's Birthday on July 28, will you offer Best Wishes?

Last Answer : Happy Birthday and may you have many more Happy Days!

Description : Where can I buy shelled pistachios in Red Deer Alberta, or online?

Last Answer : My grocery store has them in the snack/nut aisle.

Description : Is Deer overpopulation really a problem?

Last Answer : Welcome to ask-public. In places yes, it’s a huge problem. They don’t have any natural predators except for us. Their populations can explode and cause a multitude of problems.

Description : How would you try and manage an over populated and expanding Deer herd?

Last Answer : I suppose the government could place a bounty on the deer, then extend the hunting season. When you say “cats”, are you talking about animals larger than a bobcat?

Description : My mom is visiting me in Red Deer tomorrow for two days can you suggest some activities that we can do?

Last Answer : Go fishing Never been there, but there’s gotta be a lake somewhere in Alberta. The provinces I have visited have millions of them.

Description : Would complete elimination of the deer population eliminate the Lyme disease threat?

Last Answer : No,other animals are tick hosts.

Description : What plants and flowers do not attract deer?

Last Answer : answer:Some reliable perennials are bee balm, black-eyed Susan, obedience plant (physostegia), phlox, lobelia siphilitica, the various flowering sages, rugosa roses, clematis, mallow, perennial poppies, globe ... ; hot pepper, moth balls, smelly soap on strings, and both male and female urine.

Description : Tornado watch in Red Deer what should I do?

Last Answer : Whatever you do, don’t go out for a 10 mile hike today.

Description : Where can I find opportunity? My social worker said I can only move away from Red Deer if there is opportunity for me?

Last Answer : The 2 words, “leave” and “their” are confusing me @talljasperman. Added: Actually I know their is a typo.

Description : Where can I find a one bedroom or bachelor suite in Red Deer for under $750 a month?

Last Answer : How about this one

Description : Where can I get deep fried battered french fries in Red Deer Alberta?

Last Answer : answer:In your own kitchen. Deep fried battered French fries These are particularly good for massive weight loss programs.

Description : What careers are available, in Alberta, with a social work two year diploma from Red Deer college?

Last Answer : Most social service providers want a Bachelor’s degree or Masters of Social Work. Two year degrees may get you a position as an aide in a hospital or school.

Description : What's a good way to cage a rose bush to protect from deer predation without it being too unsightly?

Last Answer : I'm having trouble finding anything that's attractive rather than just utilitarian. If you know someone who works in wrought iron or welding, may you could adapt something like this into a more attractive version ... ? What about using a decorative trellis to create a fence - like 3 or 4 of these?

Description : For those of you in the northeastern US who garden, can you recommend any flowering perennials that the deer won't eat?

Last Answer : Hire a bow hunter to trim the herd come hunting season. Heck the hunter would probably pay you.

Description : Would eating grass fed deer be healthier than grain fed beef you get at the grocery store?

Last Answer : Venison tends to be leaner and not pumped full of antibiotics and stuff like finished beef. You might find grass fed beef in your market these days. Welcome to fluther.

Description : Have you ever hit a deer, or what's the closest you've come to hitting one without actually hitting it?

Last Answer : I wasn’t in the car, but last year my parents did pretty much the same thing, except the dumb creature was just standing there in the road. They think the front of their car just tapped it – it stumbled a little, then ran off. Was a very close call.

Description : What happens when a deer steps out in front of your car on the interstate?

Last Answer : You either leave it on the road or take it home to eat.

Description : Will our burning bush come back from being deer & rabbit food?

Last Answer : I dunno… you did ask this on Easter…

Description : How do I keep deer out of my garden?

Last Answer : I would like to know this - we were never able to have hydrangeas, or apples or peaches on the trees due to the deer! I'm not sure there are many effective ways, other than errecting a prison ... fences! at least they are extremely cute, I always loved seeing them, albeit they ate all the flowers!.

Description : If a man shoots and kills a deer, should he be congratulated?

Last Answer : Whether you agree with the idea of hunting or not (for the record, I don’t), the act of having accomplished something you’ve been striving for is worthy of congratulations.

Description : What is the best legal deer lure?

Last Answer : answer:Lure? For what? A killing set up?

Description : Where do deer go to die?

Last Answer : They go off in the woods and die. Their remains are quickly (I’m talking within a day or two) picked apart by scavengers, insects, and the elements until you would never know a deer was there.

Description : A deer can have twins. How about triplets? And if so, can they be different sizes? See detail?

Last Answer : She could be looking after an orphan. Not all that rare in the animal world.

Description : Have You Heard of a Deer Killing or Maiming Someone?

Last Answer : Yes,during the rut,they can get alittle crazy. My sister’s friend’s Jeep was rammed multiple times by a buck as she was driving home.LOL!It put dents in the side.;)

Description : Do deer antlers fall off in the summer time?

Last Answer : That’s what happens. Look here

Description : You hit a deer on the interstate. who is at-fault? you or the deer?

Last Answer : It doesn’t matter… the deer is not going to pay for your damages.. sorry.

Description : Have you had a cat get Lyme or a related disease (erlichiosis, for example) from an embedded and engorged female deer tick?

Last Answer : From the way your worded this, I thought the cat did have these symptoms. Then I read on, and see you are merely worried that it could happen. So, keep catching those ticks and assume the best.

Description : Scent free while deer hunting?

Last Answer : Use an unscented glycerin soap as opposed to a standard bar soap when showering. You will not get soap scum left behind on your skin which leaves scent.

Description : What are deer hunting season hours in mn?

Last Answer : Try this page.

Description : "Are there any legal liabilities for scaring the deer away with paintballs and Airsoft?"?

Last Answer : Why not just do what my bitchy, wealthy neighbors did…complain to the DNR? Then you’ll have a sniper come in and take out half the population each year. Be prepared for a fight though! BTW-What you are describing sounds like animal cruelty to this particular animal activist.

Description : Question regarding White Tail Deer in winter?

Last Answer : January through March is the best time to search for shed antlers in Wisconsin, according to . I’m glad you asked, because I collect sheds of all kinds.

Description : Should I take an antibiotic as a prophylactic after deer tick bite?

Last Answer : I would say no. The tick bite antibiotics are strong and will make you ill. I would only take it once symptoms appear. Plus, if you take it preventatively, you will never know if you ever contracted lyme disease.

Description : Why does deer & goats poop come out in little pellets?

Last Answer : LOL yeah I am at my girlfriend’s house and she has goats. So I figured I’d ask.

Description : How do I keep deer from eating my plants?

Last Answer : Well, once deer season rolls around…

Description : Would you say .....Pride of Barbados Plant is deer resistant?

Last Answer : This plant does attract bees, butterflies & birds, but I am more concerned that all parts of this plant & seeds are poisonous if ingested so I am concerned about children & pets. Deer may not like this plant. It is a ... from 8a to 11. Do not 6.1-6.5 grown 4 to 8 ft high space 4-6

Description : Is lithodora deer resistant

Last Answer : They will resist eating it unless they can'[t find something better to eat. Only a very high fence will keep them out.

Description : Will my columnar birch live if the deer eat the majority of it's leaves off in the spring?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Do any home remedies work to repel deer?

Last Answer : Need Answer