Is it possible that it should be on the other side than usual? It seems to me that I rather tighten it and I would not like to grab it. I mean a classic gas bomb to the stove. What they sell at gas stations in those cages outside.

1 Answer

Answer :

The left - really "opposite" - to the more common right. :O

Related questions

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Last Answer : Thanks, but I am fine.

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Last Answer : answer:Great idea. I'm in. It is now 12:40 This is everything that went into the pie hole so far. Up at 5:45 . Breakfast at around 6:30 2 cups of Green tea. 2 pieces of marble rye (the ... so it has time to brighten my pearly whites. I will eat nothing else until dinner. Nothing . I rarely snack.

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Description : Is there any reason not to use old sewing thread?

Last Answer : I am by no means a sewing maven, but thread is often made from organic material, and can disintegrate or even rot.

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Last Answer : Sometimes it’s the most ignorant jerks arguing back and forth to no real end. That doesn’t deserve a GQ. I also remember one of your threads I totally hijacked. Now that should have got a GQ. GQ.

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Last Answer : answer:I’ll start One two three four five One two three four five six sev… One two three four five

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Last Answer : Jeff Buckley-Grace Mandatory feel-core

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Last Answer : If you are not in a hurry, most brands of machines have replacement parts and you can get a new spool pin (that is what it is called) for most machines. What brand of machine do you have?

Description : How to save a thread or a topic discussion of a forum?

Last Answer : For the tech challenged: that would be me I just copy/paste to my Notebook on the computer. Not at all efficient, but it gets the job done until someone comes along with a much better idea. Which should be in about a minute.

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Last Answer : The Assumption Song

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Last Answer : Ass mauch ass Ah deeslike Meese Pikgee… yah dare ees sumtin’ varry sayxy ahbout-ter.

Description : Is it good etiquette to use GQ and GA lurve to help the OP have a reference point for a popular thread?

Last Answer : I gave you a GQ because I want you to come back and explain this question to me. I have a pretty simple mind~.

Description : Who would like to join me in posting an autumnal avatar thread?

Last Answer : I’ll keep my Mom as my avatar for now. :)

Description : What can you tell us (opinion or factoid) about the last jelly to post in this thread?

Last Answer : I don’t a hell of a lot about you, except that your name is Colin.

Description : What can you tell me about Freemasonry? (This is not a conspiracy theory thread)

Last Answer : answer:I used to date a Mason. He was fairly serious about it, and his father before him had been very serious, raised to the 33rd degree. My boyfriend told me lots of things, and I ... this: they do support worthy causes. The Shriners' hospital in Boston for pediatric burns cases is one example.

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Last Answer : I’m not having any luck finding the response in question. Do you remember which jelly posted the answer? If so, you can put ”@username” into the search bar along with any keywords in the response you can remember. For example, ”@lillycoyote Victrola” gets you this result.

Description : How often do you express that you have changed your position within a thread, a debate, anywhere?

Last Answer : If I’ve changed my mind, I will acknowledge it.