Can I give the cat water? Won't it hurt her? And will it drink at all?

1 Answer

Answer :

The cat only drinks water, milk only rarely when it catches mice. If you insist on milk, the pet stores sell cat milk and it's definitely not cow's :)

Related questions

Description : Every morning, while I eat my cereal, my cat hangs around, meowing for me to share my milk with her. I ususally give her whatever is left over in the bowl when I'm done. Is this OK to do?

Last Answer : After cats are weaned, they no longer need milk. Mama cat's milk and cows milk are not the same. Cow's milk contains lactose, which many cats can't tolerate. Reactions can be skin rashes, diarrhea, ... water. If you really want to give her milk, try one that is lactose free to avoid any problems.

Description : Is it OK to just drink milk and water?

Last Answer : Yes, it is okay?

Description : I just got a big 1yr persian cat yesterday and it lays around all day. i havent seen it eat or drink water yet! i know it has to adjust to the family but why is it acting like that?

Last Answer : Give her some time to get used to her new surroundings. When my ex and I brought home our Tortie from the Humane Society, she went into hiding for a few days (hid under the bed) and finally came out when she felt safe. Then, she began to explore. Just give your girl time. She’ll be okay.

Description : Last time I went shopping, I saw some bottles of cat milk. Is that just milk for cats, or milk from cats, for cats?

Last Answer : Not at all, must be a EU thing.

Description : I drink milk almost exclusively instead of water, is that a problem at all?

Last Answer : Your body really needs water. That much milk could cause weight gain and more congestion if you’re prone to allergies. Some milk is fine but you should try to get in the habit of drinking at least 3 or 4 glasses of water everyday along with your milk and sprite. haha

Description : Can I drink water after drinking milk ?

Last Answer : Yes water can be consumed. However, it is better to drink water 5-6 minutes after you drink milk. This is because the ingredients like meat , phosphorus , calcium etc. in milk take some time to complete their digestion after entering your body. As a result, many people have problems with acidity.

Description : Why does my cat drink warm water?

Last Answer : Because it’s all comfy and doesn’t make her cold.

Description : I don't think I've ever seen my cat drink from his water bowl. He regular drinks from the kitchen and bathroom sinks and even from my cup, when he gets the opportunity. It's annoy. What can I do to get him to stop and drink out of his own bowl?

Last Answer : Cats don't drink a lot but should be encouraged to drink some. Don't add anything to the water. Try using a different bowl or placing the bowl in a different spot. Many cats enjoy drinking from ... eats only dry food, add some water to it or better yet, add some canned food which contains water.

Description : Am I anti-feminist if I drink milk and eat eggs?

Last Answer : Nope. PETA is a bunch of hypocritical murderers that will kill your puppy or kitty rather than rescue it.

Description : Who has stopped drinking grocery store milk and now drink another kind?

Last Answer : I just don’t drink milk at all, it’s gross

Description : Are you willing to drink cockroach milk?

Last Answer : I would try it. I’ve tried raw milk, all milk substitutes in my area and enjoyed them to a degree.

Description : How often do you, or your kids, drink milk and what part of the country were you raised in?

Last Answer : I got it right in my question JLeslie!

Description : Anyone drink raw goat's milk kefir?

Last Answer : answer:Not goats milk but regular kefir. This was following a bunch of antibiotics which I had to take for a severe dental infection. I would typically drink about 8oz. Or so per day. Since you yourself ... ago when I spent a summer at an organic farm up in Alberta, Canada which had a few goats.

Description : Why are there gender differences when people are asked if they drink out of the milk jug?

Last Answer : Guy – Guilty.

Description : Please. Could you tell me which form of "milk" is safe to drink?

Last Answer : Everything is going to kill you in the end. Screw it and enjoy life.

Description : Can my 1 year old drink 2% milk?

Last Answer : answer:Don’t give soy milk to a boy. Soy is highly estrogenic, and if given to boys it can disrupt puberty and cause gynecomastia. A one year old should still be on breast milk. 2% is okay if the baby is growing well, whole milk is better until 2 years old.

Description : Can you use half and half in cereal and as a normal drink in place of regular milk?

Last Answer : You could but it would be really high in fat, since half and half consists of half cream and half milk

Description : If you drink 8 glasses of milk in 3 minutes will you die?

Last Answer : No!

Description : Anyone Else Allergic to Milk,Eggs,and Cheese. I can only drink Soy Milk, do they make Soy Cheese and Ice Cream? Where can I find it?

Last Answer : My son had a close friend who was lactose intolerant. And at all of the baseball team events, birthday parties, etc. they would always have lac-free ice cream, cake, etc. for him. I know all that stuff is out there. I would imagine Whole Foods would be a great place to start. Best of luck!

Description : Can you drink too much milk?

Last Answer : Just don’t drink a gallon of milk in a hour and you should be fine.

Description : Can a human drink a whole gallon of milk?

Last Answer : I think you are likely to vomit.

Description : Do you put ice in your milk, or chocolate milk when you drink it?

Last Answer : Unless I’m drinking hot chocolate, I want it so cold it gives me a brain freeze or else it grosses me out. It either needs to burn my mouth or freeze it.

Description : How many liters of milk does a person drink on an average in Bangladesh ?

Last Answer : In Bangladesh, 1 person drinks about 10 liters of milk per year on an average

Description : How many liters of milk does a person need to drink in a year ?

Last Answer : A person needs to drink 90 liters of milk per year.

Description : What happens if you drink milk after eating pineapple ?

Last Answer : There is a common belief in the society that people die of poisoning when they eat pineapple and milk. The elders of the house forbid the children to eat this food together because they will ... pineapple and milk. They have survived by eating pineapple and milk. So do not accept this superstition.

Description : Is it possible to drink milk if you have diarrhea or measles ?

Last Answer : No, if you have diarrhea or measles, you should not drink milk.

Description : How to fix body health fast ? I am currently 20 years old , height 5 feet 6 inches and I weigh 49 kg and BMI 18.00 . When I was at home, 0.5 liters per day. I used to eat cow's milk but after ... to buy. How can I gain 10 kg weight in 3 months ?? Looking for the right advice to fix my health ???

Last Answer : It is not possible to gain weight fast. It will take some time to get fat or weight. Usually if you are a little fat you will gain weight. So I am not giving any separate tips for weight gain. You ... weight. Food: Drink vegetables , small fish , meat , eggs , milk , banana and water after a while.

Last Answer : The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) drank the milk of three people. They are: Amina Suwaiba Halima Sa ' diya

Description : Do you still drink milk for yourself, not coffee or anything? Is there anything else good that you can get in the store?

Last Answer : No. Basically, the store is not so healthy. It used to be common, but it was also of better quality, especially when Grandma brought it from the yard, fresh head. I don't think it's worth drinking at the store anymore.

Description : Somewhere I saw that you should not drink boiled milk because it is not good. What could be wrong with him? I couldn't find any information about that. 

Last Answer : I don't think so

Description : I heard somewhere that you can't drink milk after tooth extraction. Why could this be?

Last Answer : Clearly because of the risk of infection. The same way you can't eat after a tooth extraction, because only an open wound opens in a person's mouth at that time. And milk begins to break down particularly quickly. 

Description : My parents keep forcing me to drink milk. Is it really healthy? Or not?

Last Answer : Yes, it really is important. I haven't drunk milk since I was a child and now I have big problems. I have to take medicine because of that. I recommend eating and drinking dairy products regularly

Description : I can drink milk even though I have celiax disease why?

Last Answer : Not all celiacs are intollerant to milk. Better than 50% have had no issues with milk. You are among the lucky.

Description : Can children be allowed to drink fermented milk?

Last Answer : I think no, fermented milk is not good for the babies. Breast milk is best for the babies. Breast milk contain a lot of valuable substance which helps babies to grow.

Description : Can you drink milk in minecraft?

Last Answer : Yes you can. You can use a bucket on a cow, to get a bucket ofmilk. The milk can be consumed like any other food item, and itwill cure the poison status too.

Description : Is it safe to drink herbal teas like Milk thistle and dandelion root while taking amoxicillin?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Can you drink milk or soymilk with strep?

Last Answer : Well, you can drink milk or soy milk with Strep throat. However, any forms of milk products WILL increase phlegm (mucous) in the throat. Forms of milk make mucous thick, hard to cough up or swallow, ... or eat milk or milk products. Stick to broths, soups, tea, warm water which will thin mucous.

Description : Do baby birds drink milk form their mother?

Last Answer : No. The mother regurgitates food into the beak down the baby bird beak. Birds are not mammals so they don't produce milk.

Description : Do baby fish drink milk form their mother?

Last Answer : no

Description : Why do the Children of the Hydra's Teeth always ask for a mop when they drink a glass of milk?

Last Answer : Because it is good for them

Description : Why did humans first drink cow milk?

Last Answer : As we are consuming milk daily, it is quite certain that we need the best values in terms of body growth, development, and health.To add †As far as the cow milk is concerned, ... to note.So, we humans started consuming cow milk for: Healthy Living Nutritive Diet Conscious Body Body

Description : Why did humans first drink cow milk?

Last Answer : As we are consuming milk daily, it is quite certain that we need the best values in terms of body growth, development, and health.To add †As far as the cow milk is concerned, ... to note.So, we humans started consuming cow milk for: Healthy Living Nutritive Diet Conscious Body Body

Description : Do snakes really drink milk?

Last Answer : Some do 🐍=♥️

Description : Can dogs drink milk?

Last Answer : Yes, dogs can drink milk. A common mistake in dog food is dogs can't drink milk, but nobody can explain why dogs can't drink milk. Some people told that milk was harmful for dogs and caused ... drink milk. Even your dog is with lactose intolerant, they also can drink a small amount milk as a treat

Description : That (foul tasting) liquid that you drink before a CAT scan, what is it and what does it do?

Last Answer : Usually barium sulfate used for contrast. Essentially, the barium sulfate fills up your bowels so they can be seen different from the surrounding tissue. Little bit more here:

Description : What would a stray cat like to eat and drink?

Last Answer : meow mix and water!

Description : Sorry if this is not a delicate question...but why does my cat smell like sour milk?

Last Answer : Many cats are lactose-intolerant, so yes, even a small amount could have an effect. If he smells like sour milk, though, I would think maybe he got some on himself. If he’s acting fine I wouldn’t worry.

Description : Can you sucessfully milk a cat?

Last Answer : To feed the milk to kittens?