What is the meaning of jealousy ?

1 Answer

Answer :

: The word envy means ascetic ascetic , sage , yogi.

Related questions

Description : What does jealousy mean ?

Last Answer : Jealousy means jealousy.

Description : Jealousy + Hatred towards a new student?

Last Answer : Tell your friend (s)he's wrong. Your friend dislikes the new student out of jealousy and insecurity. Being nice and welcoming to the new student will make him/her feel better. He needs to fake it until he ... was the new kid? Wouldn't he want people to be welcoming? He needs to work on his empathy.

Description : How do I tone down my insane jealousy?

Last Answer : it would really be helpful for you if you had other things to focus on in your life besides your boyfriend. I understand how much of a problem this is to you and you have discussed it here before ... if you can enrich your life with other people and activities you won't be so obsessive and jealous.

Description : What's the difference between 'envy' and 'jealousy'?

Last Answer : answer:I think it boils down to this: Envy is a feeling of resentment because someone else has something that you wish you had. Jealousy is an anxiety that something important to you will be taken by another.

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Last Answer : answer:Grieve here (and I feel you are very justified in your reactions to a really nasty medical issue). We will be thrilled to listen to you whinge, moan, keen and rend your clothes. Also give yourself an ... to get away do just that. See you tonight, guys. I have to feed my love birds now.

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Last Answer : That guy was not the one, even though it may have seemed like it at the time. Probably should continue to be amicable with them both. Everything happens for a reason.

Description : Do you know of a case where feelings such as envy and jealousy were culprits of a matter gone too far?

Last Answer : We just had that kind of problem. A brother was dropping his clothes off to another brother and expecting him to wash his clothes and have them ready when he came to pick them up. Well the ... think the second brother should press charges and have his brother arrested. We found out that he can.

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Last Answer : answer:Best to get over this now, while the relationship is young. Otherwise, it'll only bother you more as time goes by. Obviously he doesn't want to date her, because if he did he already would have ... told him how you feel about it? Maybe he'd be willing to tone it down while you're around.

Description : Righful jealousy?

Last Answer : No I would be perturbed.. What kind of friend would do that? That is not a friend. I would drop that friend like a hot potato.

Description : Does jealousy serve a purpose?

Last Answer : see wikipedia on jealousy. just checked it yesterday to get a feel for a part i have to play in a play about cain and abel. very informative.

Description : When a cat urinates a on a new baby's things, is this supposed to be taken as a threat (or maybe just jealousy)?

Last Answer : This is very typical cat behavior. She's trying to let the baby know she's higher up on the chain. Look for a pheremone calming device that you can either spray or plug into the wall. The one that comes ... isn't reacting to the baby at all- only a vet check up could tell you that though. Good luck!

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Last Answer : You nailed it on the head for me. I am often jealous of another individual because he/she presents a competitor in some way or form. However, I often admire someone because they are competitively ... whom I wish to learn from and whom I respect. I admire them. There is definitely no jealousy.

Description : Is there a time you felt intense jealousy?

Last Answer : I mean, jealousy is just envy. It’s arguably the worst of the so-called seven deadly sins, that and greed. That being said, I’m jealous of people who have good self esteem. But I wouldn’t say it’s an “intense” jealousy. Just, wish I didn’t have so much self doubt.

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Last Answer : No, I think it’s a tremendous waste of time.

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Last Answer : or maybe just...calm down.

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Last Answer : Split personality or Associative Identity Disorder.

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Last Answer : Jealousy written by Syed Shamsul Haque.

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Last Answer : The opposite of jealousy is love

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Last Answer : Communication! Always discuss everything so that there is NO reason to be jealous!

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Last Answer : Talk to him. If you give it a reason, you're there. Tell us what you hurt and work on it. It’s not healthy to be constantly jealous. You can also rely on the connection.

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Last Answer : Am I always always jealous? in general.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Learn it. Some specialists consider jealousy to be a disease. As a therapy, it is recommended to prepare and provoke situations for your partner so that one has reason to be jealous and try to overcome it in peace.

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Last Answer : Although jealousy serves as a perfect indicator in determining whether you are truly in love with someone or not but it also has own pitfalls especially if it becomes unhealthy to your emotional well being ... is an enemy of happiness. Once there's mutual trust jealousy will not have room to thrive.

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Last Answer : Prove with the theme of the play/ extract that the deeper human emotion which profoundly interested Shakespeare, was jealousy.

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Last Answer : The consequences of Oberon ‘s jealousy for Titania are comic rather than tragic, comment.

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Last Answer : d) Decay