At what age do people start wearing a hat?

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Last Answer : They have detergent for black and dark clothes, but I’ve never used it to know how it works. I wash my clothes inside out, so the exterior doesn’t rub and get as worn out looking so quickly. As for the color, unfortunately, not much to do about that except wash it less, and that’s just nasty!

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Last Answer : YoBob Great question. I too have knitted a hat and scare for myself. I would love to have spun the yarn. I have done it when I was younger but no longer have the means close at hand. When I ... coat of many colors. It was really warm. I also used to dabble in the leather and made several wallets.

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Last Answer : answer:This web site has a lot of excellent vintage photograps of the era you are interested in. There are images with hats, headdresses and full gowns. I have purchased many of the collections so if you want to see any in particular pm me. :D

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Last Answer : It might be your VCR, I’d suggest trying a VCR cleaner, I had a similar problem and that fixed it.

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Last Answer : Just to clarify, do you mean fancy dress as in the English meaning which would be what we call a costume in the States? To the best of my understanding, fancy dress in the States would be very formal clothes but in England it means a costume such as you would wear on Halloween or to a costume party.

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Last Answer : answer:No, but here’s an in-depth look at them. I also ran across a couple that were using them to transition to barefoot running. They seemed to like them well enough.

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Last Answer : answer:Haven't you noticed how quickly the time goes when you're at a fun event compared to when you are work looking at the clock and the day is dragging by because you don';t have enough to do? ... true. I think it because when we are engaged and busy, we are not conscious of the passage of time.

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Last Answer : answer:The copper shouldn’t be a problem, just don’t cook anything too acetic in it (tomatoes, etc.) More here:

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Last Answer : All my socks are lefties.

Description : Should brand new underwear be washed, before it is worn?

Last Answer : I wash all children’s clothes before they wear them.

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Last Answer : Do you get any of the magazines? I like this style, too.

Description : What can I do with jeans that are worn out in one place?

Last Answer : of course you can patch them haha. but how i’m not sure. my friend has a pair were the back pockets basically fell off and he got patches.

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Last Answer : Sometimes I have had success re- tapping the head of the screw. Using a hammer and screwdriver like a chisel. Also a but of wd-40 under the screw helps.

Description : If the outside of a new purchased internal drive looks worn, could it be an older refurbished drive? Seagate 1.5 tb barracuda.

Last Answer : Was the box shrink wrapped? If so that might just be the style of the drives now. I work more with western digital than seagate so someone with this might have a better response.