Who wrote in the afternoon ?

1 Answer

Answer :

Written by Leela Majumdar at noon.

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Last Answer : Written by Zahir Raihan, daughter of last afternoon.

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Last Answer : Written by Ahsan Habib all afternoon.

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Last Answer : Not necessarily. The small town may be between two larger cities and be covered up with traffic both morning and afternoon.

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Last Answer : I don’t understand the question. How would it benefit anyone to have them closed at random times?

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Last Answer : They’d talk about their kids, their kids are pretty close in age.

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Last Answer : The morning begins at midnite and ends at noon. There has to be a standard, since our individual points of reference vary considerably. Even nature conspires to confuse us through constantly varying the durations of light and dark.

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Last Answer : I, too, have been trying to figure out the timeline. The news story broke during the afternoon in EST, so the party must have been a morning event? The reasons, whatever they might be, made sense to all the people who attended.

Description : I am playing golf this afternoon. Any tips?

Last Answer : answer:Hitting the bill leads to good things. Missing the ball…. well… you won’t enjoy it. How long has it been since you played?

Description : If you sleep a bit in the afternoon, do you wake up refreshed or unwell and even worse than before?

Last Answer : i feel refreshed after an afternoon nap. it is the actual sleep during the night that wrecks me in the morning.

Description : Ever been stuck on an elevator, on a late afternoon weekend day, with no one in the building, and what would you do?

Last Answer : Have a good 15 minute scream followed by a long nap.

Description : Is it safe to drive in the Iron Triangle, (Willets Point area of Queens NY), on a Sunday afternoon?

Last Answer : answer:I would keep windows up just to be on the safe side. Not sure specifically about this area. I know we (my family) go to Upper East Side, uptown (CP near the Met), West Village, etc. ... bikes. Also, taxi drivers are maniacs everywhere you go. I assume his car will have AC and automatic locks.

Description : Do you notice that your anxiety an depression gets worse in the afternoon hours?

Last Answer : I'm always the worst in the morning. I wake up every day with horrible anxiety. Usually it starts to dissipate after I've been up and moving around for a couple of hours. Every once in a while I ... hangs on throughout my whole day. Even on my good days, however, it's still there in the background.

Description : I had too much caffeine this afternoon and now I can't fall asleep. What to do?

Last Answer : Drink some warm milk. Tell each body part to relax and tell your mind in a meditative way, it’s OK to rest

Description : Are you kicking back on this "Fall back" morning/afternoon?

Last Answer : Football, beer, and working out that pesky World Peace thing.

Description : OK,now that I know what several of you are doing this afternoon(day or evening, depending on you locale) what would you like to be doing?

Last Answer : Not safe for work! It sucks having the libido of a 16 year old and the work load of a PhD student!

Description : What are you doing on this Saturday afternoon?

Last Answer : Obviously, I’m sitting here, but I do have a concert to sing tonight. (includes Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms) My list for today includes mostly maintenance stuff.

Description : What should I do on a spare afternoon in London?

Last Answer : answer:Have you been to the Globe Theater? (Shakespeare's theater) - that's pretty cool. Go to the British Library, sit outside on one of the benches and sip a beverage - watch the weird world go ... are so many things to do in and around London - it's really dependent on your likes and dislikes.

Description : Where will you be tomorrow afternoon when the U.S. is hit with satellite’s debris?

Last Answer : Considering the reported size of some of the debris, inside may not be safe either. I don’t plan to do anything different than any other day.

Description : What to do on a cloudy saturday afternoon that is relaxing but not physically exerting?

Last Answer : Go for a nice walk (not a hike or a run). especially if you have woods or open space near you where you can be near nature. Or make a lunch with what you have and go on a picnic at a near by park. Take a frisbee along to play catch.

Description : Who is up for an afternoon platonic/canoodle siesta?

Last Answer : I’ll climb in. Try to hold it steady so we don’t get dumped!

Description : Northern automobile driving jellies, what precautions are you taking with west bound traffic and are you cutting them some slack due to the glare in the afternoon?

Last Answer : I try to be hyper aware, and I always assume they can’t see me. Like you, I stay waaaaay to the right, and sometimes I find alternate routes when I know (from experience) that visibility is zero on some roads.

Description : Is it acceptable to wear a black dress to a late afternoon/evening wedding?

Last Answer : I highly doubt anyone would judge you for wearing a black dress. That’s pretty much the classic “go-to” for ANY occasion.

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Last Answer : I find it incredibly scary that I knew this question was from you @jjmah before even reading the poster’s name! I have got to get a life!

Description : Afternoon lectures in and around the SF area?

Last Answer : Historic Docent Tour of the Mountain View Cemetery today. Tours at the Legion of Honor Stargazing at Point Lobos (Lands End). A public lecture on the stars followed by a public viewing through ... the North-western corner of San Francisco in between the Presidio and Ocean Beach at 5pm. FREE

Description : Why would people light fireworks off at 3pm in the afternoon ?

Last Answer : /rant kids are dumb, that’s why.

Description : What is the afternoon rush hour span going from berkeley to Pleasanton?

Last Answer : It depends on the day of the week. If you are referring to today, Friday, and you want to wait until after the main rush hour jam up is over, leaving at six would be marginally OK, leaving at 7 or later would be better.

Description : Is it better to work out in the morning or afternoon?

Last Answer : Some say that working out in the morning is a good way to get your blood flowing in the morning and that it will give you more energy for the rest of your day. Some people say it runs them ... the best time is a time that you can regularly commit to. Consistency is more important than time of day.

Description : I accidently left a huge tip for the women that cut my hair this afternoon. How should I proceed?

Last Answer : go back to her… i would imagine she’ll know that its a mistake…(but probably won’t let you know that because she might not want to embarrass you)

Description : If a co-worker is in a minor car accident & goes home for the afternoon, should you call to check on them that same day?

Last Answer : answer:I would. Hope your doing ok banjo.

Description : How tall does a fig tree grow? Also, does it require morning or afternoon sun exposure?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : why does my hydrangea wilt every afternoon

Last Answer : the plant is fine and healthy looking in the morning but by 2pm it is starting to wilt. then I mist it and give it shade and it is ok in the morning and then the whole thing starts again

Description : what causes anthurium leaves to turn yellow. The plant is in a sheltered area and only gets sun in the late afternoon

Last Answer : It could be a fungus. They have prepared funguscide in the lawn & garden supplies. Rake up any dropped leaves and bag & trash them. Don't mulch them. Wear proper gear when spraying, Keep children & pets ... again in the dormant time of spring. Don't spray if it is going to rain or it is windy.

Description : can azalea's take full afternoon sun?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Which is the creature that has one voice, but has four feet in the morning, two feet in the afternoon, and three feet at night? -Riddles

Last Answer : Man crawls on all fours as a baby, walks on two as an adult, and needs a walking cane when old.

Description : It takes the town hall clock 6 seconds to strike 4 o'clock in the afternoon. How long does it take to strike midnight? -Riddles

Last Answer : 22 Seconds.

Description : A student zips on his scooter to ride to the train station to get to college. His home is close to two stops; the first one is a mile from home, and the second is two miles from home in the ... gets on at the first stop and in the afternoon, he always gets off at the second one.Why? -Riddles

Last Answer : The sations and his home are on a hill, which allows him to ride down easily on his scooter.

Description : One sunny afternoon, three men go for a ride on a hot air balloon over the Sahara desert. An hour into the trip, the balloon begins to lose altitude. A month later, someone found one of the ballooners laying on the desert sand dead, naked, and holding half a toothpick. What happened to him? -Riddles

Last Answer : As the balloon lost altitude, the men took of their clothes and threw them overboard to decrease the weight of the balloon. The balloon continued to drop so the men drew straws to see who would be forced to jump. The dead man in the desert drew the shortest one (the half toothpick).

Description : Two hours ago it was as long after one o'clock in the afternoon as it was before one o'clock in the morning. What time is it now? -Riddles

Last Answer : It would be 9:00 pm. There are 12 hours between 1:00 pm and 1:00 am and half of that is six hours. Half-way between would be 7 o'clock. Two hours later it would be 9:00 o'clock.

Description : What does the author notice one Sunday afternoon? What is his mother’s reaction? What does she do? -Maths 9th

Last Answer : The author, while doing his homework noticed the smoke pouring in through the seams of the ceiling. The room was filled with the smoke very quickly. The author and his mother ran outside to save ... documents. She became so crazy that she rushed back to the house just after dropping the box.

Description : What do you like to do in the afternoon?

Last Answer : Remove the spaces is a link for a video that helps boredomht tps://s hrinke.me/upPz

Description : what- We allowed one afternoon during our cruise for a shopping junket?

Last Answer : (n) a pleasure trip

Description : MM kit has been fed for 4 days . Now the menstrual cycle is closed in the afternoon. When it happens at night , a lot of blood goes. Is it normal to stop period from time to time ? How long will the ... last ? Is there any pain when menstruation is stopped ? Are these normal ? ?

Last Answer : If the bleeding does not stop even after 7 days of taking MM kit, you can take xamic tablets. Morning, noon and night - three times a tablet 8 If bleeding stops, stop taking medicine And after two or three days, if the bleeding does not stop, Gaini must go to the doctor , do not delay

Description : Want to know more about ' Message of the Afternoon ' ?

Last Answer : Message of the Afternoon is a 1943 U.S. experimental silent black and white short film. The 14-minute film is written , produced , directed and edited by American Ava-Gard and Surrealist filmmaker Maya Deren , ... In 2015, the BBC ranked the film 40th on the list of best American films of all time.

Description : Why does the sky look red in the afternoon ?

Last Answer : When a light wave falls on a tiny particle , the particles scatter the light wave in different directions of light. This is called Scatteringof Light . The scattering of this light produces light of different ... the earth. So we see the rising sun in the morning and the setting sun in the evening

Description : What causes the speed of light synthesis to decrease in the afternoon ?

Last Answer : The sun is the main source of energy required for photosynthesis . Sunlight is needed to control the photosynthesis of photosynthesis. As the amount of light increases up to a certain limit, ... amount of light decreases in the afternoon, the speed of salicylate synthesis decreases in the afternoon.

Description : What is the way to get rid of headaches ? I am 23 years old. I have been suffering from cold since I was a child. The problem of cold and cough can be seen only when it is mildly ... this. Seen more in the afternoon. Please someone help with the right solution. This daily pain has become unbearable.

Last Answer : The problem is migraine. I have my own. The problem is a little cold. There is no prescriptive drug that will stop the flow of emotions, though their effects can be curtailed. However, it can be ... do , I am currently controlling myself from using the phone. And I am doing math for the test.

Description : When to eat raw gram. Morning , noon , afternoon or night ?

Last Answer : Soak a cup of gram in a glass of water at night and eat it the next morning (after waking up) on an empty stomach. If you are not accustomed to eating lentils in the first stage, then first eat 20/30 lentils. Eat raisins or sweets.

Last Answer : End In the afternoon Girl Of the novel Author Zaheer Raihan .

Description : Will I be able to sleep if I have a strong coffee in the afternoon?

Last Answer : A matter of habit. If I drink in the evening, I go to bed and after 20 minutes I can sleep.