Do you agree that unregistered guests should ask and answer on this site? VOTE (for registered users): Yes and why (4 points, 100%) No and why (0 points) I abstain and why (0 points) Poll locked

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I see no reason why unregistered people should not ask or answer questions. Should any of them intend to harm, they will be quickly detected and deported, the possibilities are: D

Related questions

Description : If you have guests but would like to send them away, how do you let them know if you should go?

Last Answer : Be honest with them. Of course you don't have to be a peasant, you can gently let them know that you are already tired, should rest, etc. And if you’re already in such a direct relationship, you can say more loosely.

Description : What do you expect from guest staying in your home for a few days, versus someone staying for a week or longer?

Last Answer : I once had a guest who never changed out of her nightgown. It was a problem because we were homeschooling, and it set the wrong tone for our school day. I asked her to get dressed, and she objected. Strange….

Description : Does the prevalence of hospital births versus home births make sense?

Last Answer : Hedging our bets… they’re there just in case something goes wrong. I agree that much of the birth process in hospitals is overmedicalized, and submit that it has a lot to do with fear of malpractice suits.

Description : What do you focus on (stress over) the most when getting ready for overnight guests?

Last Answer : Getting the bathroom clean. I have white tiles and a black dog. The floor is barely ever completely fur-free, even though the dog isn't even allowed in there. Also, I make sure the house is aired ... they will love staying with you, and would return even if you served them boiled tuna twice a day.

Description : Have you ever crashed a wedding or other large party where it was unlikely that any of the guests would know you didn't belong?

Last Answer : Yep, I've done it. One time a bunch of us went out to dinner in San Francisco with a friend's father treating us. After dinner, we went to the Hyatt Regency for an after dinner drink in the rotating bar ... dancing with some of the guests! Then we left after about half an hour. It was a lot of fun.

Description : Why do people ask guests to take their shoes off before they enter their homes?

Last Answer : I also hate when I get invited to a home and they still have plastic on the furniture.

Description : Do you have any good restaurants in your town that you would recommend to out of town guests?

Last Answer : Tony Roma’s in Red Deer, Alberta. I like the veggies (broccoli and cauliflower) as side dishes. The ribs are good too.

Description : If Donald Trump and Roy Moore met together for dinner, what would be the average age of the female guests?

Last Answer : Ew, gross!

Description : How do I tell my new colleague to please stop inviting unwanted guests to my party?

Last Answer : I think there is an option on Facebook to approve all prospective group members isn't there? I don't know about events, but for groups I know you can. I think you need to confront him straight on ... uninvited the people he added. And next time, if you make it a Facebook event, lock that baby up!

Description : Have you ever heard of a birthday party where the guests are expected to pay for their own meal and bring a present, or is it just that I have lack of experience living in this world?

Last Answer : That sounds like a load of crap to me. Most of the parties I go to are family, and the host always takes care of the food. I always ask what I can bring, and if the answer is nothing, I'll still ... always appreciated. But to tell the guests your meal is on you. That doesn't sound like I'm a guest.

Description : Is it rude to invite guests over for dinner and request a list for them to bring?

Last Answer : That’s not a friend, that’s a user.

Description : If you were throwing a party and you found out that one of your potential guests was a very picky eater, or had some type of dietary restrictions, would you try to accommodate them? If so how?

Last Answer : Ha, no. The only thing to eat will be pork and brussel sprouts.

Description : In the movie The Shining, was it Jack's or the hotel's guests fault that he ended up with an ax?

Last Answer : I blame the bartender.

Description : Would you have a birthday party for your child, but only let a handful of the guests spend the night?

Last Answer : answer:I can understand not wanting to host a giant slumber party, but I’d go with everybody or nobody.. Maybe if they had some other connection. If they were cousins, for example.

Description : Your dinner party guests would be?

Last Answer : Great question! I'd invite Nelson Mandela, since he is a leader of peace and I could look at his smile all night. Then I'd have my mother and father (my mother could sit on my fathers lap ... properly. As they are deceased. And finally Freud, so we could play mind games with each other over desert!

Description : Should I put M&M's in the goody bags for my daughter's 5th birthday party guests?

Last Answer : Most parents must know that there is a strong likelihood of candy, either at the actual party or in the goody bags. I wouldn’t worry about it. Put them in if you want to. :)

Description : Dinner party etiquette. Is it the host or the guests responsibility to communicate dietary restrictions of the guests?

Last Answer : answer:I had read somewhere that when you are invited to someone's house, you should not require them to cook anything specific, and if you have any restrictions you should eat something first, so ... people really care to hear that stuff. I think you should keep it to yourself. Just my opinion.

Description : When you are cleaning up after a huge meal would you prefer your guests help in the kitchen?

Last Answer : It depends.. If I know the guests very well, then I'm sure they know me well enough to know how I want it done, so I'd force them to get off their asses and help me. On the ... So what I basically expect is manners from the guests rather than actually wanting help. Although it's useful if needed.

Description : If you became a TV talk show host who would be your first three guests?

Last Answer : Barack Obama, Jimmy Cliff, and Emo Philips.

Description : How many chickens ought I have to serve my guests?

Last Answer : At least twenty!

Description : Who were the guests on Dr. Oz yesterday, July 12/11?

Last Answer : answer:Dr. Patricia Meinhardt, a scientist, Dr. Thomas Burke, John Hopkins Source

Description : What's a good way to make my birthday party guests feel exclusive?

Last Answer : Handmade backstage passes. So, while you guys are out, everyone will know who’s a VIP for your party.

Description : Need non-dairy, non-wheat dinner ideas for recurrent dinner guests?

Last Answer : Ask your friends for some recipe suggestions.

Description : What are California tenants' rights concerning guests?

Last Answer : answer:(1) His apartment is a separate unit in the multi-family home, correct? (2) Is there a lease?

Description : You get to host your own talk show for one time only, which guests do you book & why?

Last Answer : Do they have to be alive?

Description : An etiquette question. Should we pay for our guests' parking?

Last Answer : What kind of event? For me, that makes a difference. If it is a wedding, I would think you should pay because there are so many costs incurred by the guests attending. For a birthday or ... parking information on a separate sheet of the invitation and let them pick up the cost of getting there.

Description : Who is the guy that has the talk show and has many animal guests?

Last Answer : I hope you don’t mean Steve Irwin. He died almost 4 years ago. How recently do you mean?

Description : What is the best way to clear a room of annoying party guests?

Last Answer : Play some Polka

Description : What are some user friendly ways to get rid of guests who have outstayed their welcome this Christmas?

Last Answer : Yawn, and say, “boy it is late, I need to hit the sack. Is that right honey?” Glance to your partner and dump the responsibility on her/him.

Description : When guests stay overnight, do you want them to strip the bed?

Last Answer : I just make the bed…

Description : When you have a big party, do you make your guests pay? If so, how do you ask them to "make a contribution" without looking tacky?

Last Answer : umm… guests paying when you have a party? I have never heard of that. Is this something new?

Description : How to handle siblings of guests at child's party?

Last Answer : If they just kind of show up without notice, I would totally tell the parents to pitch in. Just tell the parent that you didn't plan for the unexpected arrivals and that they have to pay if he/she ... just say that you've already paid and any extra kids have to be taken care of by the parents.

Description : What are the best things to serve guests for breakfast?


Description : Do (all) hostels in the USA require guests to be 18+?

Last Answer : Probably has to do with certain laws regarding responsibility, as well as insurance.

Description : Do you consider it rude to NOT wear shoes when you have guests over?

Last Answer : Not if the rest of you is naked.

Description : Do you kick your kids out of their rooms when guests come to town?

Last Answer : Depends on the guest. If it is family, then they can sleep on the floor. If it is a dignitary from a foreign government hell-bent on destroying my country should he not get a bed to sleep on, then of course he gets the bed.

Description : I made some vegetarian stew that is way too spicy for my guests... is there anything, besides adding potatoes to absorb some of the spice, that I can do?

Last Answer : try adding some rice as a base. Also, add cold sour cream and cheddar cheese to the top .

Description : Is the old saying true, do fish and house guests stink after three days?

Last Answer : I like having guests, but I guess I am lucky in the sense that all my house guests have been nice, polite, very clean and also good friends (so the time just flies).

Description : Scenario: you ask guests to remove their shoes upon entering your house. One such guest obliged, but had ridiculous foot odor. What do you do?

Last Answer : I personally wouldn’t ask as it would save every one the embarrasment of any thing like that happening.

Description : How many guests at a wedding qualifies it as a small wedding? A big wedding?

Last Answer : greater than 200 guests [equal] big wedding. lesser than 200 [equal] small.

Description : Our dinner guests cry that we are evil, when they notice their place in the meal. But its no big deal why; we are just one big happy tribe! And we get reall fed up with people!Who, What or Are we? -Riddles

Last Answer : Cannibals!

Description : A person invites 15 guests for dinner and wishes to arrange them at two round tables that can accommodate 8 persons and 7 persons respectively. -Maths 9th

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Eighteen quests have to be seated, half on each side of a long table. Four particular guests desire to sit on one particular side and -Maths 9th

Last Answer : Since four particular guests want to sit on particular side and three others on the other side. So, we are left with 11 guests out of which we choose 5 for side A in ways and remaining 6 for ... of the table can be arranged among themselves in 9! Ways. Hence, the total number of arrangements =

Description : Welcoming Guests -Do You Know?

Last Answer : 5 Hospitality Phrases Guests Remember Most“It's My Pleasure…” / “I Am Happy To…”“Thank You…” / “We Appreciate…”“Welcome…”“Is There Anything Else…”“We're Looking Forward To Having You Again As Our Guest”

Description : a person who receives a guests?

Last Answer : editor

Description : Who had to entertain guests and attend social events with the president of theUnited States?

Last Answer : George Washingtion

Description : If yesterday 170 guests at a hotel called for room service, and 255 guests did not call for room service. What percentage of the guests at this hotel called for room service yesterday?

Last Answer : 0.4

Description : What to do to entertain guests ?

Last Answer : Circumcision to entertain guests.

Description : Thanks for reading! ! ! Those of you who have not been active in Ans Bangla for 4-5 days have had their ' special post ' canceled . ' Will be given. Ans currently has 9 special ... as guests , are invited to register in Ans Bangla. Because a registered member here will get many opportunities.

Last Answer : Thank you , I am here and will continue to work. If the opportunity benefits.

Description : You are a guest of Bengal. If you register here, you will get many opportunities

Last Answer : Yes , those of you who are looking at our questions and answers as a guest in Ans Bangla , register and enjoy the facilities of Ans Bangla . It will continue to decrease. Now you can answer your ... may not be that opportunity . So register as soon as possible and become a member of Ans Bangla!