1 Answer

Answer :

No. Snake Poison By eating To die To go Probability No If In the stomach Ulcers No. Stays 3 In the esophagus No Wounds Or Cut - rhyme No. If there is Snake Poison By eating If dropped That Of food Like Digestion Become Will go 3 Because Snake Poison Hall Protein National Substance , which Plays General Protein Of food Like Digestion Become In the body Like Will go 3 Snake Poison That's when Poisoning Gives When That Of blood With Mix. Snake Poison , snake Changed Salivary glands From Dripping Enzymes Which Snake For Food Acceptance, Digestion Help By 3

Related questions

Last Answer : Arsenic Poison Vomiting , diarrhea, Deadly Stomach ache Creation By , cyanide Poison Body cells Respiration Off By Gives , something Poison Nervous Verbs Off By Gives Whose As a result The brain From Breathing To ... . . So Human Body Unstable Become Goes And A lot In the case People To die Goes.

Description : What to do if someone plays poison ?

Last Answer : 1. The physical condition of the person should be monitored immediately. It is necessary to check whether he has knowledge or not , whether he is breathing properly or not. 2. If the person ... be taken to the emergency department of the hospital as soon as possible after completing the above tasks.

Description : Why can he kill a person but does not poison himself even if he has the poison in his body?

Last Answer : snake venom is not a single poison, but a mixture of toxins. each of those toxins, toxic substances, acts differently. most often they are components that act on red blood cells (hemotoxin) ... become poisonous when swallowed (broken down by stomach acids, sometimes even the saliva itself). (tuxedo)

Description : (Pick your poison) How do you wish to die?

Last Answer : My plan is to die laughing. And I’m not kidding.

Last Answer : Horse Snake Bite To die Goes No. However Snake Bite If given Horses 3 Day Sick Yes , then Healthy Become Goes. Of Scientific Because Yes Snake Touch Horses In the body Made Is Poison Resistant Anti Vanam ... Not at all. Usually Too much More Toxic Snake Touch Horses Two One Day A little Weak Stays.

Description : Do you have any hope that space exploration and the possibility of planetary colonization will "save" humankind?

Last Answer : We will just have more environments to pollute. I wouldn’t be startled to see space junk that has made it to Mars.

Description : What scientific books can I find on the study of souls, and the possibility of other non-organic lifeforms to have such souls?

Last Answer : The existence of souls is not experimentally falsifiable, and is therefore outside the realm of science. In short, there are no scientific books on the subject. Link

Description : Do any of you think about the possibility of near term hyperinflation? Do you think it likelym?

Last Answer : stanleybmanly ...looking at the absurd behavior of the stock market. The stock market is a leading indicator, it is indicative of future performance of the economy. All indications are that the ... a fear for me; reckless activity without getting the virus truly under control is a real fear.

Description : Do you see the possibility of disaster in this? Pizza Hut will now deliver beer.

Last Answer : In our small town it will work great. Liquor license granted by the city (hopefully), id the purchaser, deliver and leave. Delivery drivers may not be under 21 though, I’m sure.

Description : Do you see possibility of WW-III looking at the current situation?

Last Answer : No. A follow up of the original UN police action but no more.

Description : When a criminal is contemplating a crime, does he/she take into account the possibility of being caught and jailed?

Last Answer : I would have to guess no, they probably think they covered everything thing so they won’t get caught or serve any time.

Description : Do you think there is any possibility that WIC program is deliberately designed to humiliate those utilizing the vouchers at the checkstand?

Last Answer : I was in line once behind a woman using the things and I noticed everything she bought was organic, and for myself, I can’t afford organic like that. I thought, wow, how nice to have that benefit.

Description : If the US economy kicked off the global financial crisis of 2007-8, why are so many people denying the possibility of China sending global markets into another crisis today?

Last Answer : answer:China does things that would be totally illegal here to manipulate their stock market (like the government pumping in 20 billion a week to inflate prices). So I wouldn't really chalk the last week ... correction. That being said I have lost a lot this last week, but I am not concerned.

Description : Do you ever consider the possibility that there may well be celebrities hidden among the jellies?

Last Answer : True, but unless a question falls into the reason that they are a celebrity (acting, singing, science, politics, etc.), their opinions are no more or less valid than the opinions of us common folk.

Description : How do you politely inquire about someone to a third party if there is a possibility that they have died?

Last Answer : Write to one or a few of them and tell them you haven’t been able to contact E for a while and do they know if everything is ok with her. Not awkward at all put that way.

Description : Do I have the possibility of getting norovirus?

Last Answer : Keep your hands clean and keep them away from your face.

Description : Is there any possibility that ADHD and Autism can exist within the same person?

Last Answer : Yes, autism is often associated with other psychiatric disorders, including ADHD, OCD, and phobias. Source.

Description : If a judge was unable to grant an injunction against sexual abuse and violence due to lack of evidence would there be a possibility to modify a custody agreement?

Last Answer : answer:You have to demonstrate a reason for your request. Accusing someone of sexual abuse is a serious charge; you have to show why and how you know it is happening. You may only get a temporary ... go on. Issues like this, when brought up for the first time in a custody situation, are questioned.

Description : Should I bring up the possibility of dyslexia to my doctor?

Last Answer : As someone who is both dyslexic and ADHD, I think you should get it checked out. If you do have a learning disorder, certain accommodations can be made by your teachers that might be a big ... other people. Whenever there's text in a movie, it almost always disappears before I finish reading it.

Description : Is there a possibility that there is a person with exactly the same DNA as me?

Last Answer : Only clones and monozygotic twins have identical DNA, so I would say their probability estimate is based on how accurate the DNA test is and how airtight the connection between the semen sample and the crime is.

Description : What do think of the possibility of drugs that enhance cognition and memory?

Last Answer : answer:Not much different that I feel about drugs that enhance athletic ability. I think Evil Knievel (yes, the famous daredevil) said it best. His statement went something like: Drugs are like running your engine ... . It will go like a bat out of hell for about 100 miles. Then your engine melts.

Description : Have you ever had to deal with a sociopath or in a profession that trains you for this possibility?

Last Answer : answer:Sociopaths are actually quite rare only 3 % of the population on average are diagonsed as truly sociopathic. I think it is just another go-to, over-used, generalization used by people who don't ... a disease because some of the symptoms look similar is not nice and not fair. Which is which

Description : How am I to graph a production possibility curve?

Last Answer : answer:First of all, you're planning to violate one of the terms of the assignment if you intend to graph Weekend Entertainment TIME or Studying TIME as outcomes . What kind of entertainment did you ... and Human Capital ... which I presume is measured in minutes, hours, days, weeks, etc.

Description : Woman: What would change, what would you do differently, in what ways both big and small, if the possibility, the threat of rape, completely, totally disappeared from the world?

Last Answer : I would hike on my own in isolated spots more boldly.

Description : What do you do when faced with an incredibly terrifying possibility?

Last Answer : I talk to my mom about about…she always gives good advice. Other then that, I prepare for the change as well as possible.

Description : Do any religions talk about the possibility of life on other planets?

Last Answer : Yes, Mormons.

Description : Are there any scientific developments that hint at a real possibility of an ansible in the next 50-100 years?

Last Answer : If there are, we’re unlikely to recognize them for what they are. There’s a truism in the scientific community that says that scentific breakthroughs don’t start with “Eureka!” They start with, “Now, that’s odd!”

Description : How does the theory of comparative advantage relate to production possibility curves?

Last Answer : What homework is this for?

Description : If Hurricane Alex happened to have lightning, and if its in the Gulf Coast with all of the oil, is there a possibility that it would turn into a giant fireball?

Last Answer : That is a great question. Here’s my guess: No. Sea water is both a very good conductor and a large heat sink. The energy from any electrical hit would get dispersed and dissipated faster than your last paycheck. If the strike hit some oil soaked floating booms then I’d say there was a chance.

Description : Do you think noetic science is a real possibility?

Last Answer : Dan Brown is a fiction writer.

Description : How do you feel about the possibility of your Facebook and MySpace posts being used to deny you insurance benefits?

Last Answer : wow thats insane and yeah you should have the right too say no

Description : What is the statistical possibility of a girl getting pregnant?

Last Answer : If I were DMing the campaign, I would totally fudge things to make her pregnant. It's so much more interesting for the storyline, don't you think? Even you don't see the child for a while and you bring ... , she's a sorceress. I think odds are out the window on this one. Isn't fertility a cantrip?

Description : Do you have a personal experience that persuaded your opinion on the possibility of MMR immunization causing/increasing chance of autism?

Last Answer : No anecdote will be of any use. A. I immunized all at once on a regular schedule kid is fine. B. I immunized all at once on a regular shedule kid has autism. C. I rearranged the schedule kid ... I rearranged the schedule kid has autism. etc. etc. etc. Vaccines DO NOT cause autism, plain and simple.

Description : Are you comfortable with the more-than-likely possibility that you will likely never become extraordinarily wealthy and/or famous?

Last Answer : I’m always going to strive for something more, so I can’t say I’m completely comfortable with it, but I can definitely handle it.

Description : What books are you reading right now? I'm looking for something current that has the possibility of being a classic in time.

Last Answer : i cant read… i went to public schools.

Description : Am I just dealing with pain, or the possibility of making this injury worse?

Last Answer : did you heat, ice anything? With any injury you always risk re-injury. Three weeks ago, I pulled my groin playing football and tried to play the following week after being able to run and cut with little pain ... If the pain gets worse, take yourself out of the game. You don't want to risk a tear.

Description : Is it beyond the realms of possibility to create a decoy President?

Last Answer : If I remember correctly, Sadam Hussein had many decoys of himself. makes you wonder if we even got the right one . LOL

Description : Possibility of getting the android phone on any desired network?

Last Answer : Very Little

Description : Have you ever considered the possibility that you're on the internet because the world is an oppressive, restrictive place?

Last Answer : No, I use it to skive from work on my iPhone, I think you’re being paranoid, the world isn’t such a bad place

Description : When it becomes possible to transplant every part of the human body,is it beyond the realms of possibility to keep a person/persons alive forever?

Last Answer : Question is, would it be the same person?

Description : Who can help me with the issue of foxes and coyotes roaming in my woods now and finding MIlo an interesting nosh possibility?

Last Answer : Yes, you should keep the cat in. Foxes will not harm cats- coyotes most certainly will! If the critter was much bigger than a cat, it wasn't a fox. However, if it was a shrieking ... cat from eating sleeping songbirds, picking up diseases, getting in fights with other cats, getting run over, etc.

Description : What's the possibility of apple releasing an AOL instant messenger application for like iPhone like you see on the T-Mobile Sidekick?

Last Answer : answer:Have you tried meebo? I don’t know how it works with iPhone, but I use it all the time for online ims. www.meebo.com

Description : Given the possibility that aliens have been seen as in the case of Chicago O'Hare Airport UFO sighting, Why haven't aliens made contact with us? Why all the secrecy? Are aliens afraid of us?

Last Answer : I’d be afraid of us!

Description : Any possibility of an ebook reader for the iPhone or Touch?

Last Answer : jailbreak, doesn’t seem like apple cares to much about what people want.

Description : How are the challenges to democracy linked to the possibility of political reforms ? Explain. -SST 10th

Last Answer : Challenges to democracy is linked to political reforms: 1. Challenge of expansion would include political reforms that would ensure basic principles of democracy at every level. For example, Right ... of democratic principles of equality and justice. For example, Nepal's struggle for democracy.

Description : Which system can reduce the possibility of tension and conflict among different groups of society ? -SST 10th

Last Answer : Democracy has a plus point in resolving social differences, diversion and conflicts because they have evolved a mechanism to negotiate the differences.

Description : How are the challenges to democracy linked to the possibility of political reforms ? -SST 10th

Last Answer : Each challenge in democracy is linked to the possibility of reforms. All the countries do not have same challenges. (i) Carefully devised changes in law can help to discourage wrong political practices. ( ... media should play an important role. (v) Empowerment of people through laws, e.g., RTI.

Description : For the duration of the existence of the internet, there was an organization that was universal, whose presence was indivisible from the possibility that it was intended to deal with the web?

Last Answer : For the duration of the existence of the internet, there was an organization that was universal, whose presence was indivisible from the possibility that it was intended to deal with the web. While this ... the recognizable "you have mail" voice at whatever point an email is conveyed to your inbox.